tongan là gì - Nghĩa của từ tongan

tongan có nghĩa là

The people who originate from the Kingdom of Tonga. The first polynesians. Gigantic, and have natural steroids; Ulu, and HorSe
Tongans are gigantic, and all have a natural ability to play sports. there are two types of tongan bodies. the big [fat] ones, who tend to be naturally strong, and the big [muscular] ones who are the dominant athletes of whatever group they are in until they decide to stop playing. TOngans are powerhouses in Rugby and Football.
Tongans are very nice, hospitable, and religious people. But when you make them mad they'll beat you to a pulp no matter who you are, or how strong you think you are.



Neighbor: Oh hey Sione!

Tongan Guy: Malo fred!

Neighbor: I heard your son won the MVP award today.

Tongan Guy: ah yess, he did. I fink it was for, *click sound* ahhh....fuut boll

Neighbor: haha, he is quite the athlete I hear. By the way, that is some good smelling food you are cooking.

Tongan Guy: haha, me and my family love to eat.

Neighbor: yeah, you samoans eat quite a bit!

Tongan Guy: ....

tongan có nghĩa là

big polynesian dudes, that will take over at your party and take your keg.


- every time I see a keg at Shorview park , I know someones party was crashed and their keg was taken.

tongan có nghĩa là

cool ass polynesians that come from the island of Tonga, a sister island to Samoa. only in certain areas do samoans and tongans bump heads, but for the most part they are the two most similar cultures in Polynesia. both islands dominate over the others in polynesia, are super huge, best at football n rugby, and love to drink kava while listening to Lucky Dube!...tongans n samoans are like JayZ n Naz...only beef because theyre both the best...


Tongans r badazz rugby players like Jona Lomu

tongan có nghĩa là

The name given to a native of The Kingdom of Tonga, the only Pacific Island nation never to have been conquered or colonized by another country. A very proud people, with a very rich culture & history, that could be shown to the world if there weren't so many idiots among them that seem to think that they are better than anyone else. Many claim to be Christian, but by the the way they write on this website, it's very hard to believe. They are part of Polynesia which include all the nations from Hawai'i in the north, down toNew Zealand to the south & across to Easter Island in the east. Once the centre of a great Pacific empire that included Samoa, Rarotonga, The Marquesas Islands, Southern Fiji, & as far west as the Islands of Ouvea & Futuna in New Caledonia, the Tongan people were a talented seafaring people & fearsome warriors. They were once a Noble but Humble people, but unfortunately, some of today's Tongans have let their Pride turn to Arrogance, & all the great deeds done by their ancestors are being destroyed by a bunch of these arrogant thugs.


Stop the hatred between our other Polynesian Brothers & Sisters. We all have a proud history to look back at, no matter what Nation we're from. POLYNESIA, UNITE !! If only this petty bickering between Island nations could stop, & all Polynesia could unite as one entity, it would give us all a stronger voice on the world stage. As a Proud Tongan, this is what I feel in my heart. To all the people who just hate Tongans for the sake of hating, I'm sorry you feel that way. You've just met the wrong Tongans. Peace & Love.

tongan có nghĩa là

someone dumb, slow or delayed


the boy was was tongan when he was late for school

tongan có nghĩa là

Polynesians from the island of Tonga. Most are either Catholic or Mormon. They are some of the largest people ever. Bob Marley is like a god to them. The most heavily Tongan populated city in the United States is Euless, Texas. Most of them smoke weed which is what prevents a lot of them from making it big in the NFL. In about 6 years, everybody in America will know what a tongan is based on Ofa Moheatau. He'll be bussin heads in the NFL. They usually have a hate for Samoans. Samoans also have a hate for Tongans. Usually in any samoan on tongan fight, it is the tongan that wins. All Tongans are some how related. The entire race.


Tongans are huge!

tongan có nghĩa là

Tongans are huge motherfuckers from tonga. They can fuck people up if you mess wit them. Fucking mes with them and you won't see your face again.

Tongans are good at Rugby like most other polynesians.


Tongan Friend: Bro, you fucked up dat dude bad.

Tongan Boy: Yeh bro, he told me to get fucked so I fucked up his face.

tongan có nghĩa là

Origin from the pacific island kingdom of tonga. tongans are generally referred to as being arrogant at times. tongans love to gossip & are very competitive amongst their own when throwing "lavish" parties on special occasions/events like birthdays, weddings etc. very friendly people, tend to be a little obnoxious. metophorically compared to 'horses.' tongans can hold their liquor & love to party hardy. tongans are big & very proud people so dont fuck with them...they'll hurt you.


Timothy, move or that tongan will shit on you!

tongan có nghĩa là

brown colored people wit big bones & a tendency eat alot. can be hardheaded but also smart at the same time. very strong and most should take sports. dey could beat you up if they wanted to. very similar to samoans but dey don't get along these days. Lu sipi is good. mostly found in DA BAY killah cali & New Zealand... NOT Euless, gay Texas


"Why do dat tongan hate dat samoan?"
"Why do dat samoan hate dat tongan?"

"Why am I on dis gay website?"

tongan có nghĩa là

Tongan Indigenous people living in the South Pacific Islands of Tonga.
Tonga is a Polynesian Island that once ruled all of Polynesia before any Europeans existed in the South Pacific or the Americas. They were very friendly to the Europeans that visited them which is why they are they only South Pacific Island that hasn't been taken over by any European Country. They told the Europeans that their land belongs to God and no one else. They are mostly Christians and keep the Sabbath day sacred. Sundays all stores are closed and no one works that day.
They love their Polynesian people even though many Samoans may hold some sort of grudge against them because of things that happened in the past. They still love them as well. I can't give any exact example of a Tongan. Because like all Polynesians. We all are a mixed race. Each family has their family tree and dna lineage. None of them are exactly the same. Some are tall some are short. We got skin tones from white, yellow, tan, brown to even the darkest of brown. Flat noses, long bird noses, wide, skinny. We are the world and Proud of our culture and our Polynesian People. One Love!


The beautiful Tongan people of the Kingdom of Tonga.
I am Tongan

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