Bucket list for 50 year old man

50 Things Every Man Should Do: The Ultimate Bucket List

  • Author:
    Jack Archer
  • Updated:
    Sep 14, 2016
    Jun 4, 2014

Here's a whole bunch of things to add to your to-do list. Whether it's jumping out of a moving airplane or writing hand-written letters to those who've made a major impact on your life, most gents will hopefully get inspired by a few of these...

-- Start a business at some point, even if it's just a side gig.

-- Learn to fly an airplane.

-- Coach a youth sport.

-- Own your dream car, pay cash. Debt and payments make something seriously less fun.

-- Buy a plane ticket on the same day it takes off. Go somewhere spontaneous.

-- Buy a nice watch, pass it down to your son when he turns 18.

-- Go to the Super Bowl once.

-- Go to the World Series once.

-- Go to the World Cup once.

-- Learn a martial art.

-- Visit every continent, Antarctica optional.

-- Get a suit custom made for you.

-- Join the mile high club.

-- Write hand-written notes to those who've impacted your life in serious ways.

-- Improve your diet and fitness, get a 6 pack. Keep it for at least a few months.

-- Learn to play an instrument decently well.

-- Learn the ins-and-outs of wine, actually know what you're talking about.

-- Play golf at a legendary course.

-- Build a treehouse for your kids.

-- Attend the Olympic games.

-- Take a bartending class, making a good drink is more impressive than you think.

-- Learn how to ride a motorcycle.

-- Have one hobby that you're known for.

-- Attend a Cirque du Soleil Show.

-- Get a straight razor shave.

-- Go sky diving.

-- Go bungee jumping.

-- Go skinny dipping.

-- Solve a Rubiks Cube.

-- Start collecting something that fascinates you. Coins, antiquates, old baseball cards, art, etc.

-- Visit every stadium in the league of your favorite sport. NFL, MLB, etc.

-- Race a car on a track.

-- Attend the Monaco Grand Prix.

-- Own a boat, entertain with it often.

-- Be a mentor to someone.

-- Get ridiculously good at chess.

-- Learn to cook something incredible, make it your "specialty dish."

-- Write a hand-written love letter to your significant other.

-- Donate anonymously.

-- Come up with an idea for an iPhone app and actually make it.

-- See a blockbuster movie release at a midnight showing on opening day.

-- Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Germany.

-- Quit a job you hate and do something you love.

-- Go to a gun range.

-- Live in a major city for at least a few years.

-- Fly in a private jet without Instagram-ing it.

-- Run a marathon.

-- Go scuba diving in dangerous waters.

-- Own a tuxedo that fits you perfectly and make sure you never grow out of it.

-- Throw a wild party with at least 500 guests.

-- Vacation in a place without internet for at least a week.

-- Leave an obnoxiously nice tip when a server or bartender really impresses you.

-- Travel around the world and see all the major landmarks in person.

Jack Archer

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