seans là gì - Nghĩa của từ seans

seans có nghĩa là

Seans may seem shy at first, but they'll turn out to be some of the smartest, nicest, most amazing guys you'll ever meet. They've got their own problems, but still put their friends first. Maybe the only bad thing about them is that they can be too selfless, letting themselves get walked over. Do not take these guys for granted.


Person 1 - "Where's Sean?"
Person 2 - "He's helping Sarah's kid finish his school project."
Person 1 - "He trying to get in her pants?"
Person 2 - "No, he's just a genuine Sean."

seans có nghĩa là

Sean is the most amazing boyfriend alive. He will fulfill your every desire, wish and command. He is extremely loving, sweet, sensible, gentle [but rough when it matters]. He is the best baller player, comparable to Pascal Siakam. He is crazy hot, cute, sweet and honestly so drop dead sexy!!!¡¡ Sean loves dogs, food and loves to poop A LOT!!! His rapping skills are undeniably amazing and he is beyond talented in basically EVERYTHING!!!! Most likely to be good at most sports and is SO good with kids!!
If you have a Sean, KEEP him!!!!! He is the most special goodest boy ever!! He will treat you like a queen/princess and shower you with love and affection and care for you like no other. Sean is a BIG keeper and he will never fail to make you smile and feel warm and bubbly all over!


Sean is so fcking sexy!!! Sean has a HUGE DICK
SEAN is hubby material

seans có nghĩa là

A guy that is amazing, funny, and has a lust for adventure. Oh yep, and his dick is so long it drags on the ground.


Man , that guy is so awesome, I'll bet his name is Sean!

seans có nghĩa là

Sean[s] are the best people in the world. They are funny but can be a pain sometimes. Sean[s] are the funniest people in the world and as a bonus they usually have a big penis! He is hilarious , tall, and handsome. He is also excellent at a sport or two and loving.


Sean is my best friend and I always look to him when I am having a bad day and need a laugh.

seans có nghĩa là



"Hi, I am Sean."

seans có nghĩa là

When one tries to put a 7/16" bolt through a 7/16" hole, or any other combination when a bolt or rod of Diameter A is attempted to insert into a hole of Diameter A.


This shit won't fit together, all of the holes are Seaned.

seans có nghĩa là

Sean is the most incredible guy you'll ever meet. He's kind, compassionate, loving, understanding, and will always respect you and your boundaries. He's also clever and funny and will always make you happy. He'll become friends with your siblings and take you on the best dates. He's got gorgeous eyes, adorable curly hair, a hot body and an amazing voice. He's a perfect boyfriend, he'll always make time for you and tell you just how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are in his eyes. Sean will always be there for you and help you work through your pain and hurt and will always make you feel better in the end. He'll make you feel so beautiful and so loved and safe that you'll forget anyone else exists. :] He's been through some really tough things in life but he hasn't let it harden his heart and you'll end up wanting to protect him and love him forever. Make sure if you have a Sean of your own that you hold him tight and don't let him go. Make sure he knows just how much he means to you and how happy he makes you. Be gentle with him and love him like he's never been loved before :]


"Sean is the best thing that has ever happened to me"

seans có nghĩa là

Sean is the most amazing guy you could ever meet. You could talk to him about anything in the world. He is so smart and understanding and always says the right things. As the days go on, you learn more and more about Sean and see just how amazing he really is. He is so romantic but only you know that. His past has been full of sadness, but he is still the best person out there. His voice is soothing and just being able to lay on him and listen to his heartbeat is enough to make you the happiest person In the world. You don't need any gifts from him.. All you need is him there with you to hold you. When he says "I love you", your heart races. He is the kindest and most caring guy in the world. He does upset people sometimes, but it's not his fault. Seeing him with other girls that like him or previously did can make you sad because he's so amazing and you're nothing [which isn't true you're amazing]. Your trust with him will build up so high and you can tell him things you could never tell anyone. He is all around perfect although he doesn't see it. When he looks at you, time stops . His jokes are cheesy but funny. Words may not be spoken, but it's enough just to be with him. All you want in the world is to make him understand how amazing he really is.


"I just started dating this guy, his name is Sean and he's incredible. " " He's so tall and handsome, he looks like a Sean."

seans có nghĩa là

/Shawn/ is the most enigmatic breed of human discovered to date. They are athletic, elusive, curious, handsome, magnanimous, and humble. Also known as God's gift, if you know one, he has undoubtedly touched your heart and life with his magik. Seans soul shines, illuminating even the darkest of places, bringing truth, clarity and security. His eyes are kind and his soul beautiful. Seans love is unlike any other. Be grateful for knowing him. Grace of God, Gentleman, Gift, Lover


I want a Sean in my life, forever.

seans có nghĩa là

Sean is the definition of loyal. He's introverted, not shy, so he might be quiet but not out of fear. Seans fear nothing. Seans are usually tall, dark, and handsome. They are sometimes brooding and mysterious. What's most impressive is how well they know their way around a darkened bedroom. So watch out!! Because he's at your bedside! And he knows every note to the song your heart craves. And when you fall in love with a Sean, you will have every part of Sean. Not just a little bit of Sean. But every loving, loyal, patient, and committed piece a Sean has to offer.


That's one tall mofo. Must be a Sean. Have you seen Sean? Must be changing a lightbulb or reaching the top shelf somewhere. Sean! Can you reach this can of tuna for me?

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