Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Phong Thủy Phi Tinh là một hình thức Phong Thủy truyền thống sử dụng sự chuyển động của các vì sao để phân tích năng lượng của một không gian. Hàng năm, biểu đồ Ngôi sao bay thay đổi và điều quan trọng là phải xác định các lĩnh vực thuận lợi và bất lợi nhất để tăng cường hoặc giảm thiểu năng lượng của chúng


Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?
Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Dưới đây là các mẹo Phong thủy của Sao bay cho năm 2023

  1. ngôi sao tốt lành. Năm 2023, các sao thuận lợi nhất là sao Tài lộc 8 ở khu vực phía đông nam và sao 1 ở khu vực phía bắc. Nếu lối vào của bạn nằm ở một trong những lĩnh vực này, nó có thể báo hiệu cơ hội kiếm tiền trong năm nay
  2. ngôi sao không lành. Những ngôi sao thách thức nhất trong năm 2023 là Ngôi sao Bệnh tật 2 ở trung tâm và Ngôi sao Bất hạnh 5 ở phía Tây Nam. Để giảm thiểu những tác động tiêu cực của chúng, tránh cải tạo hoặc làm xáo trộn các khu vực này và sử dụng các biện pháp khắc phục thích hợp, chẳng hạn như bê tông ở trung tâm và đặt một phương pháp chữa bệnh bằng nước mặn hoặc chùa bằng đồng ở phía tây nam
  3. phiền não hàng năm. Năm 2023, Tai Sui (Đại công tước) cư ngụ ở khu vực phía tây, và cơn tai họa Tam sát chiếm khu vực phía đông. Để xoa dịu Tai Sui, bạn có thể trưng bày một tấm biển Tai Sui hoặc đeo bùa hộ mệnh Tai Sui. Để tránh Tam sát, tránh gây ra tiếng động lớn hoặc đào bới ở khu vực phía đông
  4. Phân tích được cá nhân hóa. Điều quan trọng cần lưu ý là biểu đồ Sao bay không tĩnh và năng lượng của nó tương tác với năng lượng của biểu đồ ngày sinh và cách bố trí ngôi nhà của bạn. Do đó, nên tham khảo ý kiến ​​​​của một nhà tư vấn Phong thủy chuyên nghiệp để tiến hành phân tích cá nhân hóa và đưa ra các khuyến nghị phù hợp cho các nhu cầu cụ thể của bạn

Dưới đây là một số mẹo chung khác để có Phong Thủy tốt

  1. Dọn dẹp lộn xộn. Một trong những nguyên tắc cơ bản nhất của Phong Thủy là tạo ra một không gian không bừa bộn. Sự bừa bộn chặn dòng năng lượng và có thể tạo ra sự trì trệ trong cuộc sống của bạn. Vì vậy, hãy dọn dẹp nhà cửa và loại bỏ bất kỳ vật dụng nào mà bạn không còn cần hoặc không sử dụng nữa.
  2. Làm sạch năng lượng. Nó cũng quan trọng để làm sạch năng lượng của ngôi nhà của bạn thường xuyên. Bạn có thể sử dụng các phương pháp khác nhau, chẳng hạn như làm nhòe bằng cây xô thơm, đốt hương hoặc xịt tinh dầu để thanh lọc năng lượng cho không gian của bạn
  3. Sử dụng các yếu tố tự nhiên. Phong Thủy dựa trên năm yếu tố (nước, gỗ, lửa, đất và kim loại) và sự tương tác của chúng. Bạn có thể mang những yếu tố này vào nhà bằng cách sử dụng các vật liệu tự nhiên, chẳng hạn như thực vật, pha lê hoặc đồ nội thất bằng gỗ. Đảm bảo cân bằng các yếu tố trong mỗi phòng để tạo nên một môi trường hài hòa
  4. Tăng cường trung tâm. Trung tâm ngôi nhà của bạn đại diện cho trái tim của không gian của bạn và điều quan trọng là phải giữ cho nó thông thoáng và gọn gàng. Bạn có thể trang trí trung tâm bằng một tấm thảm đẹp, đồ trang trí ở giữa hoặc lưới pha lê để thu hút năng lượng tích cực
  5. Định vị đồ nội thất của bạn. Vị trí của đồ nội thất của bạn có thể tác động đến dòng năng lượng trong không gian của bạn. Nói chung, bạn nên bố trí đồ nội thất theo cách khuyến khích sự cởi mở và cho phép di chuyển dễ dàng. Tránh đặt đồ đạc trực tiếp với cửa ra vào hoặc cửa sổ và tránh đặt giường của bạn dưới cửa sổ
  6. sử dụng màu sắc. Màu sắc là một công cụ mạnh mẽ trong Phong Thủy và bạn có thể sử dụng nó để tăng cường năng lượng cho không gian của mình. Năm 2023, màu sắc may mắn là xanh lá cây, vàng và be. Bạn có thể sử dụng những màu sắc này trong trang trí nhà của bạn để thu hút may mắn và thịnh vượng

Hãy nhớ rằng Phong thủy là một thực hành toàn diện, và điều quan trọng là tiếp cận nó với một tâm hồn cởi mở và sẵn sàng thay đổi để tạo ra một môi trường hài hòa và cân bằng. Mỗi ngôi nhà đều khác nhau và trong khi các mẹo và gợi ý chung có thể hữu ích, hãy cẩn thận khi bạn đặt các đặc điểm của nước và màu đỏ vì chúng kích hoạt năng lượng trong nhà, điều này thật tuyệt nếu chúng tích cực nhưng ngược lại nếu chúng kích hoạt năng lượng tiêu cực. Nếu bạn không chắc năng lượng ở đâu, thì hãy ghi lại cách tài chính, v.v. đang di chuyển và nếu bạn đặt một tính năng nước và mọi thứ bắt đầu chống lại bạn, hãy di chuyển tính năng nước

Vào ngày 4 tháng 2 năm 2023, chúng ta bước sang một năm mới theo lịch dương (năm thứ 4721 theo lịch Trung Quốc), năm Nhâm Thủy Âm (Quý Mão). Lần cuối cùng chúng ta có năm Âm Thủy Mão là vào năm 1963 khi John F Kennedy bị ám sát, và nhìn chung, năm 1963 là một năm đầy biến động trên toàn thế giới.

Mỗi năm trôi qua, chúng ta dường như giải quyết được vấn đề này và vấn đề khác lại đến, và năm 2022 chắc chắn là một năm đầy rắc rối trên toàn thế giới

Nhiều người đang phải đối mặt với một vài năm khó khăn phía trước với xung đột ở Ukraine, khủng hoảng năng lượng, lạm phát, biến đổi khí hậu, sự ra đi đau buồn của Nữ hoàng kính yêu của chúng ta, suy thoái, biến động chính trị đối với chúng ta ở Vương quốc Anh (ba thủ tướng trong cùng một năm), và . Thật không may, năm Tân Mão Quý Mão sẽ là một năm xung đột khác nhưng kết hợp với rất nhiều hy vọng và nếu bạn làm theo lời khuyên của chúng tôi, bạn có thể tránh được nhiều vấn đề vào năm 2023

Trong ba năm qua, việc khóa máy do COVID đã khiến nhiều người phải thực hiện các nhiệm vụ cải thiện nhà cửa và cơ sở kinh doanh xung quanh nhà, khu vườn và văn phòng, điều này đã ảnh hưởng đến Phong thủy của một ngôi nhà hoặc doanh nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, với cuộc khủng hoảng năng lượng mới mà hầu hết chúng ta đang phải đối mặt, ngày càng có nhiều người quay trở lại làm việc để tiết kiệm chi phí sưởi ấm tại nhà, vì vậy, một lần nữa, chúng ta đang chứng kiến ​​sự thay đổi trong cách sống của mình và điều này sẽ một lần nữa xảy ra.

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Chúng ta có ngôi sao quan hệ số 4 thăm trung cung, thường cho thấy quan hệ tốt. Tuy nhiên, khi chúng ta tiến gần đến giai đoạn 9 vào năm 2024, #4 sẽ yếu hơn. Các mối quan hệ trong tình yêu, sự nghiệp và thậm chí cả tài chính đều có thể bị ảnh hưởng, đó là lý do tại sao điều cần thiết là đặt vật tăng cường điều ước và sự lãng mạn Wanshouwujiang Zhenai ở cung trung tâm vào năm 2023 và đảm bảo bạn làm theo lời khuyên bên dưới kể cả với ngôi sao #4 yếu này

Với ngôi sao #8 rất tốt lành ở cung nam, chúng ta có cơ hội tuyệt vời để tạo ra của cải mới vào năm 2023 và với Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure được đặt ở hướng nam, điều này không chỉ giúp tăng cường của cải mà còn bảo vệ nó, mặc dù bạn phải . Tôi sẽ không mạo hiểm đánh bạc bằng quỹ lương hưu hoặc tiền tiết kiệm của mình, v.v. , và tôi cũng khuyên bạn như vậy

Vào năm 2022, chúng ta có tất cả các Sao bay hàng năm bay vào các cung vốn có của chúng trên Lo shu, điều này tạo ra sức mạnh nhân đôi trong mỗi cung, tạo ra may mắn nhân đôi ở các cung tốt lành và nhân đôi bất hạnh ở các cung không lành. Tuy nhiên, vào năm 2023, chúng ta thấy bản đồ sao cân bằng hơn một chút nhưng vẫn còn nhiều xung đột nguyên tố, đặc biệt là ở các hướng Đông, Tây Bắc, Đông Nam, Đông Bắc và Tây của mọi tòa nhà trên thế giới. Bạn phải đặt các phương pháp chữa trị và chất tăng cường hàng năm để chống lại năng lượng

Các ngôi sao không lành và tai họa hàng năm sẽ bay vào phía tây (tam sát và Sui Po), phía đông cùng với Tai Sui Grand Duke (#2), tây bắc (#5), đông nam (#3) và đông bắc #7. Nếu bạn có phòng ngủ, văn phòng hoặc phòng quan trọng khác ở một trong những khu vực này, đừng lo lắng, vì bạn có thể làm rất nhiều việc để làm suy yếu và tránh những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực này vào năm 2023. Nếu bạn có cửa ra vào bên ngoài ở một trong những khu vực bị ảnh hưởng, vui lòng tránh đóng sầm cửa khi có thể, vì mức độ tiếng ồn này có thể kích hoạt các ngôi sao hàng năm không lành mạnh trong năm Mão

Những người có cửa chính hoặc phòng quan trọng như phòng làm việc, phòng ngủ, nhà bếp hoặc phòng khách ở phía tây (tam sát và Tùy bộ), phía đông cùng với Thái Tuế Đại công (#2), tây bắc (#5), đông nam

Điều này nghe có vẻ đáng sợ nếu bạn có cửa chính ở những khu vực này, nhưng hãy nhớ rằng, biết về một vấn đề tiềm ẩn và có các biện pháp khắc phục phù hợp, bạn có thể tránh được nhiều vấn đề xảy ra trong năm Mão

Phương pháp chữa bệnh và tăng cường hiệu quả và bắt buộc nhất vào năm 2023 được gọi là Thuốc chữa bệnh Bậc thầy Yisheng Changtong Caibo và Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi; . Lần cuối cùng những phương pháp chữa trị mạnh mẽ này được sử dụng là vào năm 1963. Những phương pháp chữa trị này là cần thiết để tăng cường và bảo vệ vào năm 2023, đặc biệt là đối với mọi phụ nữ trong gia đình hoặc doanh nghiệp và rất cần thiết để tăng cường và bảo vệ sự giàu có vào năm 2023

Bộ công cụ tăng cường và chữa bệnh Phong thủy năm 2023 không chỉ là một số phương pháp chữa bệnh phô trương được kết hợp với nhau; . Việc bạn đặt bộ dụng cụ chữa bệnh của mình vào cuối năm 2023 không quan trọng;

Trong hơn 23 năm tại Cửa hàng Phong thủy, chúng tôi đã bán rất nhiều phương pháp chữa trị và tăng cường mạnh mẽ và truyền thống cho ngôi nhà hoặc văn phòng của bạn để giúp bạn tận dụng tối đa thời gian trong năm;

Giới thiệu các màu sắc và hình dạng khác nhau cho các khu vực khác trong nhà của bạn sẽ giới thiệu năm yếu tố cho khu vực này để giúp tăng cường và làm suy yếu các Sao bay hàng năm. Mặc dù điều này không hiệu quả bằng các phương pháp chữa bệnh Phong thủy truyền thống, nhưng chúng vẫn sẽ giúp kiểm soát ảnh hưởng trong từng khu vực la bàn để tận dụng tối đa Ngôi sao bay và cũng có thể được kết hợp để tạo ra sự hiện diện mạnh mẽ cho ngũ hành

Để tăng cường vận may cho bạn trong năm Mão, tôi sẽ đọc qua Dự đoán con vật của Trung Quốc cho năm 2023. Mỗi con giáp trong số 12 con giáp sẽ gặp những may mắn khác nhau trong năm Mão, và biết được điều gì sẽ xảy ra có thể giúp bạn có một khởi đầu tuyệt vời

Dự đoán động vật Trung Quốc năm 2023

Từ tất cả chúng tôi tại Feng Shui Store, chúng tôi xin chúc bạn một năm Tân Mão (Quý Mão) hạnh phúc, sức khỏe và thịnh vượng

Năm 2023 sao Lục đạo thay đổi vào ngày nào?

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Vào năm 2023, các Ngôi sao bay trong năm sẽ thay đổi vào ngày 3 hoặc ngày 4 tháng 2, tùy thuộc vào quốc gia bạn đang sinh sống;

Máy tính thời gian thế giới năm mới 2023

Khi các Sao bay thay đổi mỗi năm, điều này tạo ra một sự thay đổi lớn về năng lượng và bố cục cho năm trước có thể không còn hoạt động tốt trong nhà hoặc nơi làm việc, vì vậy, luôn luôn khôn ngoan khi chuẩn bị cho điều này bằng cách xem qua phân tích Sao bay và

Chúng tôi đã đưa ra dự đoán hàng năm của mình trong các bài báo này kể từ năm 1999 và trong bài viết Ngôi sao bay năm 2022 của chúng tôi, chúng tôi hầu như chính xác với những gì diễn ra trong năm Dần, điều này đã giúp rất nhiều người chuẩn bị và tránh những khả năng có thể xảy ra.

Tôi sẽ chờ đợi một số tin tức rất tốt trong y học vào năm 2023 vì tôi nghĩ rằng đây sẽ là một năm có nhiều tiến bộ đáng kể đối với bệnh ung thư, bệnh Alzheimer và những căn bệnh tương tự, đặc biệt là liên quan đến não và hệ thần kinh. Trên thực tế, tôi sẽ mâu thuẫn với chính mình vì có những khoản đầu tư sẽ được thực hiện vào năm 2023. Tôi sẽ xem xét các công ty đang nghiên cứu và phát triển về những chủ đề này vì tôi tin rằng trong vài năm tới, khi chúng ta tiến gần đến giai đoạn 9 vào năm 2024, nhiều tiến bộ sẽ được thực hiện. Tôi rất vui về điều này, mặc dù vui lòng không coi đây là lời khuyên tài chính và hãy tự nghiên cứu

Đáng buồn thay, ảnh hưởng của mỗi dịp Tết Nguyên Đán sẽ mang đến những tình huống toàn cầu nằm ngoài tầm kiểm soát của chúng ta, chẳng hạn như giá năng lượng tăng cao, mặc dù chúng ta vẫn có thể đảm bảo rằng mình nâng cao các ngôi sao giàu có trong nhà và nơi làm việc để đảm bảo rằng chúng ta đang

Tôi luôn ghét viết bài theo quan điểm tiêu cực vì tôi là người rất tin tưởng vào suy nghĩ tích cực và thể hiện sự may mắn của bản thân, vì vậy xin đừng hoảng sợ nếu bạn có phòng ngủ hoặc văn phòng ở khu vực không lành vào năm 2023, như ở đó

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Những người tuổi Dậu có thể chịu ảnh hưởng xung khắc của tuổi Mão vì Dậu là con giáp xung khắc với Mão và những người sinh năm 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 . Tuy nhiên, họ vẫn có vô số cơ hội để biến năm Mão thành công và thú vị

Nếu bạn làm theo lời khuyên ở đây, bạn có thể tránh được nhiều vấn đề; . Cần lưu ý rằng có năm loại con giáp khác nhau (hỏa, thủy, mộc, thổ, kim) tùy thuộc vào năm sinh của bạn và mỗi con giáp sẽ có những dự đoán khác nhau cho năm tới

Ví dụ
khỉ kim loại. 1920, 1980
khỉ nước. 1932, 1992
khỉ gỗ. 1944, 2004
Chú khỉ lửa. 1956, 2016
khỉ đất. 1968

Tất cả các phương pháp chữa trị và tăng cường mà tôi đã đề cập là từ bộ dụng cụ Chữa bệnh và tăng cường năm 2023 của chúng tôi, mặc dù chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên sử dụng các lựa chọn thay thế cho mọi khu vực trong nhà của bạn vì chúng tôi muốn đưa ra nhiều lời khuyên nhất có thể

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Tôi nên tăng cường những lĩnh vực nào vào năm 2023?

Liên quan đến sự sắp xếp của các ngôi sao Huyền Không Phi hành vào năm 2023, chúng ta sẽ có ngôi sao tài lộc số 8 bay về phía nam, và nên tận dụng tối đa ảnh hưởng này trong năm nay, đặc biệt nếu bạn có một căn phòng quan trọng ở đây như . Để kích hoạt ngôi sao #8 hàng năm với các phương pháp chữa trị bằng đất và lửa và màu sắc trong năm nay, hai công cụ hỗ trợ mạnh mẽ cho ngôi sao #8 năm nay là Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure và công cụ tăng cường sự giàu có Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji, vì hai phương pháp chữa trị này cực kỳ mạnh mẽ trong suốt thời gian

Với giai đoạn 9 sắp đến, bây giờ chúng ta phải bắt đầu tận dụng ngôi sao #9 hàng năm, vì đây sẽ trở thành ngôi sao giàu có chính mới khi giai đoạn 9 bắt đầu vào năm 2024. Cách chữa trị hiệu quả nhất cho ngôi sao #9 hàng năm là đặt một bát Tài lộc và Bùa hộ mệnh của Jubaopen ở phía bắc vào năm 2023

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure 2023

    0 trên 5

    Giá. £ 38. 88 ( GBP )

    Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure 2023   (Phương pháp chữa bệnh và tăng cường quan trọng nhất nên đặt trong nhà, văn phòng hoặc doanh nghiệp của bạn cho năm 2023, năm Quý Mão Thủy Âm) Vào đầu mỗi năm Mặt trời mới trong Phong Thủy, một phương pháp chữa bệnh rất đặc biệt được sử dụng. Phương pháp chữa bệnh và tăng cường mạnh mẽ và quan trọng nhất vào năm 2023 được gọi là phương pháp chữa bệnh của Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master và phải

Đâu là những ngôi sao bay tồi tệ nhất vào năm 2023 và chúng nằm ở đâu?

Với các ngôi sao Bay, chúng ta có sự kết hợp của các ngôi sao tốt lành và không lành mạnh, và vào năm 2023, chúng ta có bốn ngôi sao không lành bay vào các khu vực la bàn khác nhau, những ngôi sao này sẽ cần được làm suy yếu bằng các phương pháp chữa trị và các yếu tố có liên quan để đảm bảo rằng chúng không

  • 2 sao – Điều này có thể được tìm thấy ở phía đông vào năm 2023
  • 3 sao – Điều này có thể được tìm thấy ở phía đông nam vào năm 2023
  • 5 sao – Điều này có thể được tìm thấy ở phía tây bắc vào năm 2023
  • 7 sao – Điều này có thể được tìm thấy ở phía đông bắc vào năm 2023

điều quan trọng là chúng ta phải chữa trị và vô hiệu hóa các ngôi sao không tốt bằng các Phương pháp chữa trị và Tăng cường hàng năm có liên quan trong năm, vì khi bị quấy rầy hoặc không được điều trị, chúng có thể gây ra đủ loại vấn đề liên quan đến của cải, căng thẳng, bệnh tật, tranh chấp, các vấn đề pháp lý, cái chết

Nếu một trong những ngôi sao không lành rơi vào phòng trống, phòng tắm, tủ đựng đồ hoặc phòng ít được sử dụng khác của bạn, điều này sẽ giúp tránh kích hoạt ngôi sao trong năm nay. Tuy nhiên, hãy đảm bảo xử lý khu vực này phù hợp để giúp làm suy yếu năng lượng tiêu cực trong năm

Tôi có thể làm gì để chuẩn bị cho Tết Nguyên Đán 2023?

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Nói thì dễ hơn làm, nhưng lời khuyên tốt nhất mà tôi có thể đưa ra là bạn nên chuẩn bị cho Tết Nguyên đán càng sớm càng tốt, vì điều này sẽ tránh được những sai lầm mắc phải và cũng sẽ đảm bảo rằng bạn có các Thuốc chữa bệnh và Thuốc tăng cường hàng năm để

Trong 23 năm qua, chúng tôi đã đưa ra lời khuyên Phong thủy này miễn phí cho hàng trăm nghìn bậc thầy, học viên, sinh viên và những người đam mê Phong thủy trên toàn thế giới để giúp họ tận dụng tối đa ngôi nhà và doanh nghiệp của mình và đảm bảo rằng

Bạn sẽ nhận thấy rằng chúng tôi sẽ đưa ra một loạt các đề xuất, từ việc sử dụng màu sắc, thảm, v.v. , đối với mỗi Ngôi sao bay cùng với các Phương pháp Chữa bệnh và Tăng cường Phong thủy truyền thống, cho bạn lựa chọn cách điều trị các khu vực, tùy thuộc vào hoàn cảnh của bạn trong cuộc sống. Mặc dù các phương pháp chữa bệnh truyền thống hiệu quả hơn rất nhiều, nhưng tôi đánh giá cao rằng không phải ai cũng có đủ khả năng chi trả cho những phương pháp này, đó là lý do tại sao tôi luôn đưa ra lời khuyên về việc sử dụng các vật dụng mà bạn có thể đã có quanh nhà.

Đặc tính của chúng tôi là luôn cung cấp các giải pháp thay thế có thể tìm thấy xung quanh nhà bạn nếu bạn không muốn đặt các phương pháp chữa trị hoặc không đủ khả năng mua chúng, vì chúng tôi tin rằng Phong Thủy tốt nên được phổ biến rộng rãi cho đại chúng. Mặc dù chỉ sử dụng riêng màu sắc và hình dạng sẽ không hiệu quả bằng việc đặt các phương pháp chữa bệnh và hỗ trợ Phong thủy có liên quan cho năm 2023, nhưng chúng vẫn sẽ tốt hơn rất nhiều so với việc để nhà hoặc văn phòng tùy cơ hội.

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Two products that I would strongly recommend for the year of the Rabbit are the 2023 Annual cures and enhancers kit and our Feng Shui software, as this will provide you with the necessary tools to make 2023 a successful and exciting year

Tôi không đủ khả năng để mua những phương pháp chữa trị hoặc tăng cường này trong năm nay và đối tác của tôi không tin vào Phong Thủy;

I’m sure that most people, when they first heard about Feng Shui, would have imagined life-size Buddha statues and large eight-foot Fu Dogs by the front door. Mặc dù điều này có phần chính xác, nhưng thực tế là các phương pháp chữa trị có kích thước này phù hợp hơn với các tòa nhà hình tháp khổng lồ và hầu hết các phương pháp chữa trị và tăng cường Phong Thủy có sẵn trên trang web của chúng tôi sẽ hòa hợp một cách tự nhiên trong nhà, văn phòng hoặc nơi làm việc và thậm chí có thể

I will always have my cures and enhancers on display as they are more effective when fully exposed in a home, although most people would expect a home to look like a Chinese restaurant when they imagine a home that has been set up with Feng Shui in mind. Feng Shui is not about having your house covered in cures and enhancers; it is about using carefully selected cures in the correct position to ensure they are as effective as possible. You can also avoid problems and enhance your property by using colours, objects and the five elements – metal, water, wood, fire, and earth

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?
Another misconception about Feng Shui is that it is a religion; Feng Shui is a way of life that helps you make the most of the different aspects of your life, similar to how the Danish will practise Hygge

We get a lot of emails each year asking about the best all-round cure to place in a home when a budget does not allow it or when people want to try one cure before investing in other pieces and I will also recommend the annual Master cure as this can help enhance and protect all different aspects of life

The most powerful and influential cure and enhancer in 2023 is called a Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure and must only be used in a Yin Water Rabbit year; this powerful amulet and protective talisman cure is placed only during Gui Mao years to enhance the annual #8 wealth star, which is located in the south palace in 2023. If you want overall protection for the whole of your home or office, I would recommend taking a look at our 2023 Cures and Enhancers kit


Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The first thing to do when working out the 9 compass sectors of your home or office is to draw a rough floorplan of the building so that you have a good idea which rooms fall into which compass area. In modern times, you will usually have a floorplan of your home online if you search through a property website under the sold section, such as Rightmove or Zillow. If you cannot find a floor plan online, you can draw a rough plan by measuring the outside walls for accurate dimensions. If you have our Feng Shui Software, you can do your floor plan within the software, making it very easy. Once you have your floor plan, you will need to split the home into nine equal sectors, similar to a tic tac toe grid

Once you have your floor plan, you will need a good-quality compass to find your compass direction. If you do not know how to take a compass-facing direction, please visit this page. Smart phones usually have a built-in compass that will give you a general idea of the different sectors, although I would not recommend using this for accurate readings

Now that you know the compass direction of your building, you can work out the different compass sectors of your home or office and write them down on the floorplan so that you can work out which Flying stars fall into which area for 2023 according to the eight magnetic directions and centre to plan how to make the most of your life for the year ahead

If you look at the floor plan below, you will see that the 5 star falls into the central area of this home which falls into the master bedroom and for most of us, this will likely fall into a bedroom, kitchen, study or living room and could cause problems if you do not place any cures and enhancers

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?
Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The chart below was created with our Academy of Feng Shui software using the Floor planner section

  • The top left number is called the mountain star and affects the health and well-being of the occupants in the home
  • The top right number is called the facing star, which affects wealth
  • The middle number is called the period number and comes from the year the home was built
  • The bottom right red number is the 2023 Annual flying star

If you look at the chart below, you can see where the different annual Flying stars are located along with the mountain and facing fixed stars and was created using our Academy of Feng Shui software which has become the industry standard with enthusiasts and masters alike

The Flying star chart in the home below has an exceptional formation which is known as a “Combination of ten with sitting” and requires careful analysis; the Academy software explains in great detail how to make the most of this combination and also any other special combination or formation in the Flying star chart

The chart below is for a house facing 250 degrees west 1 (Geng) built in 1980 

“A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams. ”

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The Three Killings – west (232. 5 – 307. 5)

You must avoid making noisy renovations or re-decorative work in the west part of your home or office between 4th February 2023 and 3rd February 2024. You should not disturb the ground by digging holes (small holes for plants are fine), building foundations or conducting any maintenance work with loud equipment in the areas inside or outside your property or garden

If you have no option but to perform work in the west in 2023, I would strongly recommend placing a six-hollow rod metal wind chime while the work is being carried out and for a few days after. We take this very seriously at the Feng Shui Store as we’ve seen some nasty events over the past 42 years when this energy has been disturbed

If you have a door in the west in 2023, please take great care when opening and closing the door to ensure it is not slammed.  Avoid the influence of the Three Killings by opening and shutting the door calmly or installing a soft close hinge

A traditional and powerful Feng Shui cure for the Three Killings during 2023 would be to Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi cure in the west from the 3rd February 2023 to the 3rd February 2024

Urgent repairs to your home or office in the west will need a cure to prevent any negative consequences. You can place a six-rod hollow metal rod wind chime between the building and where the work is being carried out, or ideally, contact a professional Feng Shui Consultant to select an auspicious date to start the work

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi Cure 2023

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 21. 88 ( GBP )

    Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi Cure 2023  The Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi 好运逐年 talisman is an extremely powerful cure and enhancer to be placed in every home, office, shop and building in the year of the Yin Water Rabbit. This cure must be placed in the west of your home or office/business in 2023. The powerful and traditional Sheng Chi cure must be placed in

Annual #5 yellow Flying star – Northwest palace

From 4th February 2023, the annual five yellow star flies into the northwest of every home, office and building for the year. When activated with noise or regular traffic, this inauspicious influence can bring disaster, illness, lawsuits and significant financial issues, making this a crucial area to tread carefully during the year of the Rabbit

It is highly recommended that you keep the northwest of your home or office calm and settled as often as possible during 2023 to avoid activating this area and avoid any building work or noisy activities. To control and weaken the influence of the annual five star, place a set of six Chinese i-ching coins tied with red ribbon, a six-rod hollow metal wind chime and a salt water cure in the northwest to avoid the problems that are associated with the #5 yellow disaster star

A powerful and vital cure to place in the northwest of your home or office during 2023 is to place a set of six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in your building to weaken and appease the annual #5 yellow star, which is why we have included in all of our Annual cures and enhancers kits this year

Please do not panic if the northwest, southeast, east or west of your home or workplace has a bedroom, office, living room or other regularly used room in one of these areas; start preparing to place your 2023 cures and enhancers kit as of the 4th February to ensure a trouble-free year and also cleanse any old cures that you will be reusing this year. To give you even better control, use our advanced Feng Shui 2023 software, as this provides a sophisticated analysis of every home or office facing any direction in any part of the world

Tai Sui (The Grand Duke of Jupiter) – east (82. 5 – 97. 5)

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like being disturbed. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location

If you have a front door in the east during the year of the Rabbit, please try to take care when coming through the door to avoid slamming the door, as this is a sure way to anger Tai Sui. If you have an important room in the east, please try to keep this area calm and quiet in 2023 and avoid digging or renovating in the east this year; using hand tools should be fine as long as you are careful and keep noise levels low. The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Shi Gold Plated Tai Sui Plaque to pay respect and appease the Deity and also enhance the annual #8 star

By paying respect to Grand Duke of Jupiter, we can weaken or avoid the problems this can bring

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque for 2023

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 19. 88 ( GBP )

    Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque for 2023  In 2023, the ruling general the year of the Gui Mao Yin Water Rabbit is “Pi Shi” Da-Jiang-Jun 賀諤大將軍, and the last time he was the ruling general was 60 years ago in 1963, which was the last Yin water Rabbit year. Each year, we must place a Tai Sui plaque in our home and workplace in order to pay respect and

Sui Po (Year Breaker) – west (262. 5 º -277. 5 º)

Sui Po is the year breaker, and it occupies the compass sector directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2023 will be in the west, which also houses the annual 6 star. The location that Sui Po is located in for the year should be treated the same way as any other annual affliction, so please avoid too much noise in the west and avoid groundbreaking and renovation. When Sui Po is disturbed, this area can and usually will cause immediate health problems, especially concerning the elderly, so please be very careful with the west of your home or office this year

Water placement in 2023

As we are getting closer to the end of period 8 (4th February 2024), the use of water outside is critical up until the end of 2023; a pond/water feature positioned outside in the correct area can work in your favour although you should not site a pond/water feature unless advised by professional Feng Shui consultant, you can, however, safely place water outside in the southwest up until 2024

Outside water placement in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Outside water can be positioned in the southwest or east until 2024, although please only do so if you have been advised by a Feng Shui master who knows your fixed Flying star chart. Outside water will work well in the south as we have the annual #8 star located here, although you should make sure that you have a good understanding of the natal chart of your home or workplace before placing outdoor water here in 2023

If you are not sure of the layout of your natal chart or do not know how to create one, take a look at our Feng Shui software, as it does all the work for you

Indoor water placement for 2023

If you have a water feature or fish tank that you want to place inside your home or workplace during 2023, the best area for this would be in the south, where the annual #8 star is located for the Rabbit year

When placing water inside of your home, it is imperative that the water is kept very clean and is constantly flowing; if you have a water feature, this should be kept on, and if you have a fish tank, the pump should be running so that the water is constantly flowing. Stale and dirty water will very quickly create negative Qi (energy) in a home which will make its way all around and turn good into bad if left alone. Using water in Feng Shui is a very powerful tool and is a vital part of Feng Shui (Shui meaning water). The Qi around the home or office is caught by the water and is then cleansed and distributed around the building, provided the water is clean and flowing

Whilst water use is considered safe in the right conditions, there are many exceptions to the placement of water. As Master Practitioners and teachers, we use many more methods of water placement for wealth, education and relationship. These methods, whilst extremely powerful, can only be used with expert guidance and a full analysis of your property and land formations. Please visit this link for more details about a consultation or home/business visit

Salt water cure placement for 2023

We receive thousands of emails each year from people with all different levels of knowledge in Feng Shui telling us how helpful the salt water cure has been for their home and business and how they have helped change the energy for the better; receiving these emails always make my day, finding out how Feng Shui has helped others

The Salt Water Cure is an extremely powerful and little-known cure and one that we have used in our home, warehouse and office for over twenty-one years. We replace the Salt Water Cures at least once a year, and sometimes they need to be replaced within a few months as they remove so much negative energy from the surrounding area

Salt water cure after just 4 weeks

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

You should place a Salt Water Cure in the east and northwest of your home and office from the 4th of February 2023 to weaken and control the annual #2 and #5. Please do not try to reuse the coins from last year’s cure or coins from other cures, as they should be replaced when setting up a new cure. Please ensure you use six Chinese I-Ching coins for your salt water cure and that they come from a good dynasty

When we are working with the flying stars, there will be many different circumstances to how the stars will affect each building; for example, If you have an annual #5 in your open plan living room during 2023, the energy from the #5 yellow’s presence can flow into another area of the home or office so it is always best to treat the hostile areas rather than take an out of sight, out of mind approach; having the annual #5 in a broom cupboard or lesser-used room is very good as the chances of activating this star are a lot less likely although it is still vital to treat. If possible, it is always preferable to avoid rooms with negative stars, although I would still recommend placing the necessary Cures and Enhancers for 2023

To find out more about placing a salt water cure in your home or workplace in 2023, please click here

Annual Flying Star analysis for 2023, the year of the Yin Water Rabbit (Gui Mao)


Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

As you read through the analysis for the 2023 Flying stars, it is worth going into each room to see how your existing decorations could have an impact against the advice given for the year ahead; if you had a bright red throw on your sofa in the northwest where the annual #5 star is located, it would be wise to remove this and place a metal coloured throw in its place to weaken the inauspicious annual star. If you had a gas hob in the southwest, which cannot be avoided, you can place metal cures here to balance the energy for the year

The analysis has a considerable amount of information. I’d recommend printing this off or saving the page so you can check back over it when applying the changes for the year of the Rabbit

When you first read the advice below, it may seem as though this year will bring lots of problems, although you will soon realise that there are many ways to control the negative influences and enhance the positive ones, making the most out of the year of the Rabbit

If you would like to know more about what the year of the Rabbit has in store for you on a more personal level, I would consider looking at the 2023 Feng Shui Guide or our Feng Shui online report

With regards to the arrangement of the Xuan Kong Flying stars in 2023, we will have the #8 wealth star fly into the south, and it is wise to make the most of this influence this year, especially if you have an important room here as this is the final year with the #8 as the primary wealth star. To activate the annual #8 star with earth and fire cures and colours this year, two potent enhancers for the #8 star this year are the Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure, and the Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer, as these two cures are extremely powerful during the Rabbit year

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer – Prosperous blessings all year round

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 14. 88 ( GBP )

    Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer - Prosperous blessings all year round  The Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer is a very powerful earth cure used to enhance the annual #8 star in the south during 2023, and this can absorb negative energy and naturally cleanse itself of the energy over time, rather than store it, making the Xinglong Zhufu

Với giai đoạn 9 sắp đến, bây giờ chúng ta phải bắt đầu tận dụng ngôi sao #9 hàng năm, vì đây sẽ trở thành ngôi sao giàu có chính mới khi giai đoạn 9 bắt đầu vào năm 2024. Cách chữa trị hiệu quả nhất cho ngôi sao #9 hàng năm là đặt một bát Tài lộc và Bùa hộ mệnh của Jubaopen ở phía bắc vào năm 2023

The lottery ticket in the image below has been created and personalised to an individual’s unique lottery numbers with our Feng Shui software and taken from their birth date. Placing it in the south, west or north can increase your chances of winning. If you own the software, you increase your chances even more as it calculates even more advanced formulas to tap into wealth and good luck

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?


Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Kan 1 White In 2023, Kan trigram is in the southwest

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Kan #1 is a water element. In the physical body, it is the ear. Internal organ is the kidneys and it is also blood. It also affects career and luck

Kan water #1 (Tang Lang) has flown into the southwest in 2023, and the inherent energy of this sector is water which will be destroying the annual energy; we will need to introduce some strong metal and water cures in here for 2023

The southwest is an important area for the household matriarch and all females in general, although also crucial for males. This influence can bring luck and advancements to career, finances and relationships when activated correctly

Colour choices for the southwest in 2023 – white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Colours to avoid in the southwest in 2023 – green, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Elements to use in the southwest in 2023 – Metal and water
Elements to avoid in the southwest in 2023 – Wood, fire and earth

The best cures you can place in the southwest of your home or work place in 2023 to enhance the annual #1 star are a pair of golden Yufang Fu Dogs and two Xing Wang Buddhas to ensure that wealth, career and relationships are enhanced as best as they can be, especially if this is an office, bedroom or other commonly used room. As with every year, we include these as standard in our 2023 annual and deluxe Cures and Enhancers kits, as they are a vital cure for strengthening the #1 annual star

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

A pair of Fu Dogs are one of the most recognised cures and one that we have carefully chosen to be placed in the southwest during 2023 to enhance the annual #1 star, bringing good protection, wealth, career, and relationship luck to occupants of the home

Traditional metal cures enhance the annual star and weaken the inherent star this year, bringing very strong luck in new opportunities for the occupants, creating results in financial investments and academic achievements, and enhancing romance and relationships

If you have any poison arrows outside facing towards your home, such as a busy road or power lines in the southwest of your home or office, I would suggest placing a Ba Gua mirror outside of the building pointing towards the poison arrow; if you are unsure which mirror to use, a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror is the safest bet to use in the southwest during 2023 as these are designed to reflect negative energy back to the poison arrow

If you cannot afford the pair of golden Yufang Fu Dogs and two Xing Wang Buddhas, or if you do not wish to use traditional cures in your home or office this year, I would try to introduce some water or metal colours in the southwest; The easiest way to do this is by using bed sheets, pillows, pictures, ornaments, lampshades etc. The best colours to use are blacks, greys, blues, white, silver, gold, copper and bronze. If your bedroom or office falls into the southwest, I recommend placing a brass Wu Lou talisman here to protect and enhance wealth

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Pair of golden Yufang Fu Dogs

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 17. 88 ( GBP )

    Pair of golden Yufang Fu Dogs  A pair of Fu Dogs are one of the most recognised cures and one that we have carefully chosen to be placed in the southwest during 2023 to enhance the annual #1 star, bringing good protection, wealth, career, and relationship luck to occupants of the home. The Yufang pair of Fu Dogs are an imperative enhancer for the

Please try to avoid introducing any fire, wood or earth colours in the southwest of your home or workplace in 2023, as this can lead to a loss of wealth. If you already have these colours in place and cannot be easily removed, I would introduce strong water or metal colours alongside traditional metal cures to balance the energies

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

If you are introducing furniture and ornaments as cures in the southwest, I would try choosing objects with waves and ripples or round objects as these shapes bring good water and metal influence. If you have any heavy metal furniture, this will work well in the southwest

Businesses that deal with investments, trading, jewellery, or online retailing can expect better times if they have an office or main door in the southwest this year

If you have an office in the southwest this year, try to keep the land outside of the property open and clear, and keep windows open when possible, as this will allow fresh qi to flow around this area

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #1 star in the southwest for 2023

Summary for the annual #1 star in the southwest in 2023

The best months for the southwest during 2023 are February, April, June, September, October, November and January (2024)

Take extra care in March, May, July, August and December. I would check back on our free monthly Flying star advice to further analyse these months

Enhancement summary and advice for the #1 visiting the southwest in 2023

  • If you have a bedroom in the southwest in 2023, introduce a brass Wu Lou on your bedside table or under the bed along with white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, blue, grey or charcoal bedsheets, a throw or pillows
  • If you do not wish to use a wu lou, you should place a heavy round object close to your bed; a quick, easy cure is to place a good quality frying pan under your bed for the year
  • Place a pair of golden Yufang Fu Dogs in the southwest of your home or office to enhance and protect wealth for the #1 star
  • Please avoid fire and wood colours like green, red, pink, purple, orange or burgundy; blues, blacks, grey or charcoal are good colours to use
  • Avoid earth colours such as brown, terracotta, yellow or beige in the southwest this year
  • Place two Xing Wang Buddhas in the southwest in 2023
  • Avoid burning candles in the southwest unless the monthly stars allow this
  • Place a Metal Feng Shui singing bowl in the southwest of your home or workplace to enhance and protect the #1 star
  • Metal objects are very effective when placed in the southwest
  • This is not a good area to place crystals as this will destroy the energy of the #1 star
  • Clicking here will take you to our page of all of our cures and enhancers for the annual #1 star
  • Although they will not be as powerful, you can use round metal shapes as an alternative to Feng Shui items, but please avoid sharp or menacing-looking metal objects

Kun 2 Black Kun 2 Black (Ju Men) visits the east in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The east is not a nice area in 2023 as we will have the annual #2 star fall into the same palace as Tai Sui for the year; care will be needed in the east this year to avoid activating these two afflictions, although if you follow the advice below, you will be fine. The east will affect all occupants, particularly males (especially the eldest son), so please provide care to the east in 2023 and prepare early

Although the annual #2 star and Tai Sui can be treated easily this year, it is very important that this area is not activated with too much loud noise, such as extensive renovations, as this will likely activate the influence that these two afflictions can bring. When activated, Tai Sui and the annual #2 star can bring problems to the entire home, affecting wealth, stress, illness, disease, arguments and general bad luck for the occupants of the building, so please keep this area calm and quiet as much as possible

If you have a main door in the east of your home or workplace, please avoid slamming the door, as this is one of the easiest ways to activate the #2 and Tai Sui. Frequent loud noises, such as banging doors and practising musical instruments regularly, will likely bring issues, so please try to avoid this as much as possible

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Renovations should be avoided in the east this year, and this is more so when Tai Sui is located in the same palace as the annual #2. If you cannot avoid loud work in the east this year, try to do this in a month where we have an auspicious monthly star fly-in; the best months for this are in February, March, May, July, October, November and December

Colour choices for the east in 2023 – white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Colours to avoid in the east in 2023 – green, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Elements to use in the east in 2023 – Metal and water
Elements to avoid in the east in 2023 – Wood, fire and earth

The best treatment for the east in 2023 would be to place a salt water cure and six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon and a Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque to keep this area settled and keep Tai Sui appeased for the year

Pi Shi is the Tai Sui general for 2023 and falls into the east sector (82. 5 – 97. 5 degrees) as of the 4th of February 2023, and we must place this cure in the east sector of our home and workplace for the entire year until the 3rd of February 2024. When we disturb Tai Sui, we can manifest all types of problems from disagreements, lawsuits, divorce and many other malicious influences. In 2023, we have Tai Sui fall into the same palace as the annual #2, which can heighten the inauspicious influence in the east when disturbed, making this an imperative area to treat with the appropriate cures and enhancers

There are sixty different Tai Sui Generals, and during the year of the Yin Water Rabbit, we must place this gold-plated plaque of Pi Shi in the east of our home and workplace as he is the ruling Tai Sui General for 2023. The animals that will be significantly affected by Pi Shi this year are the Rat, Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Horse and Rooster as they are all in conflict with Tai Sui in different ways and have more chance of disturbing Tai Sui this year. However, this is equally important for the rest of the Chinese zodiac animals, especially the Rabbit, as they are the Ben Ming Nian animal (本命年 in 2023

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque for 2023

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 19. 88 ( GBP )

    Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque for 2023  In 2023, the ruling general the year of the Gui Mao Yin Water Rabbit is “Pi Shi” Da-Jiang-Jun 賀諤大將軍, and the last time he was the ruling general was 60 years ago in 1963, which was the last Yin water Rabbit year. Each year, we must place a Tai Sui plaque in our home and workplace in order to pay respect and

If you do not wish to use traditional cures and enhancers in the east for 2023, you can place good quality metal objects and colours that are smooth in shape; try to avoid sharp, pointy metal objects, as this will cause more harm than good

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The #2 star is not a nice one and has the ability to affect the health of those under its influence and will also bring problems to the entire home, involving wealth, stress, illness, disease, arguments and general bad luck for the occupants of the building so please be sure to treat this area with care and attention. This is especially so for people who are a Gua #1, 3, 4 or 9. Check on this page if you do not know your Gua number eightmansions. htm or if you have our Academy of Feng Shui software, you can calculate your Gua and best directions

Please avoid any fire and wood colours in the east this year, such as red, orange, pink, purple or green, as these colours will activate the #2 star; if you already have these colours in the east and cannot remove them, introduce metal and water colours to balance the energy here

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Those who spend a lot of time in the east need to take care of their diet this year and could benefit from getting health checks when feeling poorly; this is especially important for pregnant females

Placing a Metal Wu Lou beside your bed is a good cure if you have no option but to sleep in the east of your home this year, as this symbolises good health and dissipates the negative energy of the #2 star

This star affects the health of those under its influence, bringing wealth problems, sickness, disease, bad luck, stress, stomach and digestive problems, bloated feeling, gossip, backstabbing, family harmony and distress

What is likely to activate the annual #2 star in 2023?

  • Digging holes
  • Laying foundations
  • Refitting a bathroom or kitchen
  • Playing the drums
  • Having a children’s playroom in the east
  • Having a generator running in the east
  • Using power tools for several days in the east
  • Playing loud music repetitively
  • Having too many earth colours in the east (brown, terracotta, beige or yellow)

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #2 star in the east for 2023

Summary for the annual #2 star in the east in 2023

Please keep the east calm and quiet as much as possible during 2023. If building work has to be done in the east this year, make sure that you have the recommended cures in place before you start the work

Do not place any fire or wood colours in the east in 2023, such as red, pink, purple or green. Keep doors closed when possible. Place a Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque, Wu Lou, salt water cure, wealth ingot and six coins here, along with metal ornaments. Use the colours white, silver, gold or copper

Better months are February, March, May, July, October, November and December

Take extra care in April, June, August, September and January (2024)

Remedies and advice for the #2 visiting the east in 2023

  • Place a salt water cure in the east during 2023
    Place a Pi Shi Tai Sui gold plated plaque in the east during 2023
  • If you do not wish to use traditional Feng Shui cures, you can use any metal ornament as long as it is not sharp or aggressive looking. Although not as effective, believe it or not, a good cure is a round metal dog bowl or weight lifters weights
  • Hang six Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon
  • A good quality brass wealth ingot protects wealth in the east this year
  • A metal singing bowl is very good to place in your home or office
  • Please keep this area as quiet as possible during 2023 to avoid activating the double #2 energy and Sui Po
  • Place a Wu Lou and other metal ornaments to dissipate the negative earth
  • Avoid using red colour in this room and refrain from displaying a triangle shape or fiery pictures
  • Please do not place crystals here, as this will feed the inherent energy of the annual #2
  • Avoid candles or bright lights at all costs. Check or upgrade smoke alarms and other fire prevention methods

Chen 3 Jade, the sound of Lu Chun #3 Jade can be heard in the southeast in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The annual #3 star has flown into the southeast for 2023, and when disturbed, this can bring all sorts of issues ranging from stress, legal issues, disputes, loss of wealth, theft and arguments. Luckily, this palace can quickly be resolved and kept settled with the proper cures and enhancers

The best way to avoid activating the annual #3 star is by keeping this area calm and settled. Although it is very unlikely for most people to completely avoid the southeast this year, by being mindful of noise levels and introducing fire and earth cures and colours, we should not see big problems in this area

If you have an important room in the southeast in 2023, such as an office, bedroom, living room etc. , please read the advice below, as frequent interaction in this area can activate the annual #3. All occupants of the home and workplace can be affected by the influence of the southeast this year. However, once activated, females, especially the eldest daughter, will be affected by this inauspicious star

Colour choices for the southeast in 2023 – red, orange, purple, burgundy, pink, lilac, brown, terracotta, yellow, beige
Colours to avoid in the southeast in 2023 – green, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the southeast in 2023 – fire and earth
Elements to avoid in the southeast in 2023 – wood, metal and water

If you have a main door in the southeast this year, please try to avoid slamming the door as much as possible and place a Ba Gua mirror above the front door on the outside. It is also wise to avoid renovations, overly loud music, TV and playing children in the southeast as much as possible, as noise and human interaction can bring issues

To remedy the effects of the annual #3 star in 2023, you should introduce fire and earth cures such as crystals and candles this year to weaken or drain the wood star. Lamps, candles, and led lighting will work well in the southeast this year as the fire energy will weaken the annual star

The best cure I can recommend for the southeast in 2023 is to place a Paijie laughing protection Buddha; this is a vital and very powerful cure to place in the southeast of your home and workplace during the year of the Rabbit to weaken and control the spiteful energy of the inauspicious annual #3 star

Please avoid having wood, water or metal cures in the southeast during 2023 as the water will enhance the bad annual star, and the metal will destroy the annual star, which is too strong of an energy and will cause much more severe problems

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

If you have a water feature or fish tank in the southeast during 2023, this will enhance the annual #3 star, causing the malevolent influence to strengthen, so please relocate the water feature or fish tank to the south for 2023. If you are unable to move the water, please make sure that you introduce some strong fire colours along with a Paijie laughing protection Buddha near this

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Paijie Laughing protection Buddha

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 12. 88 ( GBP )

    Paijie Laughing protection Buddha  The Paijie Laughing protection Buddha is a vital and very powerful cure to place in the southeast of your home and workplace during the year of the Rabbit to weaken and control the spiteful energy of the inauspicious annual #3 star. Every building in the world will see the annual #3 argumentative star fly into the

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #3 star in the southeast for 2023

Summary for the annual #3 star in the southeast in 2023

Please read through all paperwork during 2023 and double-check before signing anything, as the annual #3 star can bring lawsuits, disagreements and general issues with others. Please remember to take care, as a lack of attention could end in a loss of time, energy and resources

Better months are March, May, August, September, October and December

Take extra care in February, April, June, July, November and January (2024)

Remedies and advice for the #3 visiting the southeast in 2023

  • A fast cure is to place a light in the southeast of your home or office. If you have a choice, a lamp with a wooden stand and a peach/red shade is better
  • Place a Paijie laughing protection Buddha in the southeast of your home or office
  • Avoid metal cures in the southeast, especially windchimes
  • Take extra security measures for the whole home or business during 2023, and check smoke alarms regularly
  • Regularly lighting a candle in the southeast will help weaken the annual #3 star in 2023
  • Check through everything before signing documents, especially if your office is in the southeast
  • Beware of backstabbing, as sometimes it is unseen behind your back and from someone, you thought you knew quite well
  • You should avoid having a water feature in the southeast unless you understand your fixed flying stars well
  • Introduce fire and earth colours into the southeast to weaken the #3 wood star

Sun 4 Green has flown into the centre of the Lo Shu square in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

In 2023, we have the annual #4 romance star fly into the central palace, which can create a fantastic influence which will flow to the entire building and help to enhance the auspicious stars and weaken the inauspicious stars in other sectors around your home or work place when activated correctly this year

When the annual #4 star is activated correctly, we can benefit from a lovely influence, creating extremely strong Peach Blossom luck, enhancing love, relationships, career, travel prospects, creativity, academic prospects and self-development

To enhance this beautiful influence, you should place a Wanshouwujiang Zhenai wish and romance enhancer in the central palace of your home or office during 2023. In 2023, the Wanshouwujiang Zhenai romance and wish enhancer is one of the most crucial cures and enhancers to place in your home or office for Romance and wish manifestation and enhancement. We had this cure specially created and engraved for the year of the Yin Water Rabbit to enhance the annual #4 star, which falls into the central palace

Any star that falls into the central palace for the year has the ability to permeate the entire home or workplace. When we enhance the annual #4 in the centre in 2023, we can significantly enhance and promote career, wealth, love and academic prospects for the entire year ahead. This special cure and enhancer is essential to ensure, strengthen and protect romance/relationships, career and academics are protected and enhanced in the year of the Rabbit

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

This cure and enhancer, when used, is also a manifestation enhancer; You can also place photos of you and your partner or even pictures of people you would like to bring into your life. Think of this area as a manifestation area, and when you place your wish list, photos, romantic statue, photo of a dream car, house, boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever you wish to bring into your life, think very positive thoughts and try and imagine those items in your life already, remember the power of the mind is just as powerful as Feng Shui. This cure and enhancer is so important in 2023, which is why we included it in our 2023 cures and enhancers kit

Colour choices for the centre in 2023 – All shades of Green, blue, black, grey
Colours to avoid in the centre in 2023 – white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, red, orange, purple, burgundy, lilac, pink
Elements to use in the centre in 2023 – Wood and water
Elements to avoid in the centre in 2023 – Metal and Fire

Please take cure when leaving the centre untreated in 2023, as this can attract unwanted attention for all occupants of the home and can lead to separation in relationships and undesirable business contacts. If you are hoping to attract a new partner in love or business in the Rabbit year, the safest and most effective way is to place a Wanshouwujiang Zhenai wish and romance enhancer in the centre this year

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Please do not introduce any fire or metal colours into the centre of your home or work place in 2023, as this will weaken the wood element of the annual #4 star. Good colours in the centre are either green, black, grey or blue. Avoid using orange, red, pink, purple, white, silver, gold, copper and bronze in the centre of your home or work place this year. If you already have these colours and cannot remove them, add water and wood colours and cures to balance the energies

The centre of your home should be treated as the creativity and relationship area in 2023 and if you have an office or meeting room here, try to use this room as frequently as possible

The #4 star has the power to increase the chances of producing intelligent children when conceived during the year of the Rabbit, and to increase your chances, I would place a statue of a Tao Hua Yun Mandarin Ducks in the centre of your home or office, especially if you have a bed located here. Another good cure for the centre this year is to place a blue Kwan Yin

Another powerful cure that you can place to help you conceive a child during 2023 is a bunch of peanuts in shells (monkey nuts or groundnuts) or any seed products such as black or red melon seeds (Gua Zi). In Mandarin, peanuts are called ‘Hua-sheng’, and for the Chinese, this word is onomatopoeic in that the sound of it means ‘the birth of many children’

When placing them they can be placed anywhere in the bedroom, although I would keep them close to the bedside table. A good alternative if you do not want to display real nuts or if you have an allergy would be to have a pair of mandarin ducks beside your bed

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #4 star in the centre for 2023

Summary for the annual #4 star in the centre in 2023

With the Wanshouwujiang Zhenai wish and romance enhancer in place and some good water or metal colours in the centre of your home or office this year, you should be able to enjoy great rewards and enhance your relationship with others throughout the year of the Rabbit

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Wanshouwujiang Zhenai wish and romance enhancer

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 23. 88 ( GBP )

    Wanshouwujiang Zhenai Romance and Wish enhancer  This product was Specially made and engraved, and printed only for the Feng Shui Store and not for sale elsewhere – do not accept imitations. In 2023, the Wanshouwujiang Zhenai romance and wish enhancer is one of the most crucial cures and enhancers to place in your home or office for Romance and wish

The centre of a home or office is a lovely area for anyone interested in writing, art, travel, studies and lifestyle. They should try to spend as much time in the centre this year, especially when working or studying

Better months are February, April, June, September, October, November and January (2024)

Take extra care in March, May, July, August and December

recommendations and cures for the #4 visiting the centre in 2023

  • Use blue or green in your décor in the centre of your home or office
  • Place a Wanshouwujiang Zhenai wish and romance enhancer in the centre of your home or office in 2023
  • Place a crystal globe on the work desk if you have an office and study in the centre. Blue and green items can be added on the desk, e. g. blue paper, green books etc
  • Avoid displaying too many metal objects in the centre, especially large heavy ornaments such as dumbbells
  • Fresh flowers or small pots of green leafy or flowering plants can be displayed in this spot of the house to lift the qi. Blue or green flowers are a good choice
  • If you have the Taohua mandarin Ducks, this is an excellent area to have them and other symbols of romance like hugging couples
  • Place a Kwan Yin statue in the centre, but please keep it higher than ground level
  • Place photos of loved ones or images of love to enhance relationships or attract new love. This can do with photos, paintings or statues; make sure there is always a pair in the image

The 5 Yellow In 2023 – The annual 5 Yellow Lian Zhen star of tragedy is located in the northwest

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The annual #5 tragedy star will fly into the northwest palace of every home and workplace on the 4th of February. When activated, this star can bring illness, accidents, fatalities or bankruptcy, making this an extremely important area to treat during 2023. It is worth noting that although the northwest is afflicted in 2023, there are many resolutions for this to make sure that this influence is kept at bay and avoids being activated

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The best solutions for the northwest in 2023 are to introduce good quality metal cures and colours as this will weaken the annual #5 stars earth energy and keep this energy settled. I would also recommend avoiding loud noise in the northwest this year, as this will likely activate the annual #5. The three most potent cures you can use in the northwest in 2023 are a Six-rod hollow metal wind chime, salt water cure and Six Chinese I-Ching coins tied in a row

Colour choices for the northwest in 2023 – white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, blue
Colours to avoid in the northwest in 2023 – Red, orange, purple, burgundy, pink, lilac, brown, terracotta, beige, yellow
Elements to use in the northwest in 2023 – Metal and water
Elements to avoid in the northwest in 2023 – Wood, fire and earth

If you have a bedroom, office, living room, kitchen, or other commonly used room where you spend extended periods of time, the best option would be to avoid this room. However, realistically, if you’re spending time in the northwest in 2023, try to keep noise levels down when possible and make sure you place good quality metal cures and colours

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

If you can, avoid any renovation or groundbreaking; this includes building an extension, knocking through an internal wall, laying a patio, replacing a bathroom suite and all other similar activities. My general rule of thumb when carrying out small tasks in a little area, such as hammering a nail to hang a picture or drilling a hole, is to minimise as much noise as you can; if you can, use a manual hand drill; it is better to be safe than sorry

Noise from a Tv or radio is not usually loud enough to cause issues as long as they are kept at normal levels where you can easily talk over each other

For 2023, I would strongly suggest placing these Cures in the northwest of your home or office to keep the inauspicious energy of the annual #5 settled

Six Chinese i-ching coins In a row
Salt water cure
Six-rod hollow metal wind chime

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Salt Water cures kit

    4. 64 out of 5

    Price. £ 12. 86 ( GBP )

    Salt Water cures kit A Salt Water Cure is Perhaps the most essential cure to be used in every building, especially if you find that you are experiencing bad luck, sore throats, loss of wealth or constant sickness in 2023; you will need to place a little-known cure called a "salt water cure", this powerful cure is said to dissipate and clear all negative energy.

If you prefer not to work with traditional Feng Shui cures, I would recommend placing some good quality heavy metal items in the northwest of your home or workplace. Great simple metal cures are something like a saucepan, weight-lifting plates or rust-free metal tools. Good shapes associated with the metal element are anything round, such as a saucepan

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

A pendulum chiming clock in the northwest of your home or workplace is a fantastic cure for the annual #5 star as the low noise level is not enough to activate the annul #5. In the old days, they would have had someone striking a gong quietly every 15 to 60 minutes

A very powerful metal cure to place in the northwest this year is a brass Wu Lou or gold-coloured gourd to protect wealth and avoid legal issues and disputes

Another powerful cure for the northwest is to place a brass Wu Lou or gold-coloured gourd to protect wealth and avoid legal problems, arguments, disputes and loss of wealth

Please avoid candles and fire colours in the northwest this year as this is one of the quickest ways to activate the annual star with fire enhancing the #5 earth star. If you already have fire colours in the northwest, try to balance the energy by introducing metal cures; if you have a red sofa, you can place a white throw over it to balance the colours. This is not a good area for crystals this year as they will feed the inherent energy of the #5 star

What is likely to activate the annual #5 star in 2023?

  • Digging holes
  • Laying foundations
  • Refitting a bathroom or kitchen
  • Playing the drums
  • Having a children’s playroom in the northwest
  • Having a generator running in the northwest
  • Using power tools for several days in the northwest
  • Playing loud music repetitively
  • Having too many earth colours in the northwest (brown, terracotta, beige or yellow)

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #5 star in the northwest for 2023

Summary for the annual #5 star in the northwest in 2023

Take extra care in April, June, August, September and January (2024)

Better months are. February, March, May, July, October, November and December

Please avoid activating the negative energy brought on by the annual #5 star with loud noises or groundbreaking in the northwest this year

Avoid placing fire and earth colours or candles in the northwest of your home or office, such as orange, red, purple, brown terracotta, yellow or beige. Introduce metal colours such as white, silver, gold or copper

recommendations and cures for the #5 visiting the northwest in 2023

  • Avoid having the TV or radio at too high a volume in the northwest in 2023
  • Keep the northwest of your home clear and tidy throughout the year
  • Do not introduce any red or earth colours to the northwest this year. Silver, gold or white beddings and curtains are good colours to use
  • Place a salt water cure in the northwest of the building along with six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon and six hollow metal rod wind chime
  • The six coins in a row and salt cure are crucial cures to place in 2023; please do not forget them
  • Place a Brass Wu-Lou in the northwest, especially if your bedroom falls into this area
  • Avoid fire colours and candles in the northwest this year
  • Tsai Shen Yeh (God of wealth) in gold colour is very effective at reducing the bad earth and protecting your wealth

Ch’ien 6 White – The star of Heaven Chien 6 White (Wu Qu) sits in the west palace in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

In 2023, we will have the annual #6 star fly into the west palace, and while this is an auspicious star, we will also have the Three Killings and Sui Po in the same sector, making this a volatile area if left untreated. Luckily, we can still benefit from the auspicious influence of the annual #6 star this year when activating with good quality metal cures

When activated correctly, the annual #6 star can bring substantial wealth and career luck, especially for those involved in politics, leadership roles, jewellers or anyone in a high-up position

If you have a door or window that is regularly used, please check over the latches and locks before the New Year and ensure that any old electrical sockets and wiring are upgraded if needed

Colour choices for the west in 2023 – brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze
Colours to avoid in the west in 2023 – black, grey, blue, green, red, orange, purple, burgundy, pink, lilac
Elements to use in the west in 2023 – Metal and earth
Elements to avoid in the west in 2023 – Wood, fire and water

Please avoid candles in the west this year, as this will destroy the auspicious energy of the annual #6 star. Good element and colour choices are metal and earth cures. The two most crucial cures to place in the west of your home or office are the Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi Cure and two Xing Wang four Buddha of prosperity and luck to feed the inherent energy of the annual #6

The powerful and traditional Sheng Chi cure must be placed in the home and workplace each year to enhance the auspicious influence of the very auspicious annual #6 star, which for 2023 is in the west; this must be kept in place until the 3rd of February 2024 to enhance and attract wealth luck throughout the year of the Rabbit which is why we have included the Sheng Chi cure with all our 2023 annual or deluxe cures and enhancers kits

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi Cure 2023

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 21. 88 ( GBP )

    Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi Cure 2023  The Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi 好运逐年 talisman is an extremely powerful cure and enhancer to be placed in every home, office, shop and building in the year of the Yin Water Rabbit. This cure must be placed in the west of your home or office/business in 2023. The powerful and traditional Sheng Chi cure must be placed in

In 2023, the auspicious #6 annual star fall into the west along with the Three Killings and Sui Po. While this area has an auspicious star, we can suffer all sorts of issues if disturbed with two annual afflictions in the same sector and by introducing two of the Xing Wang Buddhas in the west, we will have metal strengthening metal

The west of my parent’s home is their master bedroom, and the main living room below, which are constantly used by two noisy grandchildren who are always playing in the living room whenever they’re around, this type of noisy activity is likely to aggravate the Three Killings and Sui Po energy and to counteract the energy they will be placing the Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi cure at least in the west of their home to avoid activating the wrath of the Three Killings for the year of the Rabbit

The west also has the annual #6-star fly-in during 2023 and is also afflicted with Sui Po, and this can affect females, especially with regards to the chest, mouth and thighs, so it is essential that we treat this area with care and try to keep noise levels to a minimum to benefit from the energy that the annual star can bring this year. I’ve added a list of what you can and cannot do to give you a better idea of how the Three Killings can be disturbed

  • Installing a pond or swimming pool in the west – not advised and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Using a main door in the west – not advised and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Replacing windows or doors in the west –  not advised and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Play drums in the west as loud as possible – not advised and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Drilling into walls in the west (single holes for hanging pictures should be fine) – not advised and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Lay a new patio or deck in the west – not advised and if unavoidable, make sure you place annual Feng Shui cures.
  • Planting small plants with a hand spade in the west – fine to do so but still place annual cures
  • Using a main door in the west quietly, avoiding slamming the doors – fine to do so
  • Watching television or listening to music in the west at a reasonable volume – fine to do so
  • Painting and decorating a bedroom in the west – fine to do so

Although the annual #6 star can positively influence our home and workplace in 2023, please be aware that this star can bring issues related to the liver and legs. If you have a bedroom in the west in 2023, it would be wise to introduce watercolours such as a blue bedsheet

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #6 star in the west for 2023

Summary for the annual #6 star in the west in 2023

Please keep the west calm and quiet in 2023 to ensure that the Three Killings and Sui Po are not activated. Good colours and elements are earth and metal. A good cure is placing some real quartz or a faceted crystal sphere in the west this year as these are very good for activating this nice star’s wealth and business side

Take extra care in February, May, July, September and October

The best months for the west are February, March, April, June, August, November, December and January (2024)

recommendations and cures for the #6 visiting the west in 2023

  • Although the annual #6 star can positively influence our home and workplace in 2023, please be aware that this star can bring issues related to the liver and legs. If you have a bedroom in the west in 2023, it would be wise to introduce watercolours such as a blue bedsheet
  • Place a Haoyun Zhunian Sheng Chi in the west of your home or office to enhance and protect wealth
  • Crystals will work very well in the west for 2023
  • Avoid fire colours such as red, and please do not light candles in the west unless the monthly stars allow it, as it can cause lung issues
  • Place two Xing Wang four Buddhas of prosperity and luck in the west of your home or workplace to enhance and protect wealth in 2023. The other two Buddhas can be placed in the southwest to enhance the annual #1 star

Tui 7 Red – The Lofty Wind of Tui (Po Jun) flies into the northeast in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

In 2023, we have the #7 argumentative star fly into the northeast of every home and workplace worldwide. When disturbed, this influence can bring problems related to assault, deceit, violence and robbery. The northeast is not a good area for anyone who suffers from lung problems like COPD or asthma, although cures can be placed to dissipate the negative influence, so do not worry

When the annual #7 star is left untreated, it strengthens the malevolent energy. Without the appropriate cures and enhancers, this star can bring problems related to burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and backstabbing from others. To keep this influence calm and under control, we will need to introduce water and wood cures and colours to the northeast this year

The most effective cure that should be placed in the northeast during 2023 is a Huaxianweiyi rice cure which works by absorbing the negative energy that the annual #7 can bring to a building in a similar way that we use salt water cures. As this is a crucial cure in 2023, we have included this in all of our 2023 Cures and Enhancers kits

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Huaxianweiyi rice cure for 2023

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 20. 88 ( GBP )

    Huaxianweiyi 化险为夷 Rice cure 2023  The Huaxianweiyi 化险为夷 rice cure is an essential cure in 2023 to treat and weaken the inauspicious influence of the annual #7 star, which has flown into the Northeast. The Northeast is the inherent wealth #8 palace of the Lo Shu, and with the #7 robbery star when left untreated, it can cause a range of problems in the

Colour choices for the northeast in 2023 – green, black, grey, blue
Colours to avoid in the northeast in 2023 – brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, yellow, red, orange, burgundy, purple, pink, lilac
Elements to use in the northeast in 2023 – Wood and water
Elements to avoid in the northeast in 2023 – Metal, fire and earth

If you have a main door that falls into the northeast this year, please make sure you hang a Ba Gua wealth protection mirror above the door outside of your home. Try to avoid slamming the door in the northeast, as this is a likely way to activate the energy of the annual #7 star

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

When the annual #7 flies into somewhere for the year, this can bring security risk, so it is always wise to make sure that locks and alarms are up to date and working well before the New Year stars so that this risk is kept to a minimum

I always say that prevention is the best cure, and by checking over your home throughout the year, along with placing the Huaxianweiyi rice cure, you can avoid any potential problems that could incur from the #7 star this year. Do not display any valuable items on windowsills as there is a risk of a passer-by seeing a quick opportunity

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

With the annual #7 star, it is always wise to think and plan ahead as this star can quickly change luck, and by taking simple steps early in the Chinese New Year, we can avoid the issues that this star can bring. Please check over smoke alarms regularly throughout 2023, and if you do not have one in the northeast, please ensure one is installed before the New Year

It pays to be wise and avoid taking too many risks if you have an essential room in the northeast, as there may be unscrupulous people working against you. There are indications of misunderstandings, pressure and business rivalries that could also lead to losses

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #7 star in the northeast for 2023

Summary for the annual #7 star in the northeast in 2023

Try to keep the northeast of your home calm and quiet throughout 2023 as best as possible. If you have an important room here, it is essential that you place the relevant cures and enhancers here, as frequent human activity can activate the #7 star

If you have an office or door in the northeast, please be careful of people trying to deceive you, robbery, arguments and loss of wealth. It is important that you double-check paperwork before finalising anything, as this star normally causes problems with people you know and thought you could trust

Please take extra care during February, June, August, October and November

Better months are March, April, May, July, September, December and January (2024)

Recommendations and cures for the #7 visiting the northeast in 2023

  • Place water and wood colours in the northeast during 2023
  • Plants in the northeast will help to drain energy from the annual #7 star
  • You should try to introduce some watercolours such as blue in your decoration. You can introduce the colour with cushions, rugs, bed covers or doormats
  • Do not use anything of fire element or the colour red to control it as this may aggravate it
  • Do not use candles in the northeast this year, as this will strengthen the energy of the #7 star
  • Place a Huaxianweiyi rice cure in the northeast of your home or office for protection
  • Install or service/upgrade smoke alarms and security systems
  • Do not hang metal wind chimes here

Ken 8 White has flown into the south for 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The annual #8 star will fly into the south palace on the 4th of February 2023, and when activated correctly, all occupants of the home can benefit from tremendous wealth luck this year, especially females of the home or workplace

As we enter the final year of period 8, the energy of this star will not be as strong, and we will need to enhance this with some powerful earth and fire cures to ensure that we fully benefit from this lovely influence in 2023. This is an excellent location for crystals and candles in 2023, especially if the south of your home or work place falls into a commonly used room such as a bedroom or office

As with every new Solar year in Feng Shui, you must place a very special Master cure and the most powerful and influential cure, and enhancer is called a Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure and must only be used in a Yin Water Rabbit (Gui Mao) year. We have included the Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure standard in our 2023 Cures and Enhancers kits

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure 2023

    0 trên 5

    Giá. £ 38. 88 ( GBP )

    Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure 2023   (Phương pháp chữa bệnh và tăng cường quan trọng nhất nên đặt trong nhà, văn phòng hoặc doanh nghiệp của bạn cho năm 2023, năm Quý Mão Thủy Âm) Vào đầu mỗi năm Mặt trời mới trong Phong Thủy, một phương pháp chữa bệnh rất đặc biệt được sử dụng. Phương pháp chữa bệnh và tăng cường mạnh mẽ và quan trọng nhất vào năm 2023 được gọi là phương pháp chữa bệnh của Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master và phải

This cure and enhancer is placed to protect and enhance wealth and good luck in 2023, especially for females and the middle daughter in particular. However, the Master cure will benefit all occupants of the home or office and more so if you run a business or work from home

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

If your main door is located in the south in 2023, this is good news, as the activity will help to activate and strengthen the annual #8 star. Please ensure that the front door is kept clean and tidy throughout the year, as this will help promote fresh Qi flowing towards this area

Suppose the south of your home falls into a bedroom, office, living room or another area with frequent activitiy. In that case, the #8 star can help bring strong luck in wealth, fame, romance, recognition and overall luck to all occupants of the home, making this one of the most important sectors for the year of the Rabbit

Another essential cure and enhancer for the annual #8 star is to place a Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer which translates to “prosperous blessings all year round”. This cure was created and crafted especially for us to make this cure as powerful as it can be for the home and office in 2023. The Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer is a very powerful earth cure used to enhance the annual #8 star in the south during 2023, and this can absorb negative energy and naturally cleanse itself of the energy over time rather than store it, making the Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer an essential cure to enhance the natural energy of the annual #8 star in 2023. We have included the Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer as standard in all our 2023 Deluxe Cures and Enhancers kits this year

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer – Prosperous blessings all year round

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 14. 88 ( GBP )

    Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer - Prosperous blessings all year round  The Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer is a very powerful earth cure used to enhance the annual #8 star in the south during 2023, and this can absorb negative energy and naturally cleanse itself of the energy over time, rather than store it, making the Xinglong Zhufu

Although the annual #8 star can bring fantastic luck in 2023, please be away that this can cause occupants to overwork, leading to health issues. It is important to have a good balance in lifestyle and work in 2023, so please make sure that the added workload doesn’t lead to stress, high blood pressure and kidney problems; if this is the case, it is important to take time out to unwind

Colour choices for the south in 2023 – brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Colours to avoid in the south in 2023 – green, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the south in 2023 – Earth and Fire
Elements to avoid in the south in 2023 – Metal, Water and Wood

To activate the annual #8 star, you can introduce crystals to the south for the year, and this is also a great area to burn candles throughout the year, although please be sure to check on the monthly stars as it is wise to avoid candles in certain months

This is a very strong wealth, success and romance area for 2023 when activated, so try and store your important financial papers here, like pensions, stock portfolio etc. , in the south. If you use symbolic cures, this is where you should place your three-legged Toad facing your Sheng Chi direction for wealth or a pair of rose quartz crystal hearts for romance

Please take extra care during February, March, July, September, November and December

The best months are April, May, June, August, October and January (2024)

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #8 star in the south for 2023

recommendations and cures for the #8 visiting the south in 2023

  • Place a Changtong Caibo Yisheng Master Cure in the south of your home or office
  • Keep the south clean and tidy as much as possible in 2023, as this will promote fresh Qi flowing towards this area
  • Place a Xinglong Zhufu Yiniansiji wealth enhancer in the south for wealth protection and enhancement
  • Avoid using metal colours in the south, such as white, silver, gold, copper or bronze
  • This is also a good study area for children; place a task light and a crystal globe on the desk to enhance concentration
  • A powerful romance enhancer is a pair of rose quartz Mandarin Ducks in the south this year

Li 9 Purple You Bi Li 9 Purple is found in the north in 2023

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

With period 9 beginning in 2024, we must start fully activating the annual #9 star, which falls into the north in 2023, as this will become the primary wealth star and is becoming much more powerful in the year of the Rabbit

Throughout period 8, the #9 star has been known as the future wealth star, and in 2023, we will need to take full advantage of this auspicious influence by enhancing the north with fire and wood cures and colours to make sure we can benefit from auspicious wealth luck, fame, acknowledgement, growth and improvement this year

We can benefit from new career opportunities and promotions when activated with the right fire and wood cures this year. The chances of this will be significantly heightened if you have an office or study in the north of your home or office in 2023. If you do not have an office here, you can still benefit by spending time in this area

The north is a lovely area in 2023, and I would encourage you to make the most of this area, if possible. For those in studies and anyone who is still working from home, please try to set up your desk in this area, although if the north falls into a bathroom or other room that cannot be used to work in, you can still take calls in this area to benefit from this auspicious influence

Colour choices for the north in 2023 – Green, red, orange, purple, pink, burgundy, lilac
Colours to avoid in the north in 2023 – Brown, terracotta, beige, yellow, white, silver, gold, copper, bronze, black, grey, blue
Elements to use in the north in 2023 – Fire and wood
Elements to avoid in the north in 2023 – Earth, water and metal

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

The north is a fantastic area for a bedroom during the Rabbit year, and anyone who shares a bedroom in the north with their partner can look forward to good relationships in 2023. However, please ensure that you have read the advice for the annual centre as this will also influence relationships in 2023. Anyone trying to conceive a child in 2023 can heighten their chances when sleeping in the north, especially when they place a Kwan Yin in this area

With the future primary wealth star flying into the north in 2023, we will need an extremely powerful wealth cure in our home and workplace for the year of the Rabbit to take full advantage of this auspicious influence to make sure that wealth, career, general luck, and growth in all areas of life are as prosperous as possible

We will be entering period 9 in 2024, which will see the #9 star replace the #8 star as the primary wealth star, and it is extremely important that we take advantage of this auspicious influence before period 9 begins as this will help create an excellent example of things to come. For 2023, we must place the Jubaopen Wealth bowl of fortune and success Talisman in our home and workplace to ensure that wealth and overall luck prospects are as powerful as possible going into period 9

To enhance the annual #9 in 2023, you should place a Jubaopen Wealth bowl of fortune and success Talisman in the north of your home or workplace, along with some good quality wood and fire cures. This is a great area for candles

  • Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

    Jubaopen Wealth bowl of fortune and success Talisman

    0 trên 5

    Price. £ 10. 88 ( GBP )

    Jubaopen Wealth bowl of fortune and success Talisman  With the future primary wealth star flying into the north in 2023, we will need an extremely powerful wealth cure in our home and workplace for the year of the Rabbit to take full advantage of this auspicious influence to make sure that wealth, career, general luck, and growth in all areas of life

Các lĩnh vực tốt lành cho năm 2023 là gì?

Click here to view our range of cures and enhancers for the #9 star in the north for 2023

Summary for the annual #9 star in the north in 2023

Be aware of the negative influences during March, April, August, October, December and January (2024)

The best months are February, May, June, July, September and November

recommendations and cures for the #9 visiting the north in 2023

  • Healthy green leafy plants or blue flowering plants such as violets are good for this area
  • Place a Jubaopen Wealth bowl of fortune and success Talisman in the north of your home and office in 2023
  • Fresh flowers displayed here will bring positive qi too
  • Candles can be used here to strengthen the inherent energy of the annual #9 star
  • Symbolic objects such as a wu lou or eight Chinese coins can be placed here all year round to enhance benevolent influence and, simultaneously, dissipate the malevolent influence by visiting monthly #2 and #5 (April and October)
  • Fire colours such as red, orange, purple, burgundy, lilac and pink will work well in the north in 2023

Spend as much time as you can reading this report, save it and print it to read at your leisure, as it can save you from many problems. You don’t have to buy any cures and enhancers, and I hope you agree I have always given you alternatives to the traditional cures and enhancers, but if you do decide to buy a cures and enhancers kit, you should read what some of our clients say about annual cures kits, not only do they offer you protection, they enhance the beneficial areas, click on the banner below to read some of the thousands we received over the years

What are the sectors for 2023 in Feng Shui?

In 2023, the good luck sectors of the year are North, South, West, Southwest and Center . The bad stars numbers are 2, 3, 5 and 7 are in the East, Southeast, Northwest and Northeast respectively.

Which area is lucky for 2023?

West. Six White Star. The Six White Star will fly to the due west , which is the location for wealth luck from sideline sources according to the Feng Shui in 2023. This year, the west is the lucky location for wealth accumulation.

What is the Feng Shui prediction for 2023?

Longevity, peace, and prosperity—the Rabbit symbolizes these three things in Chinese culture. Having said that, we can look forward to 2023 as a year of hope .

What is 2023 in Feng Shui business?

2023 is symbolic of the element Water over Wood . Both are of the Yin polarity. In Feng Shui principles, Water supports Wood and therefore the year is seen to be complementary and the nature of Yin energies is viewed as gentle, accommodating and related to emergence of feminine control.