gangstalker là gì - Nghĩa của từ gangstalker

gangstalker có nghĩa là

A gangstalker is a coward who refuses to address his or victim in person, or even by phone or email. The gangstalker uses guerrilla tactics and has a mob-mentality. Most of the time a gangstalker is victimizing someone who he or she has never met, or has possibly met in the distant past [such as during gradeschool or even earlier]. A gangstalker is similar to a gang member, except the gangstalker typically attacks his or her victims online, or by organizing interference at the mall or wherever. A gangstalker may:
-Feel inferior to most human beings and is attempting to make himself or herself feel better by deriding and derailing someone else.
-Be a celebrity flunkee, out to rob material from the victim for the celeb's next album, book, movie or whatever.
-Believe the victim is, or will soon be, posing a threat to their lifestyle [such as a separatist, or a bisexual, or a rich bum].
-Simply be a sadist.
-Be seeking seeking revenge against someone whom they mistakenly associate with their own pain. The gangstalker often commits felonious acts of stalking, mail and wire fraud, computer hacking, gossip and slander, defamation of character, etc. in order to drive the victim into a state of insanity and thus disable him or her and remove them from society. [This technique is also called gaslighting.] Hacking into e-based technology is now the easiest way to flashmob or cause interference against the victim, but other forms of gangstalking do exist.


"Let's get people from ____'s social media page and convert them to our gang..."
"I know a dirty cop, so _____ will get put in the mental institution or the slammer!"
"I is a gangstalker, and proud of dat!"

gangstalker có nghĩa là

Gangstalking appears to be a Government Program/experiment of "in the field" testing of less-lethal chemical, electronic and biological weapons, along with complimentary psychological operations that are imposed on victims and targeted communities in the United States and other countries within the control of certain agencies. The excuse for these assaults/attacks appears to be fighting terrorism. Assaulting innocent people without due process is against the laws of the United States, although the Patriot Act has subverted our rights as US citizens, but I believe that these amended Patriot Act provisions would not stand a legal challenge under lawful conditions.


I became a gangstalking victim as a potential [not actual or ever would be] witness against a narcotics trafficker, sex offender and possible murder, an organised crime person [by their own claims] and made person [by their associates claims] for the largest and richest organised crime group in the US and elsewhere. They could also be a snitch against their own associates/people for some three letter agency, which would explain the government angle to these organised assaults against me. This person "lost it" and launched these attacks/lies out of fear of being outed by me for their crimes and questionable discretions. They feared my credibility, which a private investigator confirmed. The main goal of "Gangstalking" is to discredit the victim and/or to cause the ruination or end of their life, possibly including their death and/or the deaths of others. The bigger the incident [makes the news, although not reported accurately], the more successful the Gangstalking operation is. We all need to come together and stop these directed organised assaults against innocent Americans and all others.

gangstalker có nghĩa là

A follower with low self-esteem and self worth, that exudes homosexual activity along with Bitchness[being a bitch]. By obsessing over another individual with a group of like minded citiZens.


I'm a gangstalker, can we recruit you? -Fuck no faggott as bitch, I'm not worried about what some dude is doing all the time.

gangstalker có nghĩa là

gangstalking is either paranoia or an attempt to make a sane person appear crazy. For instance how do they know that people are telling their boss to fire them or that people are spreading rumours about them when they don't actually hear the rumours from other people but only inside their head. There does seem to be a pattern to what is said and alot of the terminology is the same throughout all the descriptions. I am guessing that some device has been created that allows for audible and visual hallucinations to occur. That or you are really crazy like I am. heh


gangstalking includes rumours but for victims of gangstalkers they never hear the rumours and if you ask the person you think is spreading the rumours they alway say they have no idea what you are talking about even if you heard them specifically say it. I am guessing they are either natural or artifically induced hallucinations.

gangstalker có nghĩa là

a relay type of control system using traumatic and covert means via chemical and ElectroMagnetic military contrived devices [to 300 ft], EM device are platformed from vehicles to ambush targets in parking lots, behind garage doors in suburbs, from apt walls in urban environments. Chemical wanding crews lay a light layer and some caches of chemicals that linger inside porous materials, like drywall, clothing, upholstered furniture. on virtually anything and everything. Medical targeting via various ionizing heads into consultation chairs, exam tables, dental chairs, to full holocausting in psyche consultations from every directions.[cold, and silent]. It is a relay system so target does not realize at all what is really happening. Trifield meters to source pulse frequency devices, and hidden cams to record chemical crews a target would gain evidence and understand how to bring a case into a judicial record.


He spoke against the training of the death squads at the School of the Americas going to El Salvador, gave a donation, and has since been a victim of gangstalking psychological warfare operatives ever since.

gangstalker có nghĩa là

Gangstalking used to be an actual term for group harassment or bullying, but is now used by paranoid cranks to describe 'government' or 'covert operations' that are watching 'Targeted Individuals'. Comparable to COINTELPRO but fake and mostly for far right conspiracy theorists and mentally unwell people. A list of methods found on RationalWiki: remote neural monitoring, microwaves, "psychotronics"[basically a variety of hypothetical electronic weaponry], secret mind control, "remote sexual abuse" surgical insertion of alien implants, HAARP harassment and even reptilian involvement. All this leads to influencing people with legitimate mental conditions like schizophrenia to not taking their medicine because other people online tell them to. Comparable to if not directly tied to InfoWars and other far right outlets and ideas.


Glow in the dark three letter agent 1: "Hey Ron, lets shove some tracking beacons up this paranoid racist grandpas ass." Agent 2: "OK, Billy. Hey, why don't we give him pills to mind control him?" Agent 1: "Great idea!" Grandpa: "They're gangstalking me, TargetedIndividual#32349.. I can't take my pills or the lizard people will continue to control me"

gangstalker có nghĩa là

A lynch mob of civilians using psychological harassment and Non Lethal Chemical and biological weapons to single out one person.


Lots of gangstalkers wearing the same perfume scented drug walk by thier targets,trying to drug a single individual with repeated poisining of the same drug.

gangstalker có nghĩa là

The act of doing illicit drugs and taking to social media to glorify yourself, insult throngs of innocent people and establishments, and make one's self look like a complete ass in the process.


Dat thot ovah der on Facebook b trippin' yo so tell that trick to cut that gangstalk shit out.

gangstalker có nghĩa là

V2k, mark of the beast


Gangstalker Communication

gangstalker có nghĩa là

The act of stalking a gang


Person 1 : Kyle has been stalking that gang all day Person 2 : He's gangstalking

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