Compact-open topology PDF

arXiv:1201.1568v1 [math.GN] 7 Jan 2012

The C-compact-open topology on function spaces

Alexander V. Osipov

Ural Federal University, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the

Russian Academy of Sciences, 16, S.Kovalevskaja street, 620219, Ekaterinburg, Russia


This paper studies the C-compact-open topology on the set C[X] of all real-

valued continuous functions on a Tychonov space Xand compares this topol-

ogy with several well-known and lesser known topologies. We investigate the

properties C-compact-open topology on the set C[X] such as submetrizable,

metrizable, separable and second countability.

Keywords: set-open topology, C-compact subset, compact-open topology,

topological group, submetrizable

2000 MSC: 54C40, 54C35, 54D60, 54H11, 46E10

1. Introduction

The set-open topology on a family λof nonempty subsets of the set X

[the λ-open topology] is a generalization of the compact-open topology and

of the topology of pointwise convergence. This topology was first introduced

by Arens and Dugundji [1].

All sets of the form [F, U ] = {fC[X] : f[F]U}, where Fλand

Uis an open subset of real line R, form a subbase of the λ-open topology.

The topology of uniform convergence is given by a base at each point f

C[X]. This base consists of all sets {gC[X] : sup


|g[x]f[x]|< ε}. The

topology of uniform convergence on elements of a family λ[the λ-topology],

where λis a fixed family of non-empty subsets of the set X, is a natural

generalization of this topology. All sets of the form {gC[X] : sup



Email address: [Alexander V. Osipov]

Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 10, 2012

f[x]|< ε}, where Fλand ε > 0, form a base of the λ-topology at a point


Note that a λ-open topology coincides with a λ-topology, when the family

λconsists of all finite [compact, countable compact, pseudocompact, sequen-

tially compact, C-compact] subsets of X. Therefore C[X] with the topology

of pointwise convergence [compact-open, countable compact-open, sequen-

tially compact-open, pseudocompact-open, C-compact-open topology] is a

locally convex topological vector space.

Moreover, if a λ-open topology coincides with a λ-topology, then λcon-

sists of C-compact subsets of space Xand the space Cλ[X] is a topological

algebra under the usual operations of addition and multiplication [and mul-

tiplication by scalars].

2. Main definitions and notation

In this paper, we consider the space C[X] of all real-valued continuous

functions defined on a Tychonov space X. We denote by λa family of

non-empty subsets of the set X. We use the following notation for various

topological spaces with the underlying set C[X]:

Cλ[X] for the λ-open topology,

Cλ,u[X] for the λ-topology.

The elements of the standard subbases of the λ-open topology and λ-

topology will be denoted as follows:

[F, U ] = {fC[X] : f[F]U},

hf, F, εi={gC[X] : sup


|f[x]g[x]|< ε}, where Fλ,Uis an

open subset of Rand ε > 0.

If Xand Yare any two topological spaces with the same underlying

set, then we use the notation X=Y,X6Y, and X < Y to indicate,

respectively, that Xand Yhave the same topology, that the topology on Y

is finer than or equal to the topology on X, and that the topology on Yis

strictly finer than the topology on X.

The closure of a set Awill be denoted by A; the symbol stands for

the empty set. As usual, f[A] and f1[A] are the image and the complete

preimage of the set Aunder the mapping f, respectively. The constant zero

function defined on Xis denoted by 0, more precisely by 0X. We call it the

constant zero function in C[X].

We denote by Rthe real line with the natural topology.


We recall that a subset of Xthat is the complete preimage of zero for a

certain function from C[X] is called a zero-set. A subset Oof a space Xis

called functionally open [or a cozero-set] if X\Ois a zero-set. A family λ

of non-empty subsets of a topological space [X, τ ] is called a π-network for

Xif for any nonempty open set Uτthere exists Aλsuch that AU.

Let λ={A:Aλ}. Note that the same set-open topology is obtained if

λis replaced by λ. This is because for each fC[X] we have f[A]f[A]

and, hence, f[A] = f[A]. Consequently, Cλ[X] = Cλ[X]. From now on, λ

denotes a family of non-empty closed subsets of the set X.

Throughout this paper, a family λof nonempty subsets of the set Xis a

π-network. This condition is equivalent to the space Cλ[X] being a Hausdorff

space. The set-open topology does not change when λis replaced with the

finite unions of its elements. Therefore we assume that λis closed under

finite unions of its elements.

Recall that a subset Aof a space Xis called C-compact subset Xif, for

any real-valued function fcontinuous on X, the set f[A] is compact in R.

Note [see Theorem 3.9 in [8]] that the set Ais a C-compact subset of X

if and only if every countable functionally open [in X] cover of Ahas a finite


The remaining notation can be found in [2].

3. Topological-algebraic properties of function spaces

Interest in studying the C-compact topology generated by a Theorem

3.3 in [7] which characterizes some topological-algebraic properties of the

set-open topology. It turns out if Cλ[X] is a paratopological group [TVS ,

locally convex TVS] then the family λconsists of C-compact subsets of X.

Given a family λof non-empty subsets of X, let λ[C] = {Aλ: for

every C-compact subset Bof the space Xwith BA, the set [B, U ] is open

in Cλ[X] for any open set Uof the space R}.

Let λmdenote the maximal with respect to inclusion family, provided

that Cλm[X] = Cλ[X]. Note that a family λmis unique for each family λ.

A family λof C-compact subsets of Xis said to be hereditary with respect

to C-compact subsets if it satisfies the following condition: whenever Aλ

and Bis a C-compact [in X] subset of A, then Bλalso.

We look at the properties of the family λwhich imply that the space

Cλ[X] with the set-open topology is a topological algebra under the usual

operations of addition and multiplication [and multiplication by scalars].


The following theorem is a generalization of Theorem 3.3 in [7].

Theorem 3.1. For a space X, the following statements are equivalent.

1. Cλ[X] = Cλ,u[X].

2. Cλ[X]is a paratopological group.

3. Cλ[X]is a topological group.

4. Cλ[X]is a topological vector space.

5. Cλ[X]is a locally convex topological vector space.

6. Cλ[X]is a topological ring.

7. Cλ[X]is a topological algebra.

8. λis a family of C-compact sets and λ=λ[C].

9. λmis a family of C-compact sets and it is hereditary with respect to

C-compact subsets.

Proof. Equivalence of the statements [1], [3], [4], [5] and [8] proved in [7,

Theorem 3.3].

Note that in the proof of Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 in [7] used only the con-

dition that the space Xis a paratopological space. Thus [2][8].

[8][7]. As [8][4], we only need to show that continuous operation

of multiplication. Really, let βbe a neighborhood filter of zero function in

C[X]. Let W= [A, V ]β, where Aλand Vis an open set of the space R.

Then there is an open set V1such that V1V1V. Show that W1= [A, V 1]

such that W1W1W. Indeed W1W1={fg:fW1, g W1}=

{fg:f[A]V1and g[A]V1}. Clearly that f[x]g[x]V1V1for

each xA. Therefore [fg][A]Vand W1W1W.

It remains to prove that if W= [A, V ]βand fC[X] then there is

an open set V10 such that f[A]V1Vand V1f[A]V. Indeed

let g=fhand g1=h1fwhere h, h1W1. Then g[x] = f[x]h[x]

f[A]V1and g1[x] = h1[x]f[x]V1f[A] for each xA. Note that

g[A]Vand g1[A]V.

[8][9]. Since Cλm[X] = Cλ[X] then Cλm[X] is a topological group

and λmis a family of C-compact sets and consequently, λm=λm[C]. But

if the set [B, U] is open in Cλm[X] for any open set Uof the space Rthen


Remaining implications is obviously and follow from Theorem 3.3 in [7]

and the definitions.


4. Comparison of topologies

In this section, we compare the C-compact-open topology with several

well-known and lesser known topologies.

We use the following notations to denote the particular families of C-

compact subsets of X.

F[X] — the collection of all finite subsets of X.

MC[X] — the collection of all metrizable compact subsets of X.

K[X] — the collection of all compact subsets of X.

SC [X] — the collection of all sequential compact subsets of X.

CC[X] — the collection of all countable compact subsets of X.

P S[X] — the collection of all pseudocompact subsets of X.

RC[X] — the collection of all C-compact subsets of X.

Note that F[X]MC[X]K[X]CC [X]P S [X]RC[X]

and MC[X]SC[X]CC[X]. When λ=F[X], MC[X], K[X],

SC [X], CC[X], P S[X] or RC [X], we call the corresponding λ-open topolo-

gies on C[X] point-open, metrizable compact-open, compact-open, sequen-

tial compact-open, countable compact-open, pseudocompact-open and C-

compact-open respectively. The corresponding spaces are denoted by Cp[X],

Ck[X], Cc[X], Csc[X], Ccc [X], Cps[X] and Crc [X] respectively.

For the C-compact-open topology on C[X], we take as subbase, the fam-

ily {[A, V ] : ARC[X], V is open in R}; and we denote the corresponding

space by Crc[X].

We obtain from Theorem 3.1 the following result.

Theorem 4.1. For any space Xand λ∈ {F[X],MC[X],K[X],SC[X],

CC[X],P S [X],RC[X]}, the λ-open topology on C[X]is same as the

topology of uniform convergence on elements of a family λ, that is, Cλ[X] =

Cλ,u[X]. Moreover, Cλ[X]is a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector

space [TVS].

When C[X] is equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on X,

we denote the corresponding space by Cu[X].

Theorem 4.2. For any space X,

Cp[X]Ck[X]Cc[X]Ccc[X]Cps [X]Crc[X]Cu[X]


Ck[X][X]Csc[X]Ccc [X].


Now we determine when these inequalities are equalities and give exam-

ples to illustrate the differences.

Example 4.3. Let Xbe the set of all countable ordinals {α:α < ω1}

equipped with the order topology. The space Xis sequential compact and

collectionwise normal, but not compact. For this space X, we have Csc [X]>


Really, let f=f0and U= [1,1]. Consider the neighborhood [X, U ]

of f. Assume that there are a family of neighborhoods {[Ai, Ui]}n

i=1, where

Ai— compact, and f




[Ai, Ui][X, U ]. Then α < ω1such that

βAiβ < α. Define function g:g[β] = 0 for β6αand g[β] = 1 for

β > α. Then g




[Ai, Ui], but g /[X, U ], a contradiction.

Note that for this space X, we have:

Cp[X]< Ck[X] = Cc[X]< Csc[X] = Ccc[X] = Cps[X] = Cr c[X] =


Example 4.4. Let Y=βNbe Stone-Cˇech compactification of natural num-

bers N. Note that every sequential compact subset of βNis finite. For this

space Y, we have:

Cp[Y] = Ck[Y] = Csc[Y]< Cc[Y] = Ccc [Y] = Cps[Y] = Crc[Y] =


Example 4.5. Let Z=XYwhere Xis the space of Example 4.3 and

Yis the space of Example 4.4. Then the sequential compact-open topology is

incomparable with the compact-open topology on the space C[Z].

Example 4.6. Let X=Icbe the Tychonoff cube of weight c. A space Xis

compact and contains a dense sequential compact subset. Thus, we have:

Cp[X]< Ck[X]< Cc[X] = Csc[X] = Ccc[X] = Cps[X] = Cr c[X] =


Example 4.7. Let X=ω1+ 1 be the set of all ordinals 6ω1equipped with

the order topology. The space Xis compact and sequentially compact but not

metrizable. Then, for space Xwe have:

Cp[X]< Ck[X]< Csc[X] = Cc[X] = Ccc[X] = Cps[X] = Cr c[X] =


The following example is an example of the space in which every sequen-

tially compact and compact subset is finite.


Example 4.8. Let K0=N. By using transfinite induction, we construct

subspace of βN. Suppose that KββNis defined for each β 0. We claim that X=S

n=1 An.


Suppose that x0X\S

n=1 An. So there exists a continuous function

f:X7→ [0,1] such that f[x] = 0 for all xS

n=1 Anand f[x0] = 1.

Since f[x] = 0 for all xAn,f∈ h0, An, εifor all nand hence, f


n=1h0, An, εi={0}. This means f[x] = 0 for all xX. But f[x0] = 1.

Because of this contradiction, we conclude that X is almost σ-C-compact.

[5] [1]. By Theorem 4.10 in [4] and Theorem 5.1.

By Remark [1] [6] [7] [4].

Corollary 5.5. Suppose that Xis almost σ-C-compact. If Kis a subset of

Crc[X], then the following are equivalent.

1. Kis metrizable compact.

2. Kis compact.

3. Kis sequentially compact.

4. Kis countable compact.

5. Kis pseudocompact.

6. Kis C-compact subset of Crc [X].

A space Xis said to be of [pointwise] countable type if each [point]

compact set is contained in a compact set having countable character.

A space Xis a q-space if for each point xX, there exists a sequence

{Un:nN}of neighborhoods of xsuch that if xnUnfor each n, then

{xn:nN}has a cluster point. Another property stronger than being a

q-space is that of being an M-space, which can be characterized as a space

that can be mapped onto a metric space by a quasi-perfect map [a continuous

closed map in which inverse images of points are countably compact]. Both

a space of pointwise countable type and an M-space are q-spaces.

Theorem 5.6. For any space X, the following are equivalent.

1. Crc[X]is metrizable.

2. Crc[X]is of first countable.

3. Crc[X]is of countable type.

4. Crc[X]is of pointwise countable type.

5. Crc[X]has a dense subspace of pointwise countable type.

6. Crc[X]is an M-space.

7. Crc[X]is a q-space.


8. Xis hemi-C-compact; that is, there exists a sequence of C-compact sets

{An}in Xsuch that for any C-compact subset Aof X,AAnholds

for some n.

Proof. From the earlier discussions, we have [1] [3] [4] [7], [1]

[6] [7], and [1] [2] [7].

[4] [5]. It can be easily verified that if Dis a dense subset of a space

Xand Ais a compact subset of D, then Ahas countable character in Dif

and only if Ais of countable character in X. Now since Crc[X] is a locally

convex space, it is homogeneous. If we combine this fact with the previous

observation, we have [4] [5].

[7] [8]. Suppose that Crc [X] is a q-space. Hence, there exists a

sequence {Un:nN}of neighborhoods of the zero-function 0 in Crc[X]

such that if fnUnfor each n, then {fn:nN}has a cluster point in

Crc[X]. Now for each n, there exists a closed C-compact subset Anof X

and ǫn>0 such that 0 ∈ h0, An, ǫni ⊆ Un.

Let Abe a C-compact subset of X. If possible, suppose that Ais not a

subset of Anfor any nN. Then for each nN, there exists anA\An. So

for each nN, there exists a continuous function fn:X7→ [0,1] such that

fn[an] = nand fn[x] = 0 for all xAn. It is clear that fn∈ h0, An, ǫni. But

the sequence {fn}nNdoes not have a cluster point in Crc [X]. If possible,

suppose that this sequence has a cluster point fin Crc[X]. Then for each

kN, there exists a positive integer nk> k such that fnk∈ hf, A, 1i. So

for all kN,f[ank]> fnk[ank]1 = nk1>k. But this means that

fis unbounded on the C-compact set A. So the sequence {fn}nNcannot

have a cluster point in Crc[X] and consequently, Crc[X] fails to be a q-space.

Hence, X must be hemi-C-compact.

[8] [1]. Here we need the well-known result which says that if the

topology of a locally convex Hausdorff space is generated by a countable

family of seminorms, then it is metrizable. Now the locally convex topology

on C[X] generated by the countable family of seminorms {pAn:nN}is

metrizable and weaker than the C-compact-open topology. However, since

for each C-compact set Ain X, there exists Ansuch that AAn, the locally

convex topology generated by the family of seminorms {pA:ARC[X]},

that is, the C-compact-open topology, is weaker than the topology generated

by the family of seminorms {pAn:nN}. Hence, Crc[X] is metrizable.


6. Separable and second countability

Theorem 6.1. For any space Xand λ∈ {MC[X],SC[X],CC[X],P S [X],

RC[X]}, the following are equivalent.

1. Cp[X]is separable.

2. Cc[X]is separable.

3. Xhas a weaker separable metrizable topology.

4. Cλ[X]is separable.

Proof. First, note by Corollary 4.2.2 in [6] that [1], [2], and [3] are equiv-

alent. Also, since Cp[X]6Cλ[X], for λ∈ {MC[X], SC[X], CC [X],

P S[X], RC[X]}, [4] [1].

[3] [4]. If Xhas a weaker separable metrizable topology, then Xis

submetrizable. By Theorem 4.14, Ck[X] = Cc[X] = Csc[X] = Ccc [X] =

Cps[X] = Crc [X]. Since [3] [2], Cλ[X] is separable for each λ

{MC[X], SC[X], CC[X], P S[X], RC[X]}.

Corollary 6.2. If Xis pseudocompact and λ∈ {M C [X], K[X], SC[X],

CC[X], P S [X], RC[X]}, then the following statements are equivalent.

1. Cλ[X] is separable.

2. Cλ[X] has ccc.

3. Xis metrizable.

Proof. [1] [2]. This is immediate.

[2] [3]. By Corollary 4.8 in [7], Xis metrizable.

[3] [1]. If Xis metrizable, then X, being pseudocompact, is also

compact. Hence Xis separable and consequenly by Theorem 6.1, Cλ[X] is


Recall that a family of nonemty open sets in a space Xis called a π-base

for Xif every nonempty open set in Xcontains a member of this family.

The following Theorems are analogues of Theorem 4.6 and Theorem 4.8

in [5].

Theorem 6.3. For a space Xand λ∈ {MC[X],K[X],SC[X],CC[X],

P S[X],RC[X]}, the following statements are equivalent.


1. Cλ[X]contains a dense subspace which has a countable π-base.

2. Cλ[X]has a countable π-base.

3. Cλ[X]is second countable.

4. Xis hemicompact and 0-space.

Theorem 6.4. For a locally compact space Xand λ∈ {MC[X],K[X],

SC [X],CC[X],P S[X],RC [X]}, the following statements are equivalent.

1. Cλ[X]is second countable.

2. Xis hemicompact and submetrizable.

3. Xis Lindel¨of and submetrizable.

4. Xis the union of a countable family of compact metrizable subsets of


5. Xis second countable.


[1] R. Arens, J. Dugundji, Topologies for function spaces, Pacific. J. Math.1,

[1951], 5–31.

[2] R. Engelking, General Topology, PWN, Warsaw, [1977]; Mir, Moscow,


[3] S. Kundu, A.B. Raha, The bounded-open topology and its relatives,

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[4] S. Kundu, P. Garg, The pseudocompact-open topology on C[X], Topol-

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[5] S. Kundu, P. Garg, Countability properties of the pseudocompact-open

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[6] R.A. McCoy, I. Ntantu, Topological Properties of Spaces of Continu-

ous Functions, Lecture Notes in Math., 1315, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,


[7] A.V. Osipov, Topological-algebraic properties of function spaces with

set-open topologies, Topology and its Applications, 159, issue 3, [2012],


[8] A.V. Osipov, The Set-Open topology, Top. Proc. 37 [2011], 205-217.


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