How to log off remote desktop

Here’s an easy way to view RDP sessions for other servers from the command line and log them off if you need to. The only requirement for this is that you are a domain admin.

From an elevated command prompt, run the below the command, replacing with the hostname or FQDN of the server you want to view the sessions of.

qwinsta /server:

This will show you a list of all sessions logged into that server.

If you want to logoff one of these sessions, run the below the command replacing with the session ID which you want to logoff, which is shown in the above command.

logoff /server: /v

This will then log off the session.

Hope this helps!

AaronLaynePhillips-7245 asked Jul 7, '21 | DSPatrick answered Jul 15, '21

Hey guys,

I am a Mac user trying to access my work Windows computer from home. I have downloaded MS Remote Desktop on my Mac to do this. I can connect fine to my work computer, but when I do it logs my work computer off. As I am running an analysis on my work computer that I want to be able to check the progress of from home, I need the work computer to continue running without logging off.

Does anyone know how I can get around this issue?

Aaron :]



  • Article
  • 03/22/2021
  • 2 minutes to read

MultiPoint Services users can log on and log off of their desktop sessions as they would with any Windows session. Users can also disconnect or suspend their session so that the MultiPoint Services station is not being used, but their session remains active in the MultiPoint Services system's computer memory.

In addition, administrative users can end a user's session if the user has stepped away from their MultiPoint Services session or has forgotten to log off of the system.

Logging off or disconnecting a session

The following table describes the different options that you or any user can use to log off, suspend, or end a session.

Click Start, click Settings, click the user name [top-right corner], and then click Sign out. The session ends and the station is available for log on by any user.
Click Start, click Settings, click Power, and then click Disconnect. Your session is disconnected and your session is preserved in computer memory. The station becomes available for log on by the same user or a different user.
Click Start, click Settings, click the user name [top-right corner], and then click Lock The station is locked and your session is preserved in computer memory.

Suspending or ending a user's session

The following table describes the different options that you, as an administrative user, can use to disconnect or end a user's session.

Suspend: In MultiPoint Manager, use the Stations tab to suspend the user's session. For more information, see the Suspend and Leave User Session Active topic. The user's session ends and is preserved in computer memory. The station becomes available for log on by the same user or a different user. The user can log on to the same station or another station and continue with their work.
End: In MultiPoint Manager, use the Stations tab to end the user's session. You can also end all user sessions on the Stations tab. For more information, see the End a User Session topic. The user's session ends and the station becomes available for log on by any user. The user's session no longer displays on the Stations tab, and it is not in computer memory.

See Also

Suspend and Leave User Session Active End a User Session Manage User Desktops Log Off User Sessions

It is important that you properly close out of your remote desktop session when accessing SOU's remote desktop environments so that the computing resources you were using can be made available to other people. When people forget to close their session, it causes our remote desktop environments to run more slowly for everyone, so please remember to close your session properly by utilizing either of the two, simple methods explained below.

Do NOT exit your session by selecting Disconnect from the power options or by simply quitting the RDP client running on your local device. That will only disconnect you from the session without closing it. That's fine if you plan to return to your session soon, but until you truly close your session, you will continue to use up resources on the remote server that someone else could be using.

Method 1 - Left-click the Start Menu button and Log Out

Left-click on the Start Menu button, then click on the profile icon that looks like a person, and then click on Sign out.

Method 2 - Right-click the Start Menu button and Log Out

Right-click on the Start Menu button, then hover your mouse over the Shut down or sign out menu, and then select Sign out from the submenu by clicking on it.

The problem with disconnect is it locks my AD account when I change my password. [Do disconnected remote desktop sessions lock accounts?] The remote session only gives me options to "Shutdown", "Restart" and "Disconnect".

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