Reflective listening example

If youve been to a play, then you know that switching off your phone is a must. Oftentimes, flash photography is banned as well. These basic guidelines help the performers stay focused and be in character. Similarly, in meetings and conferences, we often request people to put their gadgets away. It helps the speaker feel at ease and communicate effectively with their audience.

Another method that helps speakers feel confident about their delivery isreflective listening. You may not realize it but we engage inreflective listeningquite often. Read on to learn more about differentreflective listening skillsand techniques.

Meaning Of Reflective Listening

Before we fast forward toreflective listening, lets first understand what reflecting means. It refers to the process of paraphrasing and restating both words and feelings of a speaker. Reflecting serves three primary purposes:

  • Allows speakers to focus on what they are saying and feeling

  • Encourages speakers to continue talking

  • Shows speakers that youre understanding what theyre trying to convey and youre seeing the world as theyre seeing it

In a nutshell,reflective listeningmeans focusing completely on someones words and cues. Not only do you pay attention to whats being spoken, you consider the body language and emotions of the speaker. The process includes empathy, rapport-building and making someone feel heard and seen. Youre not there to offer anything, simply to listen. Lets look at these commonexamples of reflective listeningto understand the concept better.

  • When someone delivers a business presentation or a seminar, you put your phone on silent; you maintain eye contact and nod your head to show that youre listening

  • During feedback sessions, you listen to what your manager or coworker has to say; you dont intervene, you let them have the stage

  • When disagreements arise, effective communicators listen more than they speak; they avoid using emotionally charged words and approach the situation objectively

Why Develop Reflective Listening Skills?

Reflective listening skillsare beneficial for several situations. In social situations, it can help individuals feel safe in your presence. Especially in the workplace, excellent communication skills are instrumental in problem-solving, conflict management and having difficult conversations. Some of the other benefits include

  • It helps the speaker feel valued, cared for and supported

  • It helps you stay focused and pay attention to the finer details of the conversation

  • It allows you to avoid the illusion of understanding and listen actively

  • It helps you identify the issue or problem raised and clarify what youre supposed to do

  • It helps the speaker think clearly and articulate their positions efficiently

Using Reflective Listening Techniques

The goal of reflective listening is to increase mutual understanding. Consider these two techniques while working on yourreflective listening skills.

A simple process, mirroring involves repeating almost exactly what a speaker says. It shows that youre trying to understand the speaker and it also acts as a prompt to continue speaking. However, dont mirror someone excessively as it ruins the natural flow of a conversation.

This technique not only shows that youre listening to the speaker but also shows youre attempting to understand them. When you summarize conversations, it helps others feel heard and valued.

Practicing Reflective Listening Techniques

Reflective listeningsounds like a simple activity but it takes practice and skill to master. Here are some simple yet effective practices to follow.

  • Listen more than you talk

  • Allow speakers to complete their train of thoughts without interrupting

  • Try to actively remember important facts of points raised by the speaker

  • Note down any relevant detailsit helps to pay attention as well as in recalling important information later

  • Even if the speaker raises any points that dont align with your thoughts and perceptions, keep an open mind and respond with empathy and acceptance


Reflection in communication is crucial and its an important interpersonal skill. HarappasListening Actively course will teach you how to overcome different barriers of listening and pay attention to others. The EAR of Listening framework will guide you in developing empathy, authenticity and respect while communicating. The Listening Climate framework will equip you with the best practices for improving your listening skills. Enhance your communication skills and connect with your coworkers like never before!

Explore topics such asActive Listening,Types of Listening, What isEmpathic Listening, Understanding theListening Process&Listening Barriersfrom Harappa Diaries and develop skills to become a better listener.

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