Is it top of mind or front of mind?

Top of Mind Awareness [TOMA]


Top-of-mind awareness [TOMA] is defined as being the first brand that comes to mind when a customer is asked an unprompted question about a category.

The percentage of customers for whom a given brand is top of mind can be measured. In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 50% responded that they found the top-of-mind metric very useful.[1]


Top-of-mind awareness is a way to measure how well brands rank in the minds of consumers [i.e., the salience of the brand].


TOMA is the percentage of respondents who, without prompting, name a specific brand or product first when asked about a general product category.


  1. ^ Farris, Paul W.; Neil T. Bendle; Phillip E. Pfeifer; and David J. Reibstein [2010]. Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance [Second Edition]. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

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