Chúng ta đã khám phá được gì trong không gian vào năm 2023?

Cách Trái đất một triệu dặm, Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb đang nhìn vào vũ trụ sâu hơn loài người từng có trước đây. Đã một năm kể từ khi JWST ra mắt. Làm thế nào để các nhà khoa học đánh giá hiệu suất của nó cho đến nay?

“Tôi không thể nghĩ ra một sứ mệnh không gian nào hoạt động tốt hơn lời hứa và đó chính là điều Webb mong muốn. Thật tuyệt vời”, Marcia Rieke, nhà nghiên cứu chính về camera cận hồng ngoại trên JWST, nói.

JWST đã trả về dữ liệu và hình ảnh đáng kinh ngạc về các ngoại hành tinh, các ngôi sao sắp chết, sự hình thành các thiên hà và nơi sinh của các ngôi sao

"Hubble thật tuyệt vời. Nhưng nó chẳng là gì so với điều này", nhà văn khoa học Joelle Renstrom nói. "Chỉ là chúng ta càng nhìn rõ thì càng có nhiều thứ để nhìn. Và nó chỉ dẫn đến tất cả những câu hỏi như 'Chà, chúng ta còn xem gì nữa không?

Hôm nay, đúng điểm. Vui mừng trong năm đầu tiên khám phá từ Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb


Marcia Rieke, Giáo sư Thiên văn học tại Đại học Arizona, nhà nghiên cứu chính về camera cận hồng ngoại trên Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb

Nikole Lewis, Phó Giáo sư Thiên văn học tại Đại học Cornell. Cô ấy tham gia vào hàng chục chiến dịch quan sát với Kính viễn vọng Không gian Spitzer trước đây và Kính viễn vọng Không gian Hubble và JWST hiện tại. Trước đây cô từng là nhà khoa học dự án JWST tại Viện Khoa học Kính viễn vọng Không gian

Cũng đặc trưng

Lisa Đặng, Nghiên cứu sinh sau tiến sĩ tại Đại học Montréal

Joelle Renstrom, nhà văn Khoa học, cũng dạy hùng biện tại Đại học Boston

Chúng ta đã khám phá được gì trong không gian vào năm 2023?
Hình ảnh này kết hợp các hình ảnh về khu vực hình thành sao mang tính biểu tượng Trụ cột của sự sáng tạo từ hai camera trên Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb của NASA. Ánh sáng cận hồng ngoại còn tiết lộ hàng nghìn ngôi sao mới hình thành – hãy tìm những quả cầu màu cam sáng nằm ngay bên ngoài những cột bụi đầy bụi. (NASA)

Bảng điểm

Phần I

MEGHNA CHAKABARTI. Hôm nay, chúng ta hãy tự thưởng cho mình món quà là bước lùi lại khỏi những căng thẳng và bi kịch trong chu kỳ tin tức thông thường, thay vào đó hãy nói về điều gì đó đang hoạt động và đang hoạt động tốt đẹp, vượt quá sự mong đợi và mở rộng kiến ​​thức của nhân loại vượt xa ranh giới của trí tưởng tượng của chúng ta.

Trong tháng này, NASA đã công bố một hình ảnh ngoạn mục khác được chụp bởi Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb. Đây là Khu phức hợp đám mây Rho Ophiuchi và là một khu vực rộng lớn gồm các cột khí xoáy cao chót vót bao phủ ánh sáng của các ngôi sao bé. Và thật ngạc nhiên khi nhìn thấy

Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb, hay JWST, đang kỷ niệm năm đầu tiên vận hành khoa học. Nó nằm cách Trái đất 1 triệu dặm và nhìn vào vũ trụ xa nhất mà chúng ta từng có

BILL NELSON. Về bản chất, chúng ta là những nhà thám hiểm. Chúng tôi là người biên cương. Và vì thế câu hỏi mà chúng ta thường hỏi là, "Chúng ta là ai? Chúng ta đang ở đâu? Tại sao chúng ta ở đây? Làm thế nào mà nó phát triển được sự sống như chúng ta biết, nó đã được tạo ra ở đây, trên hành tinh đá cỡ trung bình này, quay vòng

CHAKRABARTI. Quản trị viên NASA Bill Nelson. Đó là câu trả lời của anh khi được CBS News hỏi tại sao nhân loại lại cần những sứ mệnh như JWST. Jane Rigby là nhà khoa học dự án của NASA cho Sứ mệnh Kính viễn vọng Không gian James Webb và cô ấy nói rằng kính thiên văn đang phá vỡ các ranh giới

JANE RIGBY. Điều mới mẻ mà Webb mang lại cho chúng ta là một góc nhìn sắc nét hơn, rõ ràng hơn, nhìn xa hơn về quá khứ. Điều đó nhìn thấy những phần của vũ trụ mà chúng ta vừa vô hình. Bởi vì nếu bạn nhìn bằng mắt - hoặc thậm chí bằng Hubble - ở phần bầu trời này, tất cả những gì bạn nhìn thấy là màu đen. Bạn không thể thấy bất kỳ điều gì trong số này

CHAKRABARTI. Đây là điểm chính. Tôi là Meghna Chakrabarti. Vào tháng 4 năm 2022, chúng tôi đã nói chuyện với các nhà thiên văn học Marcia Rieke và Nikole Lewis về điều gì đã khiến JWST cách Trái đất một triệu dặm, một kỳ tích đáng kinh ngạc theo đúng nghĩa của nó

Rieke là giáo sư thiên văn học tại Đại học Arizona. Cô là nhà nghiên cứu chính cho camera hồng ngoại gần, hay NIRCam, trên JWST. Lewis là giáo sư thiên văn học tại Đại học Cornell và từng là nhà khoa học dự án tại Viện Khoa học Kính viễn vọng Không gian cho chương trình Webb

Trong cuộc trò chuyện vào tháng 4 năm 2022 đó, kính viễn vọng đã đi đến điểm quỹ đạo mong muốn và NASA đang kiểm tra thiết bị đo đạc của JWST. Vào thời điểm đó, nó chưa bắt đầu bất kỳ sứ mệnh khoa học nào, vì vậy chúng tôi đã nói chuyện với Rieke và Lewis về những gì họ hy vọng học được từ dự án đầy tham vọng và tốn kém này.

Chà, hôm nay chúng tôi đã mời họ trở lại nhân dịp kỷ niệm một năm sứ mệnh khoa học của JWST để xem liệu những hy vọng đó có thành hiện thực hay không. Giáo sư Marcia Rieke, chào mừng trở lại On Point

MARCIA RIEKE. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều vì đã có tôi một lần nữa

CHAKRABARTI. Và giáo sư Nicole Lewis, rất vui được chào đón bạn trở lại

NIKOLE LEWIS. Xin chào và cảm ơn vì đã đưa tôi trở lại

CHAKRABARTI. Được rồi, câu hỏi đầu tiên dễ đây và Giáo sư Rieke, tôi sẽ bắt đầu với bạn. Cho đến nay JWST đã đáp ứng hoặc vượt quá mong đợi của bạn chưa?

RIEKE. Ồ, nó đã hoàn toàn vượt quá sự mong đợi của tôi. Ý tôi là, chúng tôi đã có tất cả các kế hoạch về cách giải quyết vấn đề này, vấn đề kia hoặc vấn đề khác và chúng tôi không phải sử dụng một trong những vấn đề đó. Màn trình diễn thật ngoạn mục

CHAKRABARTI. Và giáo sư Lewis, cùng câu hỏi với bạn

LEWIS. Vâng, nó chắc chắn đã vượt quá sự mong đợi của tôi. Khi dữ liệu xuống, nó gần như nguyên vẹn. Nó làm cho công việc của tôi dễ dàng. (CƯỜI)

CHAKRABARTI. Bây giờ, tôi rất muốn nghe cả hai bạn nói chuyện trong suốt giờ này, thỉnh thoảng bạn có thể nói chuyện với nhau nếu muốn. Vì vậy, đừng đợi tôi chuyển tất cả các câu hỏi riêng cho một trong hai bạn. Nhưng vì vậy tôi chỉ tự hỏi trong khoa học những chuyện như thế này có thường xuyên xảy ra không?

Không phải nói như vậy, bạn biết đấy - có thể có những điều bất thường hoặc kỳ quặc trong tương lai. Chúng tôi chưa biết điều đó. Nhưng để có được sự khởi đầu tuyệt vời như vậy cho một sứ mệnh lâu dài và vô cùng phức tạp, theo kinh nghiệm của bạn, đây là điều bình thường hay hiếm gặp?

RIEKE. Theo kinh nghiệm của tôi, để một thứ gì đó hoạt động vượt xa hiệu suất dự kiến ​​​​ban đầu của nó là - tôi không thể nghĩ ra trường hợp nào khác

Đã có những nhiệm vụ khác hoạt động rất tốt, như Kính viễn vọng Không gian Spitzer. Nhưng một thứ gì đó vừa vượt qua tất cả các yêu cầu và thực hiện theo cách Webb đã làm, điều đó thực sự bất thường

LEWIS. Ừm-hmm. Vâng. Và tôi phải đồng ý với Giáo sư Rieke rằng, bạn biết đấy, ngay cả trong sự nghiệp của tôi - tôi đã từng làm việc với Spitzer, tất nhiên khi Hubble ra mắt và cung cấp cho chúng tôi những hình ảnh đầu tiên, đã có một số vấn đề. Chúng tôi thực sự chưa bao giờ thấy thứ gì đó hoạt động vượt quá mong đợi của chúng tôi, ngay lập tức

CHAKRABARTI. Vì vậy, vấn đề từ Hubble, xin nhắc nhở mọi người, là vấn đề về khả năng lấy nét của nó. Phải?


CHAKRABARTI. Nhưng Hubble đủ gần Trái đất để chúng ta có thể cử phi hành gia tới sửa chữa nó, đây không phải là một lựa chọn khi JWST ở cách xa cả triệu dặm

LEWIS. Chính xác

CHAKRABARTI. Vâng. Và thành thật mà nói, việc nó hoạt động xuất sắc chỉ là một điều kỳ diệu của khoa học và kỹ thuật, tôi phải nói rằng. Tôi muốn biết ý kiến ​​của cả hai bạn và thực ra, Giáo sư Rieke, hãy bắt đầu với bạn một chút nhé, vì JWST đang làm được rất nhiều việc, phải không?

Nó đang nhìn rất sâu vào nguồn gốc của vũ trụ, những thiên hà xa xôi nào có thể đại khái là lĩnh vực chuyên môn của bạn và Giáo sư Lewis, bạn đang xem xét khoa học ngoại hành tinh. Vì vậy, Giáo sư Rieke, có hình ảnh cụ thể nào từ bất kỳ loại thí nghiệm thiên hà xa xôi nào mà ông thấy đặc biệt hấp dẫn hoặc cho thấy sự thành công của kính thiên văn cho đến nay không?

RIEKE. Ồ, cuộc khảo sát sâu mà nhóm của tôi và các cộng tác viên của chúng tôi từ NIRSpec đã thực hiện với một số hình ảnh nhìn trực quan, à, chúng trông không giống lắm, nhưng ngay khi bạn phân tích ánh sáng từ những vật thể này, bạn nhận ra rằng bạn đang nhìn thấy . Bạn chỉ đang nhìn thấy những thứ như 320 năm trước, 320 triệu năm sau Vụ Nổ Lớn

Và về cơ bản ngay từ đầu, chúng tôi đã tiến gần đến việc đạt được một trong những mục tiêu chính của sứ mệnh, một trong những cách chúng tôi thuyết phục mọi người chi 10 tỷ USD. Và do đó, bản thân hình ảnh đó, khi bạn nhìn nó từ khoảng cách vài feet trên màn hình máy tính trông không khác mấy so với hình ảnh của Spitzer. Nhưng khi bạn bắt đầu và thực sự nhìn vào các chi tiết, bạn sẽ nói, "Ôi chúa ơi, chúng ta đã làm được rồi. "

Chúng ta đã khám phá được gì trong không gian vào năm 2023?
Hình ảnh này cho thấy một phần của bầu trời được gọi là HÀNG HÓA-Miền Nam. Hơn 45.000 thiên hà có thể nhìn thấy ở đây. Using these and other data, the JADES team has discovered hundreds of galaxies that existed when the universe was less than 600 million years old. (NASA)

CHAKRABARTI. Okay, so this is the Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey you're talking about?

RIEKE. Yes. Which we've dubbed JADES as a way to refer to it

CHAKRABARTI. Okay. So I'm looking at an image of it available online. And by the way, folks, a lot of the JWST images that we're gonna be talking about today are available, there's links to them on our website

So Professor Rieke though, I'm looking at this JADES image and you can zoom in on it, which is kind of amazing. I think I've heard you say previously that there were, are there 45,000 galaxies in this one set of images?

RIEKE. That's right. And you know, sometimes people ask me, "Well, why haven't you released a summary of all the properties of all the galaxies in your field?"


RIEKE. And I have to say, "When you got 45,000 of 'em, it takes you a little while. " (LAUGHS)

CHAKRABARTI. (LAUGHS) It's remarkable. So when you say this is 325 million years after the Big Bang, that is early, early, early given that --  how far back are we saying the Big Bang is going now? Because I think this is a number that I haven't been able to keep track of. 13 billion or something like that?

RIEKE. Yeah. 13. 7 billion years ago is when the Big Bang happened. And so we've — we're seeing light that's been traveling toward us for longer than the earth has existed

CHAKRABARTI. Much longer. Much longer than the earth has existed

RIEKE. Much longer

CHAKRABARTI.  Okay, so I'm seeing this like, amazing field of, you know, crowded with galaxies of all shapes and sizes — spirals, I guess those are the ones I recognize the most. They're different colors. Is that — are these false color images or are they, why are they different colors?

RIEKE. It is a false color image. The default way that the image comes up that you're looking at assigns, red, green, blue to three different NIRCam filters. And so that's how you get the colors

So the things that appear red are in fact brighter at the longest of the NIRCam wavelengths and the things that look blue are bluer. Of course, your eye can't see infrared, so you wouldn't see any of these colors. But what we've done is tried to categorize the objects according to the properties of the light that they're emitting

CHAKRABARTI. Okay. So I mean, I know you could just spend years and years of your career analyzing everything that this one data set is providing. But is there something in particular here that you could point out that you find especially lovely or surprising when you started examining it?

RIEKE. I think there were two things that have been surprises. Well, at least two. Just one is the sheer number of relatively very small, dim objects that when you analyze it, they're in this realm of 300 to 500 million years after the Big Bang. And there are more, many more of those than our models predicted

And the other thing is that as you've noticed when you scroll around, you can see shapes and some of the galaxies are quite red in color, which suggests that they've got a lot of dust in them, just like our own Milky Way has. In fact, that's partly what makes that recently released Rho Ophiuchi picture so pretty is that there's dusts and gas swirling around. There are more galaxies with a lot of dust than we might have predicted, and so we're still, still trying to digest what this all means

Chúng ta đã khám phá được gì trong không gian vào năm 2023?
The nebula of WR-124, a Wolf-Rayet star, is 10 light years wide. It’s made of material cast off from the aging star and dust produced before the star’s eventual supernova. (NASA)

CHAKRABARTI. Okay. Well and the dust is important because it helps build other things in the universe as well. So, okay, Professor Marcia Rieke. We're gonna come back to what happened at the dawn of the universe. And Professor Lewis, I definitely want to hear from you about what you're seeing regarding exoplanets out there thanks to our 1 million mile away eye on the universal sky, the James W — sorry, the James Webb Space Telescope, which is celebrating its first year of science. We'll be back. This is On Point

Part II

CHAKRABARTI. Marcia Rieke is with us today. She's a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona and Nikole Lewis joins us as well. She's associate professor of astronomy at Cornell University and they have come back together on On Point a year after we first invited them on. And we're talking about the James Webb Space Telescope and celebrating its first year of astronomical and cosmological observation

Professor Lewis, so we heard Professor Rieke talk a little bit about some of the more remarkable images that she's analyzing now regarding the beginnings of the universe. You're an expert in exoplanets. Can you talk about one or two that Webb has looked at and what you found?

LEWIS. Yeah. And to echo sort of what Professor Rieke was saying was that when we get these images down, sometimes they aren't as beautiful as the images you'll find online, but they hold so much rich information. And that's particularly true for a lot of our exoplanet images. Often we just see blobs, for lack of a better term. (LAUGHS)


LEWIS. But when we sort of smear the light out from those blobs into what we call spectra, we're able to tell a huge amount about those objects that are, you know, light years away from us

And one of the objects that we looked at early on in JWST's science operations was the sort of, I would call a warm Jupiter called WASP-39 b. And when looking at that planet, we were able to actually detect carbon dioxide for the first time in that planet's atmosphere using JWST and to also see hints of really interesting chemistry happening with sulfur

CHAKRABARTI. And why were those two things very interesting?

LEWIS. Yeah. So if you look at around our own solar system --  you know, I'm trained as a planetary scientist, so I always start in the solar system. And, of course, JWST has given us beautiful images of solar system planets which we can talk about more


LEWIS. But when we look around in the solar system, many of the atmospheres of the planets, you know, us and Venus, Mars in particular, have carbon dioxide as a key species in the atmosphere. And it's a key component of understanding how those planets formed and evolved. And looking farther into the future at smaller rocky worlds, their potential to host life

And sulfur is also a key species that we see. I think one of the places we see it most in the solar system is Jupiter's Moon Io, which is basically spewing sulfur. And that creates all sorts of complex chemical interactions, which again, can be interesting in terms of thinking about the habitability and the formation of life on planets beyond our solar system

CHAKRABARTI. So help me remember my exoplanet history here since it's also such a new field. Have there been other planets previously — or exoplanets previously studied where carbon dioxide and sulfur were found in their atmospheres outside of the solar system?

LEWIS. No, we have not had firm detections without the infrared capabilities of JWST. I'll come back to the Spitzer Space Telescope, which I started my career on and love dearly. We had hints that we might see something like that, but we didn't have what we call the resolution to be able to determine exactly which species were contributing to the light that we saw

CHAKRABARTI. Oh, so this is truly a first then?

LEWIS. It is truly a first

CHAKRABARTI. Okay, and so what new questions then pop into your mind with the ability to confirm that, okay, there's planetary activity out there where you have recognizable signatures of CO2 and sulfur in the atmosphere?

LEWIS. Yeah. It's particularly interesting for this because this is a gas giant. And actually we didn't really think that there should be a lot of carbon dioxide in these gas giant atmospheres. And so it probably means that they formed in a very sort of different location from our own gas giant planets in our solar system

And so that's really telling us a lot about, you know, where do planets form around other stars? Do they form in systems that look a lot like our own solar system or are they really forming in a very different fashion? Which could open up the idea of could there other be other systems that look like ours or are we really quite unique?

CHAKRABARTI. Yeah. Okay. So I've gotta ask you. I mean, I know that JWST is not the project in which — I mean, at least for now — that scientists are gonna try and point towards planets that we think could harbor, or could be home to, if not life, then circumstances that would maybe help life that we recognize arrive. Okay?

But putting JWST aside for just one second, I mean, the universe is so vast. I think we've confirmed that there are many, many, many, many planets out there — so many that there's gotta be some that have the same Goldilocks zone properties that Earth does. So do you think that eventually one day in a future mission, we will be looking at planets that could be habitable?

LEWIS. Yes, most certainly. I mean, we've confirmed thousands of exoplanets and thousands and millions more currently exist in our solar system. Most definitely. And JWST is playing an important role in the whole idea of the search for life

We are looking at Earth-sized planets that are around small stars, what we call M dwarfs, cool stars that are not like our sun. And many of them are in fact in what would be considered the Goldilocks zones of those systems. And so we're trying to understand if those planets could have properties that could support life or if, you know, really we can only get ideal conditions for life around more Sun-like stars, which will be definitely looked at with future missions like the Habitable Worlds Observatory

CHAKRABARTI. Okay. So we'll come back and talk about that in a minute here. But Professor Rieke, I appreciate your patience in listening to what Professor Lewis had to say about initial exoplanet observations. But tell me more about what Webb is revealing about that earliest, earliest chapters in the universe's history

RIEKE. I will do that in one second. I wanted to add one thing to what Nikole has been saying, that Webb was designed and sold initially on the basis of searching for the most distant galaxies. And I remember people making the argument that once you build an observatory to do something that difficult, it'll be useful for many other things. Because when the mission was being designed, there were far fewer exoplanets known, and in fact, there were no requirements placed on the mission to be able to do the kind of work that Nikole was doing

But it shows that a well-designed, well-engineered project can do many things and that we don't — we're not just making it up when we say, "Okay, we're going after the most distant galaxies, but trust us, it'll be good for other things. " And I think we're seeing that notion bear fruit

So back to your main question. As we go through this enormous set of imaging — and now we're getting spectra as well — of these very distant galaxies. Some of the things that we want to probe actually connect back to what we see nearby and planets and so on. And we're trying to trace out how we went from the Big Bang, which basically left us with hydrogen and helium and a tiny little bit of lithium and a couple other light elements — but no carbon or oxygen or nitrogen

And we're already seeing some traces that in the early universe, these critical elements for life are getting manufactured in stars more quickly than we might have predicted. And so again, another very important mystery to unravel is how what we might call the chemical evolution of the universe preceded, which is obviously very important for our understanding life and where else it might be

Chúng ta đã khám phá được gì trong không gian vào năm 2023?
The central region of the Chamaeleon I dark molecular cloud, which is 630 light years away. The cold, wispy cloud material (blue, center) is illuminated in the infrared by the glow of the young, outflowing protostar Ced 110 IRS 4 (orange, upper left). (NASA)

CHAKRABARTI. Mm. Okay. You know, I'm recalling that another really interesting thing that both of you shared with us when we had you back on in April 2022, was this novel way in which telescope time was being allotted on JWST, right?

That NASA and the ESA [European Space Agency] and the Canadian Space Agency had come up with a system where there would essentially be sort of almost a blind selection of the most compelling proposed experiments. And that meant that it opened up the possibility for a lot of younger researchers to perhaps gain access to the telescope. Am I remembering that correctly, Professor Lewis?

LEWIS. Yeah, I think we discussed that towards the end of our conversation back in April


LEWIS. Um, but this is the, what we call the dual anonymous proposal review process, which was actually first initiated on the Hubble Space Telescope. And it was so successful that it seemed obvious to carry it over for JWST

And it has certainly borne fruit in looking at the diversity of what we call principal investigators selected on observations for cycle one and now cycle two

CHAKRABARTI. Okay, so we actually reached out to one of those young researchers who had an experiment selected for cycle one

Her name is Lisa Dang. She's a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Montreal, and she studies exoplanets and their atmospheres. And with a team of other researchers she submitted a project proposal in November 2020. She hoped to study the lava planet K2-141 in hopes of learning more about its makeup that might tell us more about the interior of our own planet. And Lisa was very excited to learn that her project had been chosen for the first year, or cycle one, and here's what she told us

LISA DANG. For me, it was kind of the first time that I felt like a real astronomer, like a real adult astronomer. Uh, just because I was able to get time on this like, big telescope

One of the things that strikes me the most is a lot of the projects that I was expecting to see approved were probably approved. And I think there's a lot of usually competing teams that are applying for the same target, for example. But it's nice to see that because there's less emphasis that was put on the institutions of the people on the team and the name of the people on the team, the proposals were evaluated for their merit and how well they were presented rather than how good and competent of a team they had

Two outcomes from this is that a lot more young researchers were able to get time on this first cycle, but also a lot of institutions that are not necessarily like the top tiers institutions were able to get time as well

CHAKRABARTI. Lisa has received her data from JWST and her team is currently processing the numbers. And she doesn't yet have, of course, the final analysis. They're still working on it. But she told us she thinks they'll be able to reveal whether that planet that they're looking at has an atmosphere or whether it's been blown away by the heat of the star it orbits. So looking forward to Lisa Dang's discoveries

Professor Lewis, let me ask you, especially in the field of exoplanet astronomy, it seems like it's one that's new enough that there haven't been, let's say the established personalities or egos or lab politics that might emerge in other more, like, older fields of science. Is that, is that true?

LEWIS. (LAUGHS) I think that's a fair statement and I'd like to hear Marcia's opinion --

CHAKRABARTI. You're laughing. (LAUGHS)

LEWIS. I am. I am because I think within science, you know, scientists have opinions. We are opinionated people by nature. And so I think saying that we're a field without any opinions or egos is probably not fair. But I will say we are still a relatively young field and one that's still trying to find itself. And a field that has grown very, very rapidly, which means the majority of people that I work with these days are early career

And so we're trying to find ways to build collaborations such that we can focus on community rather than competition. And I think one of the best examples of that was the Early Release Science program for both the transiting exoplanet community and the direct imaging community, which brought together hundreds of scientists and managed to get them to work together on a single project

CHAKRABARTI. Okay. Well, if I may, when you spoke with Hilary, our producer for this show, I think you said that fields that are a little less interdisciplinary or --


CHAKRABARTI. Or more that produce more Nobel-worthy material, you got a lot more personalities there, right? (LAUGHS)

LEWIS. Yeah, that is a true statement. I think, if you think about a Nobel Prize and people who are aiming for a Nobel Prize, they certainly have a certain, um, shall we say, level of ego. I, again, came into this as a planetary scientist, and exoplanets is a place where you have this sort of crossover between planetary science, astronomy, chemistry, geology, a whole bunch of different fields, and most of us come into it with no eye on a Nobel Prize in the future. (LAUGHS)

CHAKRABARTI. For now. (LAUGHS) But I mean, I'm just kidding you. I mean, I hope that the pursuit of pure science is always the first goal. But, you know, I think you said that when you started your career there were, I don't know, less than a hundred established exoplanetary scientists. But now, with the ability to gain so much more data, so many more novel observations, there are many more people in the field — thousands even?

LEWIS. Yeah, when I started in my graduate school career, I actually started in solar system research, looking at Mars, in fact. I mean it's just that there weren't exoplanet research projects to be had. And so I was really part of the first wave of, um, early career scientists coming through

And now, you know, it's a very popular idea as people apply for graduate school to think about studying exoplanets, just given the sheer amount of information that exists now

CHAKRABARTI. Okay. So Professor Rieke, I'd love to hear your thoughts on then what JWST as a tool, as an instrument, and how it might have an impact on, you know, who does astronomical science or opening the doors to more people in the field. Do you think that there's a connection there?

RIEKE. I think there is a connection there because if you look at the history of the Webb project, when I first joined the teams trying to kind of sketch out what the mission would look like back, this was in the sort of 1998 era, roughly. I was one of the few women participating in the project, and all of the technical people to speak of were men

By the time we got to commissioning, there were many women playing leadership roles on the engineering side. If you looked at the science working group and the leaders of instrument teams, several of the teams were led by women. And there's also been quite a contingent of people — and this has partly helped by teaming with both Canada and the European space agencies — people who speak a range of languages. I think Webb has done a quite good job at reaching out to the Spanish speaking community

And so the whole mixture of people has changed over the 25 years I've been associated with the mission. And I think it's partly because Webb just kind of broke all kinds of barriers, so to speak. It's a different way to build a telescope. We've tried to do many things in a more diverse, equitable way, so to speak, tried to encourage a broad range of different kinds of science. And so I think the mission will have several legacies for the astronomical community. Obviously, this scientific one being the easiest to see, but many in the societal side as well

CHAKRABARTI. Mm. Well, today you're hearing from Professor Marcia Rieke and Professor Nikole Lewis. They're two astronomers who joined us first, back in April of 2022 to talk about the James Webb telescope, and they've come back today after the Webb's first year of scientific discoveries to tell us what they've found so far and what could come next. So we'll have a lot more when we come back

Part III

CHAKRABARTI. The James Webb Space Telescope isn't just a telescope. It is a time machine. When the JWST sees light from a galaxy that's 13 billion light years away, it means that light has traveled for 13 billion years before it touched the telescope sensors, which means that light is 13 billion years old. It is literally the light of the incomprehensibly distant past

JOELLE RENSTROM. I don't think that we're supposed to be able to comprehend what that timescale means, and I don't really think we're supposed to be able to comprehend how big our infinite universe is either

CHAKRABARTI. Science writer Joelle Renstrom

RENSTROM. I don't know who really can wrap their head around the fact that we can see into the past. There's something amazing in the fact that we can know something in an intellectual way, but not really be able to know what it means because it's so big. And that just reminds us that we're human. If we walk away from it thinking, "Wow, we are so small," then, I don't know, how much more can we comprehend than that?

CHAKRABARTI. We are a species whose entire history of existence amounts to a minuscule fraction of the blink of an eye in cosmic time. Knowing this is what gives cosmology the power to make the human soul yearn toward poetry. Something no one knew better than legendary astronomer Carl Sagan

CARL SAGAN. The surface of the earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we've learned most of what we know. Recently, we've waited a little way out, maybe ankle deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return and we can because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star stuff. We are a way of the cosmos to know itself

RENSTROM. When he talks about the universe knowing itself, I think he's talking about us as representatives of the universe. and as we learn about the universe, it is like the universe learning about itself. So exploring the universe is also self-exploration

SAGAN. So over the dying embers of the campfire, people watch the stars

RENSTROM. Another one of his quotes that I love is that he talks about science, especially space science, being a profound source of spirituality — as distinct from religion, that was important to him. Spirituality being a sense of awe, something that brings you back to the essence of breath and life

SAGAN. And they did it, I imagine for many reasons. One, it is just dazzling. And we today, living in polluted — under polluted skies and in cities with light pollution have mainly forgotten how gorgeous the night sky can be. It is not only an aesthetic experience, but it elicits unbidden feelings of reverence and awe

CHAKRABARTI. Carl Sagan died in 1996. Undoubtedly, he would have celebrated the triumphs of the James Webb Space Telescope were he alive today. But I believe he'd also challenge us to think about how to look at the images returned by the JWST so that we better understand ourselves as human beings. Sagan did exactly that with the Voyager 1 spacecraft

Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 is the first manmade machine to leave the solar system. It's now on its 46th year traveling in interstellar space. In 1990, as Voyager 1 neared the solar system's outer edges, Sagan asked that it turn back and take one last picture of Earth. The image it returned at first seems like an ocean of black emptiness, streaked by dim shafts of light. Look closer though, and you see a pale pixel. That pixel is the earth. Or as Sagan put it, "Nothing more than a moat of dust suspended in a sunbeam. "

SAGAN. The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping, cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves

It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known

CHAKRABARTI. A short recording of Carl Sagan's, "Pale Blue Dot" from the Library of Congress. You also heard an excerpt from a 1994 lecture at Cornell University, and, of course, a moment from the 1980 13-part PBS series "Cosmos. "

Professor Rieke, do you find astronomy both character building and humbling at the same time?

RIEKE. I suppose so. Because when I think back to when I was a graduate student starting out getting interested in infrared astronomy, it was, you know, exciting to do a new kind of astronomy, but mostly what we were detecting were relatively nearby stars that had gone through their lifetimes and were ejecting their outer layers and becoming what we call red giants and carbon stars and so on, that were bright and infrared

And to think that now I've helped build a camera that can see the light from the first galaxies to form. It's like, "Wow. What have I done? I hope I've done a good thing, but it's certainly been a great trip. "

Chúng ta đã khám phá được gì trong không gian vào năm 2023?
The protostar within the dark cloud L1527 captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. (NASA)

CHAKRABARTI. Professor Lewis, you know, I couldn't help but wonder if that call that Sagan makes about understanding ourselves better by exploring the most unknown aspects of the universe to us. Do you think JWST also answers that call? Does it help us understand ourselves better?

LEWIS. Oh, absolutely. You know, part of the JWST mission is to sort of put ourselves in context. And again, answering those, those sort of big existential questions of like, "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?"

And so when we look at all of the beautiful images from JWST and the data that we've been digesting, I'm just continually amazed. And it does allow me to think more about, "Why am I here and what am I doing?" And in some ways just to get excited about that journey

CHAKRABARTI. Well, can you tell me more about the reactions that you feel when you're seeing — if not the sort of really charismatic pictures, because you said for exoplanets it's kind of like a fuzzy dot — but the spectra that you're looking at, right?

LEWIS. Mm-hmm

CHAKRABARTI. Like do you just sort of look at what's coming across your screen and occasionally gasp or think like, "I didn't expect to see that?"

LEWIS. Yeah. I mean, when we get data down and then we process them enough to be able to look at the spectra, as we call them, we are just amazed. And we actually sit around as a group, you know, the people that I tend to do research with, and we sit and we ask ourselves, "What do we think all those bumps and wiggles are?" It's kind of like a game or like if you're shaking the box at Christmas, like "What's inside?" And so that's been exciting. It's been sort of the best part of this first year of science for me

CHAKRABARTI. Mm. Well, Professor Rieke, let me turn back to you because you know, I asked you about JWST as a telescope. But I wonder what your thoughts are about how it might expand our own knowledge about our place in the cosmos?

RIEKE. Oh, I mean that, as Nicole has mentioned, that is one of the key reasons for building this kind of a telescope. And we've gotten to the point where, you know, one of the things we always say as astronomers is that we're going to study how galaxies changed over time so that we can understand how the Milky Way came to be

And in the early days, that sounded like, "Well, that sounds like a grand plan, but how in detail are you gonna do that?" Well, now, we actually can see how galaxies are changing as we look further and further back in time. So we go from our own kind of local neighborhood and go back in steps, and we are being able to put together a picture that shows, when combined with our knowledge of the Milky Way itself, that some of our old ideas of how the Milky Way might have formed were quite wrong. It did partly collapse out of some big cloud, but it also came together by merging with other bits, other galaxies nearby. And we're seeing now evidence that even at the very earliest times, galaxies started to merge

And when we couple that with being able to take the spectra and see what the chemical composition of the stars are, we really can begin to put together a picture of how our local neighborhood has come to be. And maybe that will also give us some clues about where it might go. And if, God forbid, we have to leave this earth, how are we gonna figure out the best other place to go?

And so I think we're, we're getting quite a picture. And I find it just astounding that as a single human being, I can look at 13 billion years of history by studying these little dots of light


CHAKRABARTI. Mm-hmm. You know, you got me thinking about, just yesterday we did a show about the massive heat wave that's blanketing the southern United States

RIEKE. Tell me about it. Here in Arizona — (LAUGHS)

CHAKRABARTI. (LAUGHS) I know. I was gonna say, are you on day 20 now of record-breaking heat? And the fact that we're just gonna have to keep adapting in order to live with the changes we are making on our own planet. And it got me back to that — I spent all morning once again looking at that pale blue dot image because it really grabs your heart and you think, "That little pixel is all we have. "

I wonder as you're doing your research — I mean, maybe when you're in the moment and  you're trying to understand data, this doesn't happen --  but when either of you have a chance to step back, does it make you reflect back on well, maybe one day we might find another habitable planet, but it won't be in our lifetimes. It won't be in our children's or grandchildren's lifetimes. That this is all we've got right now?

I mean, Professor Lewis, does that ever happen to you?

LEWIS. Yeah, certainly. I think we might actually be able to detect a planet within my lifetime is my hope that could, in fact, harbor life or maybe has signatures of life. But the reality is, is there's no way within my lifetime or even my children's lifetime that we're gonna be able to get there. And so that's really — there is no, you know, rescue ship. This is the only ship that we have. And certainly that does make me think about how best to be a steward of the planet that we have for future generations

CHAKRABARTI. Professor Rieke, do you have a thought about that?

RIEKE. I think I'm more optimistic than Nikole. Maybe this is optimism based on lack of knowledge, but I think we might find an exoplanet with habitable characteristics maybe in the next 10 years or so, certainly within the Webb Telescope's lifetime. But I do have to agree with her that getting somewhere else is beyond our means at the moment. But it does just reinforce how precious our planet is. And it really makes me mad when people don't care about what's going on around them

CHAKRABARTI. Mm. Yeah. Well, you have to promise me, both of you have to promise me if in our lifetimes we do find an exoplanet that is habitable or has signs of life, you will come back on this show and we'll talk about it. (LAUGHS)

In the last few minutes that we have though, I'm wondering, there's just been a massive treasure trove in Webb's first year, so I imagine that already in both of your minds, there are so many more next questions that you may wanna ask or next areas that you wanna further explore. Even questions about the questions generated from these first data sets. So Professor Lewis, I mean, where is your mind springing to next in terms of what you wanna study?

LEWIS. Yes. Well, I've always been a big fan of studying weather on exoplanets. That's one of my favorite areas. And so I'm really looking forward to getting observations that are more detailed and deeper that allow us to understand sort of what the climate's like on other planets, which is a key part of understanding whether or not they'd be able to support life

CHAKRABARTI. Mm. And Professor Rieke, same question to you

RIEKE. I will second Nicole's idea of studying weather on exoplanets, and I wonder if we can learn anything about our own climate and weather by studying situations on exoplanets

But of course, what I do, we're already realizing that what we're learning from these early galaxies is that some of the details of how stars form and come to be are not quite the same in the early universe as we thought they'd be. And this may lead us to a better model of how stars form and therefore, how our own sun and local neighborhood have come to be


CHAKRABARTI. Mm. Well I can't thank both of you enough for coming back on the show. It's been a true pleasure. Professor Marcia Rieke, professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, and principal investigator for the near infrared camera, or NIRCam on the JWST. Thank you so much, Professor Rieke

RIEKE. You're very, very welcome

CHAKRABARTI. And Nikole Lewis, associate professor of astronomy at Cornell University involved with dozens of observational campaigns with the Spitzer, the Hubble, and now the JWST Space Telescope. Professor Lewis, can't thank you enough as well

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