For GPU-intensive applications, such as AutoCAD, users may be able to get better performance by launching the app using the Windows Native player instead of the HTML5 player. Please see this article on how to access apps using the Native player:

The below article is outdated, and is being stored for historical purposes. The Windows Native player automatically contains all of these optimizations (and more), so is now the preferred method for running GPU-intensive applications until the HTML5 player is updated with these optimizations.

1.Open 'Group Policy MMC Snap in', using Start->Run->gpedit.msc

Remote Desktop graphics settings

2. Navigate to 'Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->Remote Desktop Services->Remote Desktop Session Host->Remote Session Environment' (see the below figure) 

Now enable the settings, rectangle in red in the below figure. Configure the settings as below.

Limit maximum color depth = 15bitEnforce Removal of Remote Desktop wallpaper = trueOptimize Visual Experience when using RemoteFx = (Screen Capture Rate: Lowest + Image Quality: Lowest)Set Compression Algorithm for RDP data = optimized to use less network bandwidthOptimize Visual Experience for Remote Desktop Service Sessions = (Visual Experience = Text)

Configure Image Quality For RemoteFx Adaptive Graphics = Medium