Which of the following statements most accurately defines the difference between Autoplastic and Alloplastic solutions?

Cultural Diversity A Primer For the Human Services by Jerry V. Diller – 
Test Bank 
Sample  Questions

Test Bank

Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services

5th Edition


  1. Which of the following does NOT describe the differences experienced in working with culturally diverse clients?
    1. It is more likely to emotionally impact the provider.
    2. The provider cannot rely on the client to define the process.
    3. The process must continually be adapted.
    4. It is more collaborative.

ANS:          B

REF:           How is Cross-Cultural Helping Different?

  1. Pinderhughes defines which of the following four psychological dynamics that define cross-cultural work and the relationship between the client and the provider?
    1. The psychologies of difference, assimilation, experience and privilege
    2. The psychologies of family, acculturation, ethnicity and power
    3. The psychologies of family, ethnicity, race and power
    4. The psychologies of difference, ethnicity, race and power

ANS:          D

REF:           Conceptualize Cross-Cultural Work

  1. Differences between the client and the practitioner have the potential to:
    1. cause the provider to devalue the client.
    2. cause the patient to resist treatment.
    3. interfere with successful treatment.
    4. all of the above.

ANS:          D

REF:           Conceptualize Cross-Cultural Work

  1. Due to the nature of power and the helping relationship, which of the following is most accurate?
    1. The client will find a sense of power over the provider.
    2. Clients can neutralize their pain.
    3. The client is in a potentially vulnerable position.
    4. The provider may be uncomfortable or anxious about the relationship.

ANS:          C

REF:           Conceptualize Cross-Cultural Work

  1. The ADDRESSING framework is best described as:
    1. a guide for provider self-awareness.
    2. an addendum to the DSM-IV.
    3. a tool for personal data collection for the provider and client.
    4. a guide for assessing a clients’ level of cultural identity development.

ANS:          C

REF:           Hays’s ADDRESSING Framework

  1. Which of the following is an accurate list of the ADDRESSING framework?
    1. Acculturation, Developmental Disabilities, Disabilities acquired later in life, Religion, Ethnic/Racial identity, Socioeconomic status, Sexual orientation, Indigenous heritage, National origin, Gender
    2. Age, Developmental Disabilities, Disabilities acquired later in life, Religion, Ethnic/Racial identity, Socioeconomic status, Sexual orientation, Indigenous heritage, National origin, Gender
    3. Assimilation, Developmental Disabilities, Disabilities acquired later in life, Religion, Ethnic/Racial identity, Socioeconomic status, Sexual orientation, Indigenous heritage, National origin, Generation
    4. Age, Developmental Disabilities, Disabilities acquired later in life, Religion, Experiences, Socioeconomic status, Sexual orientation, Indigenous heritage, National origin, Gender

ANS:          B

REF:           Hays’s ADDRESSING Framework

  1. An example of an important use of ADDRESSING framework data would include:
    1. preparing for the first session with the client.
    2. comparison of provider and client religious and/or cultural backgrounds.
    3. the use of age/date of birth to determine experiences related to significant historical events.
    4. all of the above.

ANS:          C

REF:           Hays’s ADDRESSING Framework

  1. Which of the following would be considered a pitfall in working with culturally diverse clients?
    1. Focusing too heavily on differences
    2. Failing to place cultural factors ahead of human factors
    3. Relying too heavily on clinical concepts and skills, rather than starting from scratch with a cultural lens
    4. Failing to include the family in all sessions with cross-cultural clients

ANS:          A

REF:           Preparing for Cross-Cultural Work

  1. In what way is cultural competency relevant to all clients, regardless of ethnicity?
    1. Northern European values are the foundation from which all culturally competent services are built from.
    2. Every client carries his or her own unique culture; culturally competent providers can provide services that are sensitive to the client’s inner dynamic.
    3. Providing culturally competent services to clients of culture help improve the communities in which non-ethnic clients live.
    4. Culturally competent providers can help White clients address their underlying issues with White privilege.

ANS:          B

REF:           Preparing for Cross-Cultural Work

  1. Which of the following is an example of a question that assesses the cultural dimensions of a problem being presented by a culturally diverse client?
    1. What is the client’s family’s level of acculturation?
    2. Is the behavior considered normal within the culture?
    3. What traditions are still practiced in the home?
    4. All of the above

ANS:          B

REF:           Assessing Culturally Diverse Clients

  1. Which of the following is NOT a component of the “Outline for Cultural Formulation” Appendix of the DSM-IV?
    1. A description of the illness from the DSM-IV
    2. Aspects of self-definition
    3. Stresses and supports
    4. A description of the illness from the within the culture

ANS:          A

REF:           Making Culturally Sensitive DSM-5 Diagnoses

  1. Which of the following is the order in which Hays suggests using DSM and other tools in providing a culturally sensitive diagnosis?
    1. Axis VI, Axis IV, Axis III, ADDRESSING Framework
    2. ADDRESSING Framework, Axis VI
    3. ADDRESSING Framework, Axis VI, Axis IV, Axis III
    4. ADDRESSING Framework and all DSM Axis in order

ANS:          C

REF:           Making Culturally Sensitive DSM-5 Diagnoses

  1. In using Axis I: Clinical Syndromes, what issue should a provider be aware of?
    1. Language used in describing symptoms have little meaning to those not from mainstream cultures.
    2. Descriptions of interaction styles are assumed to be global.
    3. It creates a fuller picture when used with Axis II.
    4. It focuses on psychosocial stressors impacting the client’s life.

ANS:          A

REF:           Making Culturally Sensitive DSM-5 Diagnoses

  1. Which of the following is NOT a goal of the first session?
    1. Gain understanding of the client’s expectations
    2. Reassure the client that his/her goals will be met
    3. Establish good rapport
    4. Ensure an understanding of the client’s problem

ANS:          B

REF:           Establishing Rapport and the First Session

  1. One of the best ways to help the client understand the helping process is to:
    1. ask them what they expect.
    2. explain the process in non-technical terms with specifics about next steps.
    3. ask them to help you learn about their culture.
    4. have the client explain their problem in their own words.

ANS:     B

REF:     Establishing Rapport and the First Session


  1. Cross-cultural helping is described as “experiential, freewheeling, and bilateral.” Explain what this means in relation to the provider and the client’s experience.
  1. Discuss the role of power in the helping relationship.
  1. What are some key ideas to remember in preparing for cross-cultural work?
  1. What issues surface when making culturally sensitive diagnoses using the DSM-5 and what approaches have been used to mitigate them?
  1. What are the four stated goals of the first session with a culturally diverse client? Select two and describe techniques for ensuring those techniques are met.
  1. How does the notion of transference and countertransference differ in working with culturally diverse clients?

Test Bank

Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services

5th Edition


  1. Which of the following is the least accurate description of culture?
    1. Culture is the way people have learned to respond to problems
    2. Culture is passed from generation to generation
    3. Culture is genetically engrained
    4. Culture is the building blocks of human paradigms

ANS:          C

REF:           What is Culture?

  1. Which of the following best describes one of the problems associated with the concept of race:
    1. There are few differences within certain races
    2. Defining race genetically opens the door to arguments about the inferiority of People of Color
    3. Race does not properly describe the cultural values and beliefs of a particular group
    4. None of the above; the concept of race is important in understanding the hereditary history of ethnic groups

ANS:          B

REF:           Culture vs. Race in the Definition of Group Differences

  1. Which of the following dimensions of culture is best described as “the widely held beliefs within a cultural group that guide social interactions.”
    1. Ethos
    2. Ontology
    3. Relational Orientation
    4. Axiology

ANS:          A

REF:           The Dimensions of Culture

  1. The “Psychobehavioral modality” dimension of culture discusses the continuum described as
    1. doing vs. being.
    2. competition vs. cooperation.
    3. cognitive vs. affective.
    4. egalitarian vs. authoritative.

ANS:          A

REF:           The Dimensions of Culture

  1. Which of the following matches the culture with the most accurate assessment of time orientation?
    1. Northern European: Present-orientation
    2. Asian Americans: Future-orientation
    3. African Americans: Past-orientation
    4. Latino/a: Past-orientation

ANS:          D

REF:           Comparing Cultural Paradigms in America

  1. Asian Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, and Latino/a Americans all differ from White, European Americans in all but which of the following cultural paradigms?
    1. People relations
    2. Time orientation
    3. Living in harmony with nature
    4. Work activities

ANS:          D

REF:           Comparing Cultural Paradigms in America

  1. The term pseudoetic is defined as
    1. looking at a culture through indigenous concepts and theories.
    2. viewing culture through concepts and theories external to the culture.
    3. the perception that an approach is universal, regardless of the appropriateness of its application in other cultures.
    4. the application of dominant beliefs and values to another culture, regardless of the appropriateness of its application in other cultures.

ANS:          C

REF:           Are Theories of Helping Culture-Bound?

  1. The expectation of verbal expression and self-disclosure may be experienced by Asian Americans as
    1. suspicious, as White providers are not perceived as trustworthy.
    2. shameful, as modesty and subtleness are held in the highest regard.
    3. insulting, as self-disclosure is reserved for long-standing friends.
    4. freeing, as family constraints stunt their ability to explore emotional material.

ANS:          B

REF:           Key Aspects of the Helping Process

  1. Based on People of Color’s tendency toward concrete advice and immediate solutions, providers should
    1. employ nondirective approaches that help clients become comfortable with long-term goals.
    2. set long-term goals on their client’s behalf.
    3. focus on a directive approach that values short-term goals .
    4. use a direct approach in discussing the reasons behind the client’s short-term orientation, such as differences in time-orientation and their role in the collective.

ANS:          C

REF:           Key Aspects of the Helping Process

  1. Which of the following statements most accurately defines the difference between Autoplastic and Alloplastic solutions?
    1. Alloplastic solutions ask the client to change their environment; Autoplastic solutions ask the client to adapt to their environment.
    2. Alloplastic solutions ask the client to change the dynamic of their family; Autoplastic solutions ask the client to adapt to the dynamic of their family.
    3. Alloplastic solutions ask clients to focus on long-term goals; Autoplastic solutions ask the client to focus on short-term goals.
    4. Alloplastic solutions ask clients to speak out against racism; Autoplastic solutions ask the client to focus on developing resilience to racism.

ANS:          A

REF:           Key Aspects of the Helping Process

  1. Which of the following comparisons represents the most significant difference in the definition of mental health between Northern European and Communities of Color?
    1. Passive acceptance vs. active conflict
    2. Future vs. past-orientation
    3. Harmony vs. disharmony
    4. Individual self vs. extended self

ANS:          B

REF:           Key Aspects of the Helping Process

  1. Which of the following does not describe the structure of the collective personality?
    1. Conflict tends to be intrapsychic, as intrafamilial conflicts are handled collectively.
    2. Energy is directed toward seeking family approval.
    3. The inner psyche is structured around social, rather than unconscious mechanisms.
    4. Psychopathology exhibits itself across interpersonal levels.

ANS:          A

REF:           Collective Personality: The Example of Arabs/Muslims

  1. Sue and Zane suggest which of the two strategies for improving provider credibility?
    1. Ensure provider shares cultural experience within the client’s community and ensure family is present
    2. Ensure problems are understood in terms of the clients cultural perspective and ensure immediate benefit
    3. Ensure family is present in the process and ensure immediate benefit
    4. Ensure long-term goals are not discussed and ensure problems are understood in term of the clients cultural perspective

ANS:          D

REF:           Conflicting Cross-Cultural Service Models

  1. Good psychological nurturance of the individual, engagement with nature, and engaging relationships throughout the life cycle are examples of the characteristics of
    1. civilized cultures.
    2. bi-culture relationships.
    3. primitive cultures.
    4. Asian cultures.

ANS:          C

REF:           Conflicting Cross-Cultural Service Models

  1. Which of the following best illustrates an alternative helping model?
    1. Involvement of the family in counseling sessions
    2. A shift from focusing on long-term goals to short-term results
    3. Integration of traditional healing practices into community-based services
    4. The use of bilingual service providers

ANS:          C

REF:           Adapting Generic Models vs. Evolving Culturally Sensitive Models


  1. What are the primary problems with the concept of race and what are the social and political implications of using race to define and study groups of people?
  1. Using Brown and Landrum-Brown’s dimensions, describe the dimensions across which cultural characteristics are defined.
  1. Select one of the four cultures describe by M. Ho and compare its cultural characteristics to those of Northern European culture in the following dimensions: nature, time orientation, people relations, work and activity, and human nature.   How might these differences manifest themselves in the helping relationship?
  1. Discuss the consequences of the movement from “primitive” to “civilized” culture.
  1. What are the pros and cons of employing an alternative helping model, as opposed to an adaptive or adjusted model?

Test Bank

Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services

5th Edition


  1. Which of the following is not identified as a strength with which African American communities should be built upon?
    1. Kinship bonds
    2. Religion
    3. Empathy
    4. Role Flexibility

ANS:          C

REF:           Family and Cultural Values

  1. Which of the following is not an example of role flexibility in African American families?
    1. Women working outside the home
    2. The parental child
    3. Father figures from extended family
    4. The father as primary male role model

ANS:          D

REF:           Family and Cultural Values

  1. Strong empathy and religious affiliation in African American culture are major factors in
    1. the increase in birthrates.
    2. the development of extended generational parenting systems.
    3. the resistance of dissolution of relationships.
    4. women being perceived as dominant.

ANS:          C

REF:           Family and Cultural Values

  1. The goal of therapy with African American families should be to
    1. assess whether adaptive strategies are overused or distorted.
    2. repair unhealthy adaptive systems such as kinship bonds and role flexibility.
    3. leverage healthy adaptive systems.
    4. all of these

ANS:          D

REF:           Family and Cultural Values

  1. James Jones discusses residual African characteristics in African American communities as
    1. TRIOS: Time, Role Flexibility, Innovation, Oral, Spiritual.
    2. TRIOS: Time, Rhythm, Improvisation, Oral, Spiritual.
    3. TRAIN: Time, Rhythm, Attitude, Improvisation, Nurturing.
    4. TRAIN: Time, Reconciliation, Aptitude, Innovation, Nature.

ANS:          B

REF:           The Interview

  1. Which of the following are not noted examples of African American emphasis on verbal communication?
    1. Capping
    2. Rapping
    3. Chanting
    4. Preaching

ANS:          C

REF:           The Interview

  1. Which period of African American history describes the time during which Africans were taken and transported to slavery in America?
    1. The Slave Passage
    2. The Middle Passage
    3. Pre-enslavement
    4. Enslavement

ANS:          B

REF:           The Interview

  1. Post-enslavement is most appropriately associated with

ANS:          C

REF:           The Interview

  1. Which of the following is an important trust-related issue that keeps African Americans from seeking professional help?
    1. Trust issues are a common symptom of experiencing racisms
    2. A history of unethical psychological testing exists
    3. Trust is not extended beyond family and church
    4. Mistrust about the value of mental health services

ANS:          B

REF:           The Interview

  1. In what is referred to by some as “extreme mundane environmental stress,” African Americans often express the effects of modern day racism as
    1. self-doubt.
    2. all of these

ANS:          C

REF:           The Interview

  1. African Americans often experience issues of identity and belonging because
    1. they are not accepted by dominant culture groups.
    2. they lack positive male role models.
    3. the group to which they belong experiences high levels of poverty.
    4. the group to which they belong is perceived negatively.

ANS:          D

REF:           The Interview

  1. The role of an African American man is particularly difficult because
    1. they are afforded some privilege based on being male.
    2. African American women are elevated above them.
    3. White society fears them.
    4. all of these

ANS:          D

REF:           The Interview

  1. Children of addicted parents are particularly affected by which of the following?
    1. Addicted parents are incapable of passing on cultural knowledge and identity
    2. Children are being raised via intergenerational parenting
    3. Addicted parents pass on underlying issue related to racism and race identity
    4. Adaptive patterns are not present in families with addicted parents

ANS:          A

REF:           The Interview

  1. Being direct with African American clients is well received because
    1. African Americans prefer providers to play an authoritarian role.
    2. being blunt is an important part of African Americans’ oral tradition.
    3. being too “nice” is perceived as inauthentic.
    4. social interaction is not valued in professional relationships in African American culture.

ANS:          C

REF:           The Interview

  1. Which of the following techniques should be used to ensure African American clients do not perceive an “interrogation” during the therapy session?
    1. Ask all questions up front in order to move forward with a collaborative conversation more quickly
    2. Provide an option for a written assessment questionnaire
    3. Have the client tell you their story before asking questions
    4. Bring family into the session for support in answering questions

ANS:          C

REF:           The Interview


  1. What are the adaptive mechanisms African American communities have used to maintain family structures despite hardships?  Select one of these mechanisms and discuss in detail how it has helped the African American family survive.
  1. Discuss the history of naming and self-identification of African American people.
  1. Describe the unique characteristics of the post-enslavement period of African American history.  What were some of the positive outcomes of this period?
  1. What factors keep African Americans from seeing mental health services?  From what other outlets do they seek help?
  1. What role does White privilege play in the African American perspective and in the helping relationship?
  1. Describe how kinship bonds and extended family networks can help African Americans.

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between traditional healers?

1. Which best describes the difference between traditional healers as opposed to Western providers? B. Traditional healing is circular in nature.

What does the term Pseudoetic approach mean?

the term pseudoetic is defined as. the perception that an approach is universal, regardless of the appropriateness of its application in other cultures.

Which of the following terms is defined as taking on the cultural ways of the dominant culture?

assimilation, in anthropology and sociology, the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society.

Which of the following would be considered a pitfall in working with culturally diverse clients?

Which of the following would be considered a pitfall in working with culturally diverse clients? Focusing too heavily on differences.