Which of the following functions is best suited to count numbers based on multiple conditions?

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The Excel COUNT function returns a count of values that are numbers. Numbers include negative numbers, percentages, dates, times, fractions, and formulas that return numbers. Empty cells and text values are ignored.


=COUNT [value1, [value2], ...]


  • value1 - An item, cell reference, or range.
  • value2 - [optional] An item, cell reference, or range.

Usage notes 

The COUNT function returns the count of numeric values in the list of supplied arguments. COUNT takes multiple arguments in the form value1, value2, value3, etc. Arguments can be individual hardcoded values, cell references, or ranges up to a total of 255 arguments. All numbers are counted, including negative numbers, percentages, dates, times, fractions, and formulas that return numbers. Empty cells and text values are ignored.


The COUNT function counts numeric values and ignores text values:

=COUNT[1,2,3] // returns 3 =COUNT[1,"a","b"] // returns 1 =COUNT["apple",100,125,150,"orange"] // returns 3

Typically, the COUNT function is used on a range. For example, to count numeric values in the range A1:A10:

=COUNT[A1:A100] // count numbers in A1:A10

In the example shown, COUNT is set up to count numbers in the range B5:B15:

=COUNT[B5:B15] // returns 6

COUNT returns 6, since there are 6 numeric values in the range B5:B15. Text values and blank cells are ignored. Note that dates and times are numbers, and therefore included in the count.

The COUNTA function works like the COUNT function, but COUNTA includes numbers and text in the count.

Functions for counting

  • To count numbers only, use the COUNT function.
  • To count numbers and text, use the COUNTA function.
  • To count with one condition, use the COUNTIF function
  • To count with multiple conditions, use the COUNTIFS function.
  • To count empty cells, use the COUNTBLANK function.


  • COUNT can handle up to 255 arguments.
  • COUNT ignores the logical values TRUE and FALSE.
  • COUNT ignores text values and empty cells.

COUNT formula examples

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