Reassured là gì

  • Từ Điển
  • Từ Điển Anh - Việt

Reassure là gì? Từ “reassure” trong Tiếng Việt nghĩa là gì? Bạn đang cần tra cứu nghĩa của từ “reassure” trong Từ Điển Anh - Việt cùng với các mẫu câu tiêu biểu có chứa từ “reassure” như thế nào. Tất cả sẽ có trong nội dung bài viết này.

Nghĩa của từ reassure trong Tiếng Việt

@reassure /,ri:ə'ʃuə/
* ngoại động từ
- cam đoan một lần nữa, đoan chắc một lần nữa
- bảo hiểm lại
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-người tái bảo hiểm
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-trấn an

Nghe phát âm từ “reassure”

Các từ liên quan khác

  • reassume
  • reassurance
  • reassured
  • reassured [the...]
  • reassurer
  • reassuring
  • reattatch
  • reattempt
  • reaumur temperature scale
  • Reaumur thermometer

Đặt câu với từ reassure

Danh sách các mẫu câu song ngữ hay nhất có từ reassure trong

Từ Điển Anh - Việt

mà chúng tôi tổng hợp gửi tới để các bạn tham khảo. Hy vọng các bạn sẽ tìm được những câu ưng ý nhất cho mình.

  • You trying to reassure me or yourself?
  • ➥ Anh đang cố trấn an tôi hay chính bản thân mình?
  • The clergy's message was designed to reassure and encourage the Crusaders.
  • ➥ Thông điệp của các giáo sĩ được viết ra để trấn an và động viên quân Thập tự chinh.
  • I used the money to pay off some old debts which, if anything, should reassure you.
  • ➥ Tôi đã dùng tiền để trả một số nợ cũ nếu tôi có thể kiếm thứ gì để bồi hoàn lại cho anh.
  • Reassure your child that he or she is well on the way to using the potty like a big kid .
  • ➥ Hãy chắc chắn với bé rằng chúng sẽ ngồi bô tốt giống như một trẻ lớn vậy thôi mà .
  • [Mark 14:72] On the day of His resurrection, Jesus appeared to Peter, likely to comfort and reassure the apostle.
  • ➥ Sứ đồ này đã “bật khóc nức nở” [Mác 14:72].
  • In Oslo, doctors are examining the hymens of young girls to reassure parents that their children are not ruined.
  • ➥ Tại Oslo, các bác sĩ kiểm tra màng trinh của cô gái trẻ để trấn an cha mẹ rằng con cái họ không bị hủy hoại.
  • Antonio comes by to reassure Cleo, who is now in the delivery room, but makes an excuse to avoid staying.
  • ➥ Antonio đến để trấn an Cleo, người hiện đang ở trong phòng sinh, nhưng kiếm cớ để tránh ở lại.
  • In those moments, the Lord, like Sandra’s father, chose not to berate me but instead to reassure: “It’s not too late, my daughter.
  • ➥ Trong những giây lát đó, Chúa, cũng giống như cha của Sandra, đã chọn không khiển trách tôi mà thay vì thế trấn an: “Con gái của cha ơi, không phải là quá muộn đâu con.

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reassured", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reassured, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reassured trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Teachers reassured anxious parents.

2. She was feeling sleepy and reassured.

3. Paradoxically, that very thought reassured him.

4. The doctor reassured the old lady.

5. Kate nodded, but she didn't feel reassured.

6. 15 The firmness of his handshake reassured me.

7. 5 Paradoxically, that very thought reassured him.

8. He was reassured by the man's friendship.

9. The firmness of his handshake reassured me.

10. A squeeze of her hand reassured him.

11. Most people are reassured in the coronary care unit.

12. Officials reassured callers who were worried about the fires.

13. His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals.

14. His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew.

15. She just reassured me that everything was fine.

16. The police reassured her about her child's safety.

17. The teacher's calmness during the storm reassured the children.

18. And, in some small way, was reassured by it.

19. He reassured her with a pat on the arm.

20. The performers were reassured by the balm of warm applause.

21. You needed to be reassured of my love for you.

22. The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong.

23. She needed to be reassured of his love for her.

24. Sanders reassured nervous students that loans would be available this fall.

25. 11] I feel much more reassured when I've been for a health check.

26. When the child was afraid in the storm, his parents reassured him.

27. A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked.

28. I feel much more reassured when I've been for a health check.

29. Hurstwood, when he met her as agreed, reassured her on this score.

30. Franco was irritated by the Tripartite Note but, ultimately, it reassured him.

31. 'No one can ever take your spirit away from you,' my mother reassured me.

32. They felt reassured when all they found were dying amphibians, reptiles and crustacea.

33. 30 A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked.

34. Reassured, the Senate passed the treaty by a vote of eighty-two to one.

35. It also reassured them that their parents loved them and cared about their wellbeing.

36. We are reassured that summer still exists by a perfect day at Camber Sands.

37. Minutes later, as child and vet reassured the stricken beast , the hypodermic found its mark.

38. If Jacob is reassured by the vision at Mahanaim, then the effects soon wear off.

39. He reassured the trapped deputies and climbed up the briar-covered embankment to get help.

40. Patients should be reassured if they have received albumin treatment and recovered from their illness.

41. The deficit was financed through tesobonos a type of public debt instrument that reassured payment in dollars.

42. They reassured her that she looked beautiful, and she knew they had bought the dress for her.

43. Once rescued, Eric dried out in an old sweater, and was reassured by owner Stephanie Webb.

44. 24 If Jacob is reassured by the vision at Mahanaim, then the effects soon wear off.

45. 15 These two remarkable instructions that Ezekiel received about the land and its people must have reassured the exiles.

46. I have been reassured on countless occasions that a hypnotist can not make me do anything against my will.

47. In response, the Administrator reassured the Executive Board that regionalization efforts by UNDP were not jeopardizing centralized management

48. 26 The family could see it was a classical case of the " thunderbolt " and they were reassured.

49. He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him.

50. I felt calm and reassured even before we rode into the morning full of warmth and splendor.

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