masturbate là gì - Nghĩa của từ masturbate

masturbate có nghĩa là

All the slang words for masturbation: bashing the candle, Bleeding the weasel, bleedin the weed, buffing the banana, bopping the baloney, burping the worm, choking the chicken, cleaning your rifle, corking the bat, cranking the shank, cuffing the carrot, fisting your mister, flogging your dog, floggin the frog, flogging the hog, flogging the log, flute solo, jerkin'the gherkin, looping the mule, manual override, painting the pickle, pocket pinball, pocket pool, polishing the banister, polishing the rocket, pounding your flounder, pumping the python, roping the pony, spanking the monkey, teasing the weasel, tossing the turkey, walking the dog, whipping the willy, wonking your cronker, yanking the crank.


Vote for the clit commander. and may the clit live on

masturbate có nghĩa là

Act people commit when browsing Urban Dictionary


All these definitions make me want to masturbate

masturbate có nghĩa là

What guys do all the time and girls never admit to doing.


Guy: Come on, everyone does it. Don't be ashamed to admit you masturbate.
Girl: Ew gross, I would never touch myself.

masturbate có nghĩa là

To have sexual intercourse alone. Males usually look at porn while doing this. Take 1 hand put it on the shaft of the penis. rub it up and down until it gets at its full potential. slowly increase your speed until you cant stop. it feels so good and no worries about pregnancy im pretty sure everyone does it sometime during every day.[i know i do]after beating it for a minute or a few you will reach the climax and ejaculate all over. the more you do it the farther you will shoot :D then your penis head becomes very sensative after you shot. Then you quickly turn off your porn, put your clothes back on and act like nothing happened. girls on the other hand take more time to do this. they mostly do it when they are away from people for a long enough time. You sit down usually on a comfortable chair or couch and then u stick your middle finger inside your vagina. Or you can take a few fingers and rub the clitoris [most sensative spot] some girls like to get ready for men in their life or just dont want to risk anything so they use a dildo[a plastic penis]Girls can either bend over and give anal masturbation which feels good or stick it the vagina slowly and deep. the girl will have an orgasm and if goes long enough will also jizz [lots more]girls after masturbation feel worn out and will most likely relax for a few minutes maybe rubbing boobs or clit very slowly.


A:I was masturbating beforee i went to bed last night.
B:Me too.
A:Yeah, Who dosn't.

A:I masturbate every time i get 20 minutes alone.
B:I do it with my sister watching.

A:Girl]Yesterday I masturbated for 40 minutes and i stained my couch
B:Boy]Yeah, i was watching through your window.

A:Girl]Wanna come over tonight and masturbate with me?
B:Girl]Yeah, ill bring my dildo.

A:Girl]Aww Yea! Aawwww awww! yea ! ye!
B:Girl]OH yeah u like that? U want it deeper
A:Girl Aww awww!! [orgasm]

masturbate có nghĩa là

To stimulate the genitals for a jolt of pleasure [orgasm].


John wanted to masturbate, so he clicked on the computer in the darkly lit room. He typed “porn hub” into the search bar and took off his jeans. He quickly took off his boxers and let his dick feel the fresh air. He clicked the most popular result and started watching the porn.
He felt his dick harden when he got to the sex. He felt aroused, so he started to wank. It filled him up with pleasure. The head of his dick became covered with precum and he started wanking faster. It felt so good to him. He started to stroke it and rub it. His penis was dripping with precum. He felt his dick become heavy and the head full. The threesome on the screen were arousing John even more. John let out a deep moan of pleasure and a hot stream of jizz sprayed out of his member. Semen covered his lap, as his dick bobbled around to let out a few more spurts of cum. He kept wanking, then his door opened. John was so scared, he almost ripped his dick off.
His dick layed flaccid across his naked legs, then he walked to the bathroom, his legs coated with semen.

masturbate có nghĩa là

when one touches themselves on thier pussy or dick so that they reach a state of pleasure such as an orgasm. pretty much every1 does it even if they're too ashamed to even admit it to themselves. its ok ppl its totally normal!!!!! i do it whenevr i feel horny or if im alone at home! its great!


every1 knows how to orgasm unless they're idiots so i'll just say how i do it. first off im a girl so this is based 4 girls but it works for guys in a diff way i guess if you really need a fast way to masturbate i go on to urban dictionary and find some definitions under sex or horny or sex story. those are all good defs if u know what i mean.... :] then while i read them i usually rub my crotch against my bed for a while untill i feel really wet then when i need it more than anything i take a really firm pillow and put it right by my clit and vag and pump up against it while i read. i reach this awesome feeling and then i stop and take a break for awhile. so thats masturbating folks! mmmmm horny

masturbate có nghĩa là

to rub against your private parts until you cum.


I love to masturbate.i rubbed my pussy hard and imagined riding on top of her hips. licking her breasts and kissing her. I rubbed and rubbed, moaning and sighing. i was so wet and ready to come, masturbating is fun! suddenly my friend burst in and saw me. "what are you doing!?" she cried. "Masturbating, and fantasizing about you."i replied. Then she came over and started rubbing my pussy and then i came all over her hands.

masturbate có nghĩa là

something you do to feel like you are fucking yourself :]


masturbate is pleasure

masturbate có nghĩa là

To sexually pleasure ones self. Masturbate


Oh my god I'm so bored, I may as well masturbate [oh damn I already am]!

masturbate có nghĩa là

stimulate one's own genitals for sexual pleasure.
stimulate the genitals of [someone] to give them sexual pleasure. to make yourself feel so good and tingle-y inside when your bored or horney and when you make yourself feel fucking amazing.. here's an example for girls lay backwards on a bed and spread your legs a little apart.. then put your hands in your pants [if you're wearing them] and open your vagina lips with your index finger and middle finger.. once you've opened your vagina gently move your middle finger around [up and down, side to side, counterclockwise] whatever pleases you most.. rub gently up and down.. now after awhile your pussy will get used to your fingers, now is time for your middle finger to be a little more aggressive.. moving farther down the pussy gives you a tingley-feeling and going in and out of your hole feels really good now if your pretty gentle it might make a squeezing sound of your vagina licquids or cum [this is normal] by now your body is probably movin all around your bed with your finger be used it feels so good.. it helps to close your eyes and moan a little.. spreading your index and ring finger a little further will give you more access to rubbing.... side effects will probably give your pussy a tingle


I love to make myself feel pleasure.. it's called to masturbate

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