target là gì - Nghĩa của từ target

target có nghĩa là

A store that prides itself on working people to death. Clock in at Target and you have no idea when you're actually getting off, scheduled hours mean nothing. They have a bizarre alphabet-soup way of describing everyone's position that no one understands, and everyone in management is called some kind of "leader".


Yes, my leader! Yavohl, mein leader! Twenty people clocked in at Target last week and were never seen again, prolly still on shift cause the go-backs aren't finished.

target có nghĩa là

though its been said: target is for people who wouldn't be caught dead at wal-mart.


target and wal-mart both suck.

target có nghĩa là

Target is what Wal*Mart would be if it were run by Stalin. There's always at least 4 undercover security guards leering over you in aisles with items over 10 dollars in them. They might be inconspicuous if it weren't for the walky-talkies on their belts and the fact that they're in the store all day. The entrance is also manned by a 200 pound security guard in full uniform who looks more like someone from the National Guard, staring at all passers-by with arms folded and a tough-guy scowl. This gives Target a less friendly image than Wal*mart and is therefore a bit less popular, though the usefulness of such security makes up for what Wal*Mart loses from shoplifting and paying for the medical bills of the 90 year-old lady by the door whose hip was broken by teenagers trying to make off with a DVD player and a paintball gun.


The difference between Wal*Mart and Target is that you'll barely ever see any punk kids hanging out in front of a Target, because they get roughed up.

target có nghĩa là

Target is store where if you last the first 90 days, you'll be stuck there for years. They will shaft you for money every chance they get, they will dock your base rate if you transfer, they will fuck up your check and not tell you, and when you want to get the money back, its to late. and don't look to the HR to get it back either. They work for the company and tell you they cannot do anything about it [which is a lie].


I worked at target for 5yrs and now I have a herniated disk. but Im a level one so my crappy insurance wont cover shit. Fuck you Becky at 1194 you two faced droppy dog lookin beoch. You will die miserable and pitiful. YA thats right wig hairs.

target có nghĩa là

Target has High Quality items for th customers, but its Hell for the employees. Now they have this fricken machine there that a customer or "guest" presses and it pages you and you have to be there in 30 seconds. I was on lunch break and I went to subway to eat and they paged me and I didn't make it back in time and so they give you this little red target post it thing that says what we need to improve on. i aldso got 10 bucks off my paycheck for that. As soon as Im done savng 1000 Im getting out of that hell hole.


Oh wow now I work at target. Goody goody.

target có nghĩa là

Target is basically like walmart only its slightly upscale. They have stupid names for employees such as team members, lods, tlods, gstls, tps and ap. What the fuck is up with that. At most jobs these people are called employees, managers, assistant managers and security guards. This is just plain stupid. Red and khaki are probably the worst colors to wear. And whats with the tucking in of the shirts. Damn I hate tucking in my shirtT. Thanks ROB. And its only the guys that have to do it. I think its because target is sexist or something. Another thing with names is that we have to call our customers guests. What the fuck they are not staying here like in a hotel. Zoning is probably the most useless thing I have ever done. As soon as i zone an aisle some little kid comes by and fucks it up. Damn. I hate the fucking 90 day return policy it sux. And most of the LODs and TLODs are jackasses. Not all of them, but most. Target does suck.


Team member: "Jeff can I go on my break?"
Jeff: "How many red cards have you gotten today?"
Team member: "None."
Jeff: "Well didn't I give you the Mr. Potatoe Head doll?"
Team member: "Yes. But I blew it up."
Jeff: "How could you it was my love?"
Team member: "Why don't you go get it, you no side burn, unibrow, freak."
Jeff: "Hey thats not nice."
Team member: "Fuck you. COHEED RULES."

target có nghĩa là

Department store like wal-mart only the target employees wear red shirts and kaki pants instead of blue shirts. Your job gets changed everyday and you have to stay longer than your scheduled. Its a place where store managers and lods stare at you when your doing something wrong and then tell your team lead what you did wrong. Then the team lead comes to you and tells you. It just plain stupid. Stupid ass days such as green shirt day and birthday cake day. Stupid ass tuck your shirt in rules. It sux.


LOD "Hey guys try to get all the reshop done by 11 so that I can go home."
Employee "Sure can I go on my 15 now."
LOD "No, you didn't finish the reshop."
Employee "SHit."

target có nghĩa là

Target is a place where the LODS dont care about team members and fire you for no apparent reason other than listening to rumors that are not true and if you dont obey their every command shame on you!! they promise you hours then screw with your schedule and write you up for talking too much on the walkie? wow also the cafe/pizza hut express is a joke all departments keep a communication log aka. bitch fest basically the team leader tells the team they are worthless in this book " why did you do that" or " am i the only one who does anything?"


I worked at Target for nearly 2 years and was terminated for apparently giving food away. and eating behind the counter of the food court. well first of all I never gave anything away and second they fired like a dozen people on the same day, for stupid reasons Target Sucks! and if you dont work there you dont want to.. AMEN!

target có nghĩa là

A simple corner store that evolved into a giant corrupt company. With thousands of stores across the USA and its low pricing and selling techniques it already runs opposing businesses to the ground but Target also manufactures its products in China using its cheap labor to gain profit and forcing other companies to be unable to compete with the low prices due to cheap labor in China. Once companies who manufacture in America cannot compete and go bankrupt becuase of Target the Target builds ontop of it therefor further monopolizing America. Ran by conservative christians who believe they are doing the right thing but when you really look at it they are using cheap labor with its cruel workplaces and terrible conditions and monopolizing America with thousands of stores running other businesses to the ground. If these are "Christian" morals and beliefs America is in deep shit.


Target holds cult-type rallies in giant stadiums full of supporters and executives who chant for Target and its owners in such ways as North Korea celebrates their brave leader Kim Jong Il.

target có nghĩa là

Overprice cheap goods superstore, food court always smell funny, Guest Experience Team Executive is a cussin' sailor that loves to threaten employees, smokin' half of his work period, and bitchin' out all employee that actual work, HR does not accept you are quitting without a fight, but will not let you finish training. At least a dozen new team members every two weeks. Management that love breaking all OSHA and labor laws possible.


Target are run by nazis that treat all non-management employee like shit.

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