aylas là gì - Nghĩa của từ aylas

aylas có nghĩa là

Ayla is just one of those girls.. one of those girls who can make you laugh [even when you shouldn't], dance [even when you can't], be a little crazy [even when you're the shyest person in the world] and in all reality, just bring out the best in people.


Ayla... that's what I'm talking about!

aylas có nghĩa là

Ayla is a person who is extremely shy, and feels very self-conscious. Despite her shy attitude, she is the best friend you can have. She will stand by you no matter what happens, but hates to take sides between friends. Ayla's are usually betrayed or used a lot, so they find it hard to trust people, but if they end up cracking a joke, or even having a conversation with you, you might be on their radar for possible friends. They usually have brown hair and hazel brown eyes, and tend to be introverts at heart. Ayla's love anything that has to do with creativity, whether it's writing, or drawing. Ayla's also tend to be very beautiful, but dont notice it or refuse to belive it. Ayla's are also emotionally weak, despite telling everyone they're fine, and hate to cuase problems. No one really notices them as they fly under the radar, but once someone does, they can't forget them. Ayla's tend to fall in love once, and never again. If the person whom they love leaves, Ayla's won't forget them, ever. If you have a friend who is an Ayla, consider yourself extremely lucky, as they are one of a kind.


Person 1: Hey... I haven't seen that girl before... have you?
Person 2: Oh her? I've noticed her around, and when shes around her friends, she always seems pretty cool. I've tried talking to her, but she ignored me....
Person 1: Sounds like an Ayla....

aylas có nghĩa là

The most beautiful girl in the world. She is flexible and sweet. She is on her phone A LOT but can make anyone in a happy mood. When she is in a bad mood DONT MESS WITH HER.


that’s ayla

aylas có nghĩa là

Ayla is beautiful and talented not only is she funny , caring , smart , athletic ,creative and lots more she is the best friend I could ask for . Her smile could turn the worst day into the best and she is an amazing dancer , pinapples are her best friends


Ayla that picture is amazing Ayla your the best

aylas có nghĩa là

An Ayla is a beautiful creature that cares for Friends and Family more than herself. Ayla's are most commonly known for general relatability and reliability. An Ayla is generally nice but can become fierce when annoyed.


"That girl is such an Ayla

aylas có nghĩa là

Ayla is a wonderful friend, very sincere, always there when you need her, and can sometimes be altimeter bit insecure.


If I told you everything I knew about Ayla you would want to be her best friend too.

aylas có nghĩa là

Ayla is a very very kind person she is called by her friends too nice. She is very independent unless she won’t see her friends for a long time then she is very clingy. When you first see her she is super shy and quite but once you get to know her she the craziest person ever! She usually has Beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. She is very pretty but she doesn’t think so she is beyond confident [mean words cant hurt her]. she is very trustworthy and she makes the best friend ever. she will always be there for you even if your not there for her. She doesn’t like a ton of friends and she gets along better with boys then girls. Because of her beauty and personality her friends that are boys will fall hard for her. She will only fall in love with her close friends that are boys. She loves animals and is very careful when caring for an animal. she is a very good baker and chief she likes to make her own Recipes. She loves babies and is a great babysitter. Babies love her.


Have you seen Ayla?
I love Ayla what will I do?
I am going to call Ayla I need a baby sitter.

aylas có nghĩa là

An Ayla is a intelligent, smart, wise, funny, sarcastic, competitive, negative person who will always protect her friends no matter what. She will tell you the truth, even if it hurts. She might come off as boring or uncool but she is much different. She will prevent you from doing stupid things. DO NOT MESS WITH HER OR ANY OF HER FRIENDS OR SHE WILL DESTROY YOU!!!


She is an Ayla, definitely.

aylas có nghĩa là

The most amazing girl you will ever meet she is undeniably gorgeous and has best friends named Brooklyn and Kaitlyn she's usually super nice and if you hurt her or any of her friends she will murder you "Ooofffff she is hottttt"
"She is such an Ayla"


Ayla is my friend

aylas có nghĩa là

Ayla is a nice, funny, smart, and caring girl. She really loves animals and hates when people are mean to others. Also, she is care free and does not care what others think of her. She is not shy. She is very insecure and does not see her true beauty. She also has brown hair and blue eyeshadow.ayla is very beautiful and very popular.she is great in her own way and very creative.


Person 1:man,that girl has a great personality and really hot do you know her name ?
Person 2:no but she is great isn't she.
Person 3:wait! Guys I got her name!
Person 1&2:well what is it!
Person 3:ayla
Person 1,2&3:Ayla *sighs and wishes she was theres*

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