bible basher là gì - Nghĩa của từ bible basher

bible basher có nghĩa là

Not a satanist, and not one who bashes the Bible. A Bible Basher is someone who constantly goes around forcing the word of the bible on everyone else, and claims that everything BUT the Bible is evil. Some Bible Bashers even say music is evil because "in the bible" it says that Lucifer was the conducter of God's Orchestra, and say that Lucifer knows how music works on people so he is "hidden in the music, sending you subliminal messages"

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This Bible Basher lady said to me in person that I was evil because I listen to Cradle of Filth.

bible basher có nghĩa là

A religious person who is obsessivily you could say, and insanely into his or her religion. They tend to 'bash on' about their religion and try to feed it to you. No disrespect to their religious beliefs, but knowing a bible basher can somtimes get sticky. They tend to be very preotective over their religion, and know nearly everything about it. They will argue the point, and during times of bashing, can become quite violent.

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This Bible Basher lady said to me in person that I was evil because I listen to Cradle of Filth.A religious person who is obsessivily you could say, and insanely into his or her religion. They tend to 'bash on' about their religion and try to feed it to you. No disrespect to their religious beliefs, but knowing a bible basher can somtimes get sticky. They tend to be very preotective over their religion, and know nearly everything about it. They will argue the point, and during times of bashing, can become quite violent. Bible Basher:

Little Jonny: What is he talking about Dad? I'm a little scared.

bible basher có nghĩa là

A bible basher is one who lives their life by the bible, and tries to force the bible upon all they meet.

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This Bible Basher lady said to me in person that I was evil because I listen to Cradle of Filth.

bible basher có nghĩa là

A religious person who is obsessivily you could say, and insanely into his or her religion. They tend to 'bash on' about their religion and try to feed it to you. No disrespect to their religious beliefs, but knowing a bible basher can somtimes get sticky. They tend to be very preotective over their religion, and know nearly everything about it. They will argue the point, and during times of bashing, can become quite violent.

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This Bible Basher lady said to me in person that I was evil because I listen to Cradle of Filth.

bible basher có nghĩa là

A religious person who is obsessivily you could say, and insanely into his or her religion. They tend to 'bash on' about their religion and try to feed it to you. No disrespect to their religious beliefs, but knowing a bible basher can somtimes get sticky. They tend to be very preotective over their religion, and know nearly everything about it. They will argue the point, and during times of bashing, can become quite violent. Bible Basher:

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Little Jonny: What is he talking about Dad? I'm a little scared.

Jonny's father: Oh jus ignore him, he's a bible basher.

bible basher có nghĩa là

A bible basher is one who lives their life by the bible, and tries to force the bible upon all they meet. Most americans are bible bashers, especially the president. a group of slang words that relate to Christianity and the bible

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Goshdam, no chance in hell, for Gosh sakes, to hell with it, hallelujah praise the lord, good lord, go to hell, holy Moses, Jesus Crist, good heavens, Crist sakes...etc.=bible basher's slang

bible basher có nghĩa là

some one who has an obsession for the bible.

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A bunch of bible bashers knocked on my door the other day wanting me to become Christian, I told them to piss off.

bible basher có nghĩa là

also wanting to relese their fluid into the holy book, jonny: this is some good bible bashing!!
ryan: hellz yer,you bible basher!

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ryan:poonanny man! In America: One who incessantly criticizes the bible.

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