How to make a playlist for your girlfriend

Tis the season for roadtrips! How many of you guys travel to see family during the holidays? Well, my husband and I travel to Cleveland, which is about 5 hours from Indianapolis, probably 6 times per year. During the holidays, we usually make a trip in November AND December, so that ends up being almost 20 hours total in the car within the course of a month!

Forever ago, Brett and I created a playlist called The Agreement on Spotify. It was basically a playlist of around 40 songs that we could agree on. We have some similar tastes in music, but also some SERIOUS differences. We have played that playlist out. I mean, its boring to us at this point. We now have a new couples playlist that has kind of a different layout, but is still one we have decided to agree upon, in just a different way.

I wanted so badly to say I came up with this idea, but it was more-so Bretts brainchild. Im going to explain how to make the perfect couples playlist for you below!



This one was easy-peasy, because I just said NO SKIPZ BISH and it was all said and done. You could title it something fun like this, or you could go with a cutesy title. Im talking Brett

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