Full stop nghĩa là gì

Full stop nghĩa là gì
Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

"Come to a full stop" có nghĩa là phanh/ dừng lại đột ngột/ kết thúc việc gì đó do khó khăn.

Ví dụ
I always roll through stop signs (biển báo dừng lại quan sát). It's a waste of time to come to a full stop if you can see that nothing is coming.

Just as I was pulling to the side of the road (tấp xe vào lề đường), but before we had come to a full stop, my wife opened the door of the cab and jumped out with our baby in her arms.

It's small size allows it to come to a full stop in about five feet, allowing the company to use lower cost sensors (cảm biến chi phí thấp) like cameras to see ahead and avoid accidents.

This system works together to deliver better reaction time durability (độ bền lâu) and stopping capability. When coming to a full stop from high speeds the 2020 GT-R NISMO was easy to control and quick to stop.

Thu Phương

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