Sách mềm tiếng Anh lớp 4 Tập 2 Unit 13 Lesson 3

4. Listen and number.

  • Tell the class that they are going to listen to four dialogues about people’s favourite food and drink and number the pictures.
  • Give pupils a few seconds to look at the pictures. Ask them to say the food and drink aloud.
  • Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for pupils to listen and number the pictures.
  • Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

       Key:    a 3         b 1         c 2         d 4

      Audio script

       1. A:    What’s your favourite food?

           B:    It’s fish. With rice. Do you like fish?

           A:    Yes. I like it very much.

           B:    Me too.

       2. A:    Would you like some milk?

           B:    No, thanks.

           A:    How about lemonade?

           B:   Yes, please. I love lemonade. And some water, please.

           A:   OK.

        3. A:    Would you like some noodles?

            B:    No, thanks.

            A:   How about some  rice?

           B:   Yes. Rice with beef, please.

         4. A:    What’s your favourite drink?

             B:   It’s orange juice. Oh, and I like lemonade too.

             A:    Me too. I love orange juice and lemonade.

2 Listen and write.

Sách mềm tiếng Anh lớp 4 Tập 2 Unit 13 Lesson 3
Sách mềm tiếng Anh lớp 4 Tập 2 Unit 13 Lesson 3

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