Can QuickSort be performed on a linked list?

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Implement quick sort on singly linked list.


  • Worst case time complexity of quick sort is O[n^2] but its rare.
  • Quick sort follows divide and conquer approach.
  • Quick sort is preferred over merge sort as quick sort is an in-place algorithm [meaning, no additional memory space required].
  • Java based un-optimized implementation shown below.
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; /** * Abstract implementation of singly linked list */ public class AbstractSinglyLinkedList { private Node start; public void setStart[Node start] { this.start = start; } /** * Creates string representing the sequence of the content of the list delimite by coma. */ public String createStringRepresentation[Node start]{ Node currentNode = start; StringBuilder toPrint = new StringBuilder[]; while[null != currentNode]{ toPrint.append[currentNode.getValue[] + ","]; currentNode =; } return toPrint.toString[]; } /** * Represents nodes in the linked list. */ protected static class Node{ private int value; private Node next; public Node[int value] { this.value = value; } @Override public boolean equals[Object o] { if [this == o] return true; if [o == null || getClass[] != o.getClass[]] return false; Node node = [Node] o; return value == node.value &&[next,]; } @Override public int hashCode[] { return[value, next]; } public int getValue[] { return value; } Node getNext[] { return next; } public void setNext[Node next] { = next; } } } package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; /** * Quick sort implementation for singly linked list. * Worst case complexity - O[n^2]. Worst case is rare. * Preferred over merge sort as this is in-place sorting [requires no additional memory]. */ public class QuickSortLinkedList extends AbstractSinglyLinkedList { public Node quickSort[Node start, Node end]{ /* Exist condition */ // If the list contains one or less node, return the start node itself. if[null == start || null == start.getNext[] || start == end]{ return start; } /* Partition the list */ // Result contains start/end of left and right segments and the pivot. Node[] result = partition[start, end]; /* Recur the left side */ Node resultLeft = null; //Start of left result. if[null != result[0]] { resultLeft = quickSort[result[0], result[1]]; } /* Recur the right side */ Node resultRight = null; // Start of right result. if[null != result[3]]{ resultRight = quickSort[result[3], result[4]]; } /* Connect the pivot to the start of right segmen */ if[resultRight !=null] { result[2].setNext[resultRight]; } /* Return start of the list */ if[null == resultLeft]{ // If left segment has nothing, return pivot. return result[2]; }else{ // Else return the start of left. return resultLeft; } } /** * Partitioning. *

* Details - Choose the last node as pivot. * Traverse and move the nodes with bigger value than pivot to the right of pivot. *

* @param start * @param end * @return Array of nodes[Start of left, end of left, pivot, start of right, end of right] */ private Node[] partition [Node start, Node end]{ /* Choose a pivot */ // We are not moving pivot but the other nodes. Node pivot = end; /* Define the required pointers */ // Tail points to the end of new list Node tail = end; // Start of newly arranged list Node newStart = null; // Iteration pointers Node current = start; Node previous = null; /* Iterate and move nodes */ // Iterate the original list till the end. boolean isFirstNodeWithoutMove = true; while[null != current && end != current]{ Node next = current.getNext[]; // For nodes with value grater than pivot move to the right of pivot. if[current.getValue[] > pivot.getValue[]]{ // Move the current node to the end of the list. moveNodeToEnd[current, previous, tail]; // Advance tail. tail = tail.getNext[]; }else{ if[isFirstNodeWithoutMove]{ newStart = current; isFirstNodeWithoutMove = false; } // Advance iteration pointers. if[null != previous]{ previous.setNext[current]; } previous = current; } current = next; } /* Prepare result for returning */ Node[] result = new Node[5]; result[0] = newStart; result[1] = previous; result[2] = pivot; result[3] = pivot.getNext[]; result[4] = tail; return result; } private void moveNodeToEnd[Node current, Node previous, Node tail] { if[null != previous]{ previous.setNext[current.getNext[]]; } current.setNext[null]; tail.setNext[current]; } }

Unit test

package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; /** * Unit test for quick sort implementation on linked list. */ public class QuickSortLinkedListTest { @Test public void testQuickSort_case1[] throws Exception { QuickSortLinkedList linkedList = new QuickSortLinkedList[]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node1 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[40]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node2 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[3]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node3 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[10]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node4 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[20]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node5 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[7]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node6 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[4]; node1.setNext[node2]; node2.setNext[node3]; node3.setNext[node4]; node4.setNext[node5]; node5.setNext[node6]; linkedList.setStart[node1]; // Before reversing. System.out.println[linkedList.createStringRepresentation[node1]]; // Find middle element. QuickSortLinkedList.Node result = linkedList.quickSort[node1, node6]; // After reversing. String stringRepresentation = linkedList.createStringRepresentation[result]; System.out.println[stringRepresentation]; assertEquals["3,4,7,10,20,40,", stringRepresentation]; } @Test public void testQuickSort_case2[] throws Exception { QuickSortLinkedList linkedList = new QuickSortLinkedList[]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node1 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[40]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node2 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[30]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node3 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[10]; QuickSortLinkedList.Node node4 = new QuickSortLinkedList.Node[20]; node1.setNext[node2]; node2.setNext[node3]; node3.setNext[node4]; linkedList.setStart[node1]; // Before reversing. System.out.println[linkedList.createStringRepresentation[node1]]; // Find middle element. QuickSortLinkedList.Node result = linkedList.quickSort[node1, node4]; // After reversing. String stringRepresentation = linkedList.createStringRepresentation[result]; System.out.println[stringRepresentation]; assertEquals["10,20,30,40,", stringRepresentation]; } }


  • CPP implementation //
  • Another java based implementation //

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