sirius blacks là gì - Nghĩa của từ sirius blacks

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

Two words: flying motorbike. Two more words: damn sexy.


sirius blacks có nghĩa là

AKA: Padfoot or Snuffles

Harry Potter's presumed dead God-father/doggy. One time best friend of James Potter and Remus Lupin, "killed" at the hands of one evil bitch of a cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. Also, hands off, as he is betrothed to the aforementioned Remus Lupin.


"Hello, I'm Sirius Black, the sexiest thing to come out of Hogwarts!"

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

Very VERY good looking friend of James Potter. He was originally James and Lily's scecret keeper, got dropped at the last minute, got framed for a bunch of murders, got sent to Azkaban, did the impossible and escaped, stalked his godson, Harry Potter, and bought him a really nice broomstick. Throughout all of this, he lost his hot-ness. So sad. Some people think he is dead, and I respect their opinion but they are wrong. He only fell behind the curtain thing-y. Note: A character is never dead unless you personally watch the breath of life leaving their body.


James - "Shut it, Sirius! I'm trying to be serious!"
Sirius - "You can't be serious, I'm Sirius!"
James - "Sirius, seriously, that joke is really old."
Sirius - "Seriously?"

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

The most gorgeous man to ever grace Hogwarts with his presence. Sirius has been turned into a bisexual Man-whore by fanfiction authors [including myself] who has been romantically involved with Harry, Hermione, Snape, Remus Lupin, James Potter, and just about everyone else. Not that I'm complaining or anything...


The Sexy Marauder
Hot Bishie
Lupin's Bitch


Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are FINALLY getting married. It's about damn time...

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

An amazingly sexy Marauder, who is also known as Padfoot. Even in death he is much sexier than you.
You disagree? Two words mate. Flying. Motorbike. I would.


Sirius Black, the most perfect fictional male character ever created.

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

Sezzy. Hot. Harry's Godfather. Is not dead but you go 'head and keep thinkin' that. Did I mention he's effing sexy?


Sirius is alive, dammit! Alive, well, and sexy too!

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

Sirius Black is the third member of the infamous, playful group called the "Marauders" [according to the popular term 'MWPP']. He, along with James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, and many more people went to Hogwarts, a school located in Scotland. He served as Best Man to James Potter's wedding [who married Lily Evans, incidentally] after Hogwarts. As well, he was wrongly accused for the murder of twelve Muggles and one wizard. He was also thought to have betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, a Dark Wizard. As a result, he was sentenced to Azkaban, a wizarding prison. He broke out twelve years later, in his godson's third year at Hogwarts. Along with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Remus Lupin, he attempted to procure Peter Pettigrew, the man who framed Sirius for the aforementioned crimes. However, the full moon came, and sent Remus Lupin, a werewolf, into a frenzy. Peter Pettigrew got away, as a result, by changing into a rat. Sirius Black was then recaptured, and he nearly had his soul sucked out by a dementor. He was saved, though; he then flew away on a Hippogriff.

For the next two years, Sirius remained in hiding. He served as a confidant to his godson, Harry Potter, through letters and secret meetings. In Harry's fifth year, however, Sirius went to save Harry in a battle against Voldemort and some of his Death Eaters. Bellatrix Lestrange, a cousin of Sirius's as well as a Death Eater, sent a spell towards Sirius. As a result, he fell beyond a dark veil, where he is presumed to be dead.


Sirius Black turned around at stared at him. He could not believe his eyes.
"I trusted you," he stuttered.
The man laughed bitterly. "You were always dim-witted, Sirius."

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

Sexiest book character in the world. Ever. Sirius, aka Padfoot, and Snuffles, is Harry Potter godfather who got sent to Azkaban for a crime he did not commit. Before this, he was the hottest damn thing ever to walk the halls of Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry. He is not officially gay but according to a large portion of the Harry Potter fandom, he is Remus Lupin's bitch. Which is so not a problem. Sirius Black is the only fictional character that is sexy enough to fan-girl over.


Damn Remus, look at Sirius Black over there! He's not wearing a shirt.

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

Godfather of Harry James Potter, who is not dead, and will live on in the memories of his fan-girls [me] forever!

Attened Hogwarts for 7 years, was part of the infamous group of pranksters' known as the 'Marauders', Remus Lupin[Moony], Peter Pettigrew [wormtail], himself, and James Potter [Prongs]. He was framed by Peter Pettigrew after the deaths of Lily and James Potter, and sent to Azkaban prision for 12 years before he escaped! Something one had ever done before.

Sirius is also an animagi, he transforms into a large, black, bear-like dog. Known as Padfoot, and/or Snuffles.

He was a fan-damn-tastic [straight] hottie.


Snape's worst memory: "With another shock of excitement, Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James's nor Harry's could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully though he didn't seem to have noticed." [Harry was watching Sirius Black and James Potter durning they're O.W.L. exams]

Dumbledore: "Sirius was a brave, clever, and energetic man, and such men are not usually content to sit at home in hiding while they believe others to be in danger."

sirius blacks có nghĩa là

The deep, dark depression one sinks into upon finishing the fifth Harry Potter book. The mood is characterized by a feeling of intense loss, loneliness, and hopelessness. Essentially, there is a deep black chasm somewhere near the heart.


Concerned Friend: What's wrong with Ted? Has he been crying?!
Wise Friend: He's fell into Sirius Blackness. I'll give him some chocolate.

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