The nurse is caring for a client with immune thrombocytopenic purpura

66.The nurse presents information on immune thrombocytopeniapurpura [ITP] to nursing students. Which medication does the nurseexpect to be administered to a client with ITP?

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67.The nurse cares for a client diagnosed with autoimmunethombocytopenia purpura. Which nursing diagnosis is a prioritywhen caring for this client?

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68.The client cares for the client diagnosed with ITP. The nurseencourages the client to read the labels of all medications, includingover-the-counter medications, for the inclusion of aspirin. What isthe primary reason the nurse makes this recommendation?

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69.The nurse prepares a client for a Schilling test. Which informationis most important for the client to know before starting the test?

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70.The nurse cares for the client admitted 3 days ago with a gunshotwound to the abdomen. The client has developed disseminatedintravascular coagulation [DIC]. Which symptom would the nurseexpect to see in the client?

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71.The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with idiopathicthrombocytopenic purpura. Which admission lab result should thenurse report immediately?

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72.The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with DIC. Whichmedication should the nurse administer?


Read the full fact sheet

  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura [ITP] is a rare autoimmune disorder, in which a person's blood doesn't clot properly, because the immune system destroys the blood-clotting platelets.
  • The cause of ITP is not known, but it is due to an immune system error that may be triggered by viral infections. ITP can also be associated pregnancy, or other immune disorders [such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus]; however often no specific cause is found.
  • Treatment options for ITP include ongoing monitoring of platelet levels, medications, and surgical removal of the spleen [splenectomy] in severe cases.

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Related information

  • Most cases of Addison's disease are caused by an autoimmune response that attacks and damages the adrenal glands over time.

  • There is generally no cure for an autoimmune disorder, but the symptoms can be managed.

  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome, can affect people of any age, including children.

  • Type 1 diabetes can affect anyone of any age, but is more common in people under 30 years.

  • Fluid retention [oedema] occurs when fluid isn't removed from the body tissues, including the skin. Causes include the body's reaction to hot weather, a high salt intake and menstrual cycle hormones.

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