Who is the manufacturer of Dell laptop?

Dell is a computer technology company which sells, repairs and support computers, its related products and services. Named after its founder Michael Dell, it is a US-based comapny. Dell is one of the largest technological corporations in the world. It is widespread and well known for its computers, laptops. In 1987, after the companys launch, the company built its first computer system and opened its first international subsidiary in the United Kingdom. Later with growing in number in 1988 around 80 per cent annually, Dell expands worldwide operations in Europe, Asia, Japan in 1995. In the year 2001, Dell becomes the number 1 computer systems provider worldwide and reached number 1 in the US. Then, in just 3 years, it becomes Chinas third-largest provider of computer systems in 2004. In 2016, Dell and EMC joined hands and became the most significant technology merger in history to become Dell Technologies. Dells consumer class brands include Inspiron, XPS, Alienware, Venue. The company markets specific brand names to different market segments.