Lỗi correlation inpit range contain non-numberic data năm 2024

It's possible one of the columns [or just a single cell] contains what looks like numbers but in text form. If that's the problem, the fix would be to copy a truly empty cell [no formula, no formatting, no numbers or text -- just a really empty cell], then select all the cells containing what you believe are numbers and doing a right-click | Paste Special... | in the resulting dialog box in the Operation section, select the Add option.

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Hello guys! My name is Lucas Ventura and I'm from Brazil. This is my first post! Well... To fix this problem you must follow these steps:

1]. Select the cells where you will put your data and format them as Number.

2]. When you type your data, don't put this configuration >> 3.6. You must put your number in this way: 3,6. In other words, with comma.

God bless you!

Enjoy it guys!

It's possible one of the columns [or just a single cell] contains what looks like numbers but in text form. If that's the problem, the fix would be to copy a truly empty cell [no formula, no formatting, no numbers or text -- just a really empty cell], then select all the cells containing what you believe are numbers and doing a right-click | Paste Special... | in the resulting dialog box in the Operation section, select the Add option.
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    Hello guys! My name is Lucas Ventura and I'm from Brazil. This is my first post! Well... To fix this problem you must follow these steps:

1]. Select the cells where you will put your data and format them as Number.

2]. When you type your data, don't put this configuration >> 3.6. You must put your number in this way: 3,6. In other words, with comma.

God bless you!

Enjoy it guys!

You are welcome. But, post formatting, that is, after an entry is made, is just for eyes. Excel will keep the original formatting, unless it's really changed for example as described in the tusharm post. Also, a numeric entry like 3,6 [one with comma] is not universal. On a US system, it's rather 3.6 [with a dot].

em đang làm bài này, nhưng gặp phải lỗi này: input range containt non-numeric number. Làm nhức đầu ghê! Bác nào biêt giai thich gium. Dong thoi bac nao biet lam bai nay thi giup gium luon nha! Bài do o cau 2 ah`. thanks trc



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Bác xem thử file đính kèm Khi chọn vùng dữ liệu mà có đính kèm cả tiêu đề, bác nhớ tick vào nút Label để Excel hiểu nó là một tiêu đề

I selected all of the data and then formatted the cells as numbered. And as far as apostrophes go I cant find any. But the problem still persists.


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Reformatting a cell does not change the value in the cell, it merely changes the display of that value. In particular applying a numeric format will not change text into a number. Copy an empty cell, select the input range, and Edit|Paste Special|Add to coerce the values into numbers.

To identify which cell[s] is[are] text, Format|Cells|Alignment|Horizontal|General. Text will be left justified while numbers will be right justified. Alternately COUNT[] only counts numbers.



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If all your data look like numbers and still you have a problem. Excel need to calculate with them to understand that its numbers. Try to write 1 into a cell and Copy-Paste Special and multiply all the data. Then, it should work. Alternatively you can hit F2 in every single cell. Same idea. Gunnar

Mark Lincoln

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Numbers formatted as text have to be converted back to numbers. Create a range of cells in the same shape as the problem data cells, each of which contains a 1. Then Copy this range, select the top-left cell of the problem data range, select Paste Special from the Edit menu, click on the Multiply button in the Operations section of the Paste Special dialog, then click OK. Your numbers will now be treated as numbers by Excel.

Mark Lincoln


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Ok, so I copied and pasted special with a blank box and a bunch of random numbers in my columns went right justified while most stayed left. But that didn't fix anything. Then I tried all of the other suggestions and still nothing it working. I still have random numbers sitting on the right and cant do any data analysis. This is getting frustrating.



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I think you might have space infront or behind some of your data. Use F2 in some of the cells to make sure that there not are any "odd characters" unvisible. You can check this easy also by using =Left[b1,6] where 6 is numbers of characters you want to extract. This formatting problems is very irritating in Excel. Numbers are not always calculatable[if thats a word] even if its seems like it. Good luck G.

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Hi, I am new to this forum and new to the Data Analysis Tool in Excel 2003. I have a file consisting of 11,294 rows of data in 6 columns. 5 of the columns contain text like full name and one column contains SSN that I have converted to the Number format. I am trying to get 114 periodic samples out of this population. When I use the Data Analysis Tool, I put in the input range $a$1:$f$11294, I select periodic and put in 100 for the interval of sampling and I want to put it into my Audit Sample worksheet. Everytime, I do this I get the message: "Sampling - input range contains non-numeric data".

I tried to do the Copy of one and Paste special but I still get the same message. Is this not the correct tool to easily pull out every 100 sample from my file or am I using it incorrectly? Please any help would greatly be appreciated!

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You can check if you include blanki cell in your regression. Delete them is one option

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Also, check to see if any columns or rows are hidden in your ranges. I had forgotten two rows of non-numeric values were hidden on my worksheet.

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I had the same problem and tried to use those solutions and it didn't work...

But THEN I noticed that some rows were hidden and didn't show up on the filters. So I simply eliminated them and then it al worked out.

One way to try to locate those rows is to "attempt" calculations of porcions of the data table. For example, if you can calculate with rows 1 to 100 and with rows 140 to 180, but cant calculate in between 100 to 140, the error is in that span. This way you will spend less time looking for the error.

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