Where to see unlisted videos YouTube

Before you learn how to find an unlisted YouTube video without a link. let’s find out more about unlisted YouTube videos.

The two main types of non-public YouTube videos are private and unlisted videos.

Private YouTube Video Limitation

A private video can only be viewed by those the owner has given access through their email addresses.

If you are given access to view a private YouTube video, you can’t give access to others by sharing the video link. The video can only be viewed by those who have been given access individually by the video owner.

Unlisted YouTube Video Limitation

An unlisted video, too, has limited viewing options. The video will neither appear in the YouTube nor Google search results nor.

In this instance, the owner publishes the video as unlisted and shares the link with selected people.

An unlisted video received by one person can be shared with another person without the owner’s permission.

Why would a Creator want to Publish Unlisted Videos?

Sharing with Selected Individuals

An unlisted video can be shared with anyone compared to a private one. Anyone who has the unlisted video link can view it.

Why would a creator want to publish his video as unlisted when it could be easily viewed by anyone?


The main reason is convenience. What if you make your video private and want to share it with a hundred people? You would have to grant access to the video individually through their email addresses.

This would be a tedious thing to do. Furthermore, you may not have the addresses of all the recipients.

Compare this to sharing an unlisted video with a certain group of people you know on Facebook. You just have to share the link once and selected people can view the video. No need to go through the hassle of giving email access individually.

Unlisted videos will also come useful when you need to quickly share videos with close friends and family members through messaging services like WhatsApp.

Lead Generation and Training Videos

You may use videos for lead generation for your business. Anyone who signs up to be on your email list will receive a video link to view important information. You would want to make the video unlisted so that only people on your list can view it.

Also, if you’re creating video training, you may want to share the videos with only your students. So, it’s faster to share unlisted videos with them, while excluding the rest of the world.

Obtaining Feedback and Detecting Mistakes

Finally, an unlisted video is created to get feedback from certain people. Say, you’re working on an important video project. You want to get feedback from certain people before you release it to the public. An unlisted video will help you towards that end.

Also, if you have a YouTube channel, you want to publish a video as unlisted to view the video and detect mistakes or errors before you publish it.

Finding an Unlisted YouTube Video Without a Link

As explained, you can only watch an unlisted video if you have its link. There are certainly hundreds of thousands or even millions of unlisted videos out there.

An unlisted video is usually something ‘special’, prompting many to discover ways to find and view them.

Or it could be that you signed for a course and you were given unlisted videos. Now you don’t have the links with you and can’t contact the owner to get the links.

So, how do you find these unlisted YouTube videos;

Here are some suggestions on how to find an unlisted YouTube video without a link

YouTube Playlist

You may find an unlisted video in a playlist. Maybe someone out there has created a playlist including the unlisted video as a part of it.

You can use the search playlist function on YouTube as shown in the video below.

Forums and Facebook Groups

Forums are online spaces where content gets shared. They may be useful if you want to find an unlisted YouTube video without a link. Do you know the title of the unlisted video you’re looking for? Even if you remember the creator’s or the channel name, you could post a request.

Chances are someone with the unlisted videos would share the link to the video. If you’ve legitimately signed up for a course, you may even want to show proof of purchase to encourage others to share the links of the unlisted YouTube videos with you through a personal message.

Search Google

You may also want to try your luck with a Google search. Type the title of the video and you may want to even include the keyword ‘unlisted’ in your search.

If you remember the exact title of the video, so much the better. Let say the title of the video is How to Edit an Unlisted YouTube Video. You’ll search “find an unlisted YouTube video without a link” + unlisted.

Embedded Unlisted Videos

While unlisted videos don’t appear for public viewing on YouTube or get listed on search engine results, they can be embedded on a website.

Hopefully, some website or blog has embedded the unlisted YouTube video and you’ll be able to watch it.

Visit Unlisted Videos

If the above methods don’t bear fruit, you may try your luck with Unlisted Videos. This is a website where folks share unlisted videos.

A reminder though before we proceed. The site doesn’t accept all types of unlisted videos. You can’t find videos that infringe on a person’s privacy especially videos that center around individuals or families.

Also, videos that have the notification  ‘BLOCK UNLISTEDVIDEOS.COM’ in their description boxes will be excluded from being displayed on the site.

Unlisted Video has more than 600, 000 videos listed. A search function is available for you to try your luck discovering an unlisted YouTube video.

If you really need to find an unlisted YouTube video without a link, you should leave no stone unturned searching for it.

This would include searching your email with the title of the unlisted video if it’s part of a course or a training program.

You may have forgotten that the video owner emailed you a link to an unlisted video.

Quick Start:

  • Part One: How to See Your Unlisted Videos on YouTube?
  • Part Two: How to See Someone's Unlisted Videos on YouTube?
  • ----1. From Public YouTube Playlists
  • ----2. From Unlisted Videos Website
  • ----3. From the SERPs
  • Part Three: How to Download Unlisted YouTube Videos?
  • Have you ever asked yourself: “How do I find my unlisted videos on YouTube?” If so, you aren’t alone. Navigating YouTube and finding your non-public videos can be a difficult process. However, with a little bit of practice and the right instructions, you’ll be able to find your unlisted YouTube videos quickly and easily.

    You can find your unlisted videos on YouTube both on your YouTube channel page and in the YouTube Studio. If you want to make any metadata edits to an unlisted video or you want to make it public, you will need to do so from the YouTube Studio. If you just want to view your unlisted video on YouTube, however, you can do so from your channel page.

    As a content creator on YouTube, being able to navigate through the various pages and menus on the website is crucial. After all, you don’t want to be spending all of your time searching for something! So, the sooner you can learn how to find certain items on YouTube [unlisted videos in this case], the sooner you can start using your time on other activities.

    Where Can I See My Unlisted Videos on YouTube

    If you’ve ever caught yourself asking: “Where can I see my unlisted videos on YouTube?” then you aren’t alone. Navigating around YouTube and finding your unlisted videos can be a confusing process. However, finding unlisted videos isn’t as confusing as you might think. These videos can be found quickly and easily- if you know where to look for them.

    Your unlisted videos can be found both on your channel page and in the YouTube Studio. If you want to do any edits to the metadata of your video or you want to change its status, you’ll need to do so from the YouTube Studio. With this said, you can view the video from your channel page or the YouTube Studio.

    It’s easiest to find videos that are unlisted by going to the YouTube Studio. This way, if you want to make any modifications to the metadata of the video, you’ll be able to do so right away. So, whenever you want to look at a video uploaded as unlisted, you should do so in the YouTube Studio.

    Keep in mind, to access your YouTube Studio, you will need to be signed in to your YouTube channel with the unlisted videos. You cannot access the YouTube Studio and see your unlisted videos from another channel- even if it is on the same YouTube account. So, make sure you’re signed in to the right channel!

    How Do I Find My Unlisted Videos on My YouTube Channel

    Finding unlisted videos in the YouTube Studio is a similar process to finding private videos. With just a few clicks, you’ll have access to your entire video library- including your videos that are unlisted. While navigating to the YouTube Studio takes longer than going to your channel page, finding videos this way will help you save time if changes or edits need to be made.

    Here’s how you can find your unlisted videos on your YouTube channel:

    Step 1 – Go to the YouTube Studio

    First, you will need to navigate your way to the YouTube Studio. Getting to the YouTube Studio is a very easy process. Simply click on your channel icon in the top right corner of your screen while on YouTube, and select the “YouTube Studio” option from the menu that appears.

    Step 2 – Click the “Videos” or “Content” Menu Item

    Once you click on the “YouTube Studio” menu option, you should be brought to a new page. The page you will be brought to is the YouTube Dashboard. From the YouTube Dashboard, you can navigate the backend of your channel. In this case, you will need to select the “Videos” or “Content” item from the menu located on the left side of your screen.

    Step 3 – Find Your Unlisted Video

    After clicking on the “Videos” or “Content” menu item, you should be brought to a screen containing all of your YouTube videos. On this screen, you will be able to find all of your videos- including your unlisted videos. To make things easier, look under the “Visibility” column for videos marked as unlisted.

    Step 4 – Search for Your Video [Optional]

    Something that can make it easier for you to find videos in the YouTube Studio is to search for them using the search bar. Instead of having to scroll through all of your videos, you can simply type in the title of the video you are searching for, and you will then be able to directly select the video.

    Can My YouTube Subscribers See My Unlisted Videos

    I’m often asked the question: “Can my YouTube subscribers see my unlisted videos?” by content creators. This is a good question, as most videos that are uploaded in unlisted more are done so to limit the visibility of the video. You’ll be happy to know that your subscribers will not be able to see your unlisted videos if they are not placed in a public playlist.

    However, you mustn’t release the URL of your unlisted video to the public. Anyone who possesses the URL to your unlisted video will be able to view it and share it with other people. So, if you do not want your video to be seen by anybody, keep the URL of your video hidden from the public.

    Before publishing an unlisted video, make sure you have no auto-share services set up that might share your unlisted video with people. The last thing you want to do is accidently post your unlisted video on a social media platform- this defeats one of the purposes of uploading unlisted videos!


    While confusing and difficult at first, navigating YouTube does become easier over time. You now know how to find your unlisted YouTube videos on your YouTube channel. Simply navigate your way to the YouTube Studio and find your unlisted videos on your video manager screen.

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