Checklist example for assessment

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Learner and teacher assessment checklists

An assessment checklist takes each achievement objective [AO], and turns it into one or more learner can do statements. At its simplest it gives an AO as a single learner can do statement, however, it can be more useful to break down the AO into a series of smaller steps that the learner needs to be able to do to meet the AOs.

Teacher Assessment Checklist for teachers.

Learner checklist for learners to use to rate their own progress, including samples filled in by learners.

There is a series of tables here, one for each of levels 1 to 8 of the curriculum. These list learner can do statements for each of the AOs at that level, and across the six modes listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and presenting.

  • Teacher Assessment Checklists [Word, 258 kB]

  • Teacher Assessment Checklists [PDF, 346 kB]

Teachers can cut and paste from these tables into sheets to suit their classes and individual learners. There are sample checklists given for level 1. These have been made by cutting and pasting from the complete table for levels 1 to 8. There is also a sample of a level 1 checklist filled in by a teacher.

  • Example of a teacher assessment checklist [Word, 76 kB]

  • Example of a teacher assessment checklist [PDF, 179 kB]

Ratings for achievement

These have been kept simple to make checking the list straightforward. The teacher writes a 3, 2 or 1 in the column:




not yet achieved
achieved to an adequate standard, but not yet achieved consistently to a high standard
achieved consistently and to a high standard

The 1-2-3 ratings can be explained in more detail by what the teacher writes in the comments column. The teacher can code achievement in more sophisticated ways if desired.

Using and adapting these checklists

The teacher can select from the full table the sections that apply to the learners in their classes and copy those sections into individual checklists. The name of the individual learner can be written at the top of the sheet, and the date that the assessment is carried out should also be written on the checklist. It is also possible to use a single checklist to record progress over time towards achieving an objective by having a series of ratings and date columns.

Teachers can easily create their own assessment checklists

Teachers can create their own versions of checklists to reflect the programmes in their individual classrooms. For example:

  • The teacher could add in items that track achievement in understanding and producing various genre or types of texts, such as reading, interpreting and conveying information from timetables and calendars, or writing a description of a process.
  • Teacher assessment checklists can be constructed to match the goals set by individual learners.
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