ALT-tab mac remote desktop

WINDOWS 10 2021 :

  1. On the Remote Desktop Window : Use Ctrl + Alt + Home to show the toolbar, then TAB , TAB , then hit ENTER .
  2. On the local machine : Use Alt + TAB to get back to the Remote Desktop Window.

How do you alt tab in Citrix on a Mac?

Alt [“Option”]+Tab switches between open applications in my XenDesktop session. Ctrl key combinations and Cmd key combinations can be used interchangeably. Localization-specific characters that in Windows require the AltGr key can be typed either macOS natively or using Cmd+Alt+key.

How do I enable hotkeys in Citrix?

Go to the Citrix ICA Client installation directory [for example: C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client\Configuration]. Close the Add/Remove templates window and browse to the newly imported policy. Configure the Keyboard Shortcuts in the User experience section.

How do I send Ctrl Alt Del in Remote Desktop?

Press the “CTRL,” “ALT” and “END” keys at the same time while you are viewing the Remote Desktop window. This command executes the traditional CTRL+ALT+DEL command on the remote computer instead of on your local computer.

How do I toggle in Citrix?

You can read more about it here. So, by default, the Shift+F2 hotkey has been replaced with these handy buttons to enter full-screen mode [from windowed mode]. And to return to Windowed mode when in full-screen mode. If you wanted to use Shift+F2 instead, the desktop toolbar would have to be disabled.

How do I enable or turn off hotkeys?

Navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> File Explorer . In the right-side pane, double-click on the Turn off Windows Key hotkeys policy to edit it. Select the Enabled option and click Apply and then OK. Reboot the computer to apply the changes.

How do I set up Microsoft Remote Desktop?

In order to set up Remote Desktop, you need to enable remote access. To do this, move the cursor to the bottom-left corner of the screen. Right-click and then select “System.” The next window will show you all of the basic specifications of your computer such as model number, CPU configuration, installed memory, etc.

How to determine the version of a remote desktop?

Click the “Start” button. Click the “Start” button,then click “My Computer” in Windows XP or “Computer” in Windows Vista or 7.

  • Browse to “C:,” “Windows” and “System32.”
  • Right-click on the file “mstsc.exe” …
  • Click the “Version” tab if you are running Windows XP or the “Details” tab in Windows Vista and 7.
  • How to use Remote Desktop?

    Make sure you have Windows 10 Pro. To check, go to Start > Settings > System > About and look for Edition .

  • When you’re ready, select Start > Settings > System > Remote Desktop, and turn on Enable Remote Desktop.
  • Make note of the name of this PC under How to connect to this PC. You’ll need this later.
  • What is the keyboard shortcut for Remote Desktop?

    Alt + Del > Shows you the windows context menu on the remote desktop. Ctrl + Alt + End > A Ctrl+Alt+Del replacement for the remote desktop. You can view the entire list of shortcuts at Windows Guides: Keyboard Shortcuts to Use with Remote Desktop.

    You can’t perform that action at this time.

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

    Page 2

    You can’t perform that action at this time.

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

    For some reason, the ALT+TAB key combination no longer functions on Windows via MRD. This worked only a week ago.

    Oddly, CTRL+ALT+TAB does work to switch applications, but releasing the keys does not activate the window [nor does Enter or any other key].

    Another oddity, some application will remain in focus [they are not maximized] even when another application is chosen from the taskbar.


    • OS X: 10.14.3 [Mojave]
    • Microsoft Remote Desktop: 10.2.11
    • Windows: Enterprise v7 sp1

    I am traveling and trying to use my Mac to edit workbooks on our server. Everything works fantastically, except whenever I Alt-Tab it goes back and forth between the server and my Mac programs, instead of alt-tabbing between the open Excel documents and the VBE editor. This driving up my blood pressure to dangerous levels. Does anyone know any way [short of using a PC or a fancy mouse] to make the alt-tab restrict itself to the remote session? Note I am aware that I can choose FN Option F11 to open the VBE editors but I've been finding that way too difficult to execute. I would be willing to remap some keys to open the editor, but I don't know how to do that when using Remote Desktop.

    Any advice appreciated. I would even appreciate search terms I might be missing to look for this. Whenever I search the terms seem to be too general and I get unrelated articles.

    On my Mac, I use Microsoft's Remote Desktop app to connect to a Windows box. I can see in the preferences how to map the Command key to Alt, and the Option key to the Windows key, so that the Alt and Windows keys are in the same physical layout on my Mac RDP connection as they are on the actual Windows keyboard. That is, the Alt key [Command] is directly to the left of the space bar, and the Windows key [Option] is directly to the left of that.

    But if I set it up that way, I can't use Alt-Tab on the Windows machine--the Mac intercepts it and treats it as a Command-Tab to switch away from the RDP app. I know some programs are able to prevent this--VirtualBox and VMWare, for instance, let you use Command-Tab as Alt-Tab inside a windows guest. [In fact, one solution to this I had was to use a Windows virtual machine on the mac, only to use that to RDP into another machine!]

    Short of creating a windows virtual machine, is there any way I can get the Mac RDP app to send Command-Tab as Alt-Tab to the remote Windows machine?

    MatthewKang-1409 asked Jun 3, '21 | LeilaKong-MSFT answered Jun 18, '21

    Using Microsoft remote desktop on Mac OSX Big Sur.
    When I am using my remote desktop app [both full-screen and not], alt-tab [or option-tab on my mac keyboard] does not work. I've used the on-screen keyboard. Holding down my alt/option button [on my mac keyboard] and pressing tab button on the on-screen keyboard works. But using alt/option + tab on my mac keyboard does not seem to register [the tab does not light up]. Yet using tab alone on my mac keyboard in remote desktop works fine. I've changed the "apply windows key combination" option to all options incl "On the remote computer" but it still does not work. Anyone have any suggestions?



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