universalist là gì - Nghĩa của từ universalist

universalist có nghĩa là

A person who practices Unitarian Universalism, usually amazingly awesome.

abbriviated as UU


Man: So um what are you?
Girl: Unitarian Universalist, duh
Man: oh I should've known, your fucking awesome.

universalist có nghĩa là

Unitarian Universalists, or UU, is a religion that follows seven basic principals.

1 ]The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2] Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3] Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4] A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5] The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6]The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;
7]Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Unitarians are open to other religion and seek to find their own truth and meaning in the world. Its is a very liberal religion. Unitarians are a very active supporting matters of abolition of slavery, women's rights , equal rights, same-sex marriage, the environment, global peace, darfur, homelessness and much more.

the Unitarian youth benefit from it just as much if not more because of their freedom to explore their spirituality without rules on what is the truth.

Basically its loving and amzing.


FRED: I'm jewish, you?
JOE: I'm a unitarian universalist ,or a UU.
Fred: what's that?
JOE: Let me give you my elevator speech, but basically I'm in a congregation that supports that the search for truth and meaning.

universalist có nghĩa là

Universalistic Sun Worship is a religion, in which the followers adhere to the 6 principles of Universalistic Sun Worship.
1. The existence of god is impossible to prove [or disprove] and impossible for a human to comprehend its true form; therefore, we give thanks to things we can understand. We praise the Sun and the Earth for providing us with life and sustenance.
2. The Sun is the source of life on Earth. It provides humanity with food [through farms], shelter [through trees], warmth [through electromagnetic radiation] and it allowed star dust to combine and form the rock know as the Earth [through gravity]. So we give thanks to the Sun, every day.
3. The Earth, being the second most important object for humanity's survival, so it must be protected and maintained for as long as humanity calls Earth home. We also give thanks to the Earth daily.
4. Humans and animals act based on their beliefs and instincts and since humans have no control over their beliefs or instincts, therefore Universalistic Sun Worshiper believes that all living creatures go to heaven [or some sort of afterlife], are reborn into a new life form, or just die and rot in the Earth. Since it is impossible to know which one is true, it is up to each individual follower to decide which one they believe is true.
5. The Great Hierarchy must be followed.
The Great Hierarchy is as follows: The Sun-The Biosphere-Humanity-Animal Life
The Great Hierarchy generally works as follows: if the Sun is threatened then all things below it must do what is in their power to protect it [although this highly unlikely as the sun is the more powerful then everything currently below it]. Next would be the Biosphere. If it is threatened then the Humanity must do what is needed to protect it, even if that means the death of some, but never all, of Humanity. Finally, if humanity is threatened, including a single member, then any number of animals can be killed in order to save its life [although killing in excess should be avoided].
6. All religions are created equally and since any or all of them maybe the true religion of god [if there is a god], then no human can rightly say that a religion is bad or wrong. With the exception of religions that have the consequences of the destruction of the Biosphere, the Sun, or human lives.

Universalistic Sun Worship was founded by Paul Klavins and is subject to change.


Paul Klavins created an intresting religion known as Universalistic Sun Worship.

universalist có nghĩa là

a really amazing person who is Unitarian Universalist. usually awesome, liberal, open minded and can give wicked good hugs.


-hey whats your religion?
-I'm a uu, unitarian universalists
-oh sweet lets cuddle!!

universalist có nghĩa là

A religion that celebrates the free spirit and individual thought. Members can believe in pretty much whatever they want to.


Unitarian Universalist [UU] 1: 'I believe that there is a God.'
UU2: 'Oh that's cool bro, I don't.'
UU1: 'Sweet. Lets go light the chalice.'
UU2: 'I'm down for that! Lets grab some pizza too.'

universalist có nghĩa là

A religion in which followers worship the Sun, because it's reliable and nurturing, and far more probable than a judeo-christian god. Followers are called athelists.


"Hey man, ditch that old, dirty religion for this new, happy, shiny, warm one called Universalistic Sun Worship."

"You mean athelism?"

"Yeah dude"

universalist có nghĩa là

Parents who practice the liberal religion of Unitarian Universalism. They are usually amazingly tolerant, and open to letting their kids explore whatever they want [i.e. their bodies, hallucinogens, alcohol, other kids' bodies, ETC.] Unitarian moms and dads are incredible cooks, and they always use organic ingredients they picked at the local farm. They're often [but not always] of higher income, and 99.9% of them vote Democrat simply because they're far too smart to do otherwise. Their kids grow up to be well-rounded and successful, and many of them go to work for the Diplomatic Corps. The best thing about Unitarian Universalist parents is that they love their kids no matter what. They don't give a cosmic f**k if their son or daughter grows up and finds a new religion, discovers he or she is gay, or elopes with a dirty, shoeless hippie. They'll just give them a hug and invite them [and the shoeless hippie spouse] over for a gourmet tofu steak and some imported beer.


Unitarian teenager: Bye, Mom and Mom! I'm going to a 4/20 party!
Unitarian mom: Have a good time, honey. Remember to bring some condoms.
Other Unitarian mom: Call us if you think you'll be home by tomorrow! One year later... Unitarian teenager: Mom and Mom! I was accepted to Harvard!
Unitarian mom: That's fantastic, honey. I knew all those years of Mandarin Chinese, French, Tagalog, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Afrikaans, and conversational Greek lessons would pay off!
Other Unitarian mom: Let's go on a spirit journey in the Sahara Desert to celebrate! As you can see, Unitarian Universalist Parents are the only parents who know how to live.

universalist có nghĩa là

One who genuinely empathizes with others who belong to a certain religion.


Tim: Man, I can't stand those damned Jews! They gonna drive me crazy!
Brad: Yeah, why can't they all be Universalists?

universalist có nghĩa là

Universalism refers to a culture based on individualism, which places importance on individual values such as Power, Achievement, Hedonism and Stimulation Treating others as individuals with respect for other cultures, beliefs and other ways of doing things. This is not the same as a collectivist culture.


Peace is fostered by a "Universalist Culture"

universalist có nghĩa là

Universalist Anunnakism, also Anunnaki Universalism, Anunnakist Universalism, Universalist Zuism or Zuist Universalism is the name of a form of Anunnakism and Ziism, derived from universalist paganism, which believes that all gods, especially those of pagan, neopagan, Abrahamic religions, Dharmic, Asian, African, European and Native gods are the same Anunnaki gods with different names, or at least they are Anunnaki. Universalist Anunnakism is regarded as an extended and vast form of anurasism [anurašism], and Universalist Anunnakism also believes that the teachings and philosophies of the Anunnaki and Anunnakism are universal and applicable to the entire universe and existence, such as the law of polarity, neutral extraphysicalism, pandivinism, extranaturalism, extramaterialism, spiritualism and the Law of An. Universalist Anunnakism also believes that all gods and all life forms come from the same source of creation, the divine, and that the divine directly influences the universe and existence.


Universalist Anunnakism is a form of Anunnakism which believes that Anunnakism is something universal and that all the values and teachings of Anunnakism are applicable everywhere.

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