crazy girl là gì - Nghĩa của từ crazy girl

crazy girl có nghĩa là

White Girl Crazy is the very "special" way that white girls get from time to time. There is no specific known cause for this type of action or behaviors, however it is generally linked to male interaction. Any girl can become White Girl Crazy there are no age or race boundaries.


I was out to a nice dinner with my wife when all of a sudden she stood up and started yelling something about me having an affair with the waitress, and then stormed out of the restaurant. I'd never even seen the gal before that night. It was in that moment I knew for sure my wife had gone white girl crazy.

crazy girl có nghĩa là

When a guy chases girls alot, likes alot of girls, hits on alot of girls, or is obsessed with pretty girls. I myself am the most girl crazy guy I know. Guys from 13-18 years of age tend to be the most girl crazy. Girl crazy guys are also the least picky when it comes to dating. A guy that is truely girl crazy would date any girl that isn't a ugly or bitchy. Guys that are truely girl crazy have a long list of girls they like & like every pretty girl they see. A guy that is girl crazy is also a strong heterosexual. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with being girl crazy.


I like almost every girl I know. I am so girl crazy. That guy hugs every decent looking girl he can. He is girl crazy.

crazy girl có nghĩa là

The emotionally hightened state Korean girls enter when something doesn't go their way or at a perceived slight. Consists of tantrums and various threats and insults to manhood until the problem is resolved. May frequently relapse regardless of solutions and memory for these issues is infinite.


"Hey, why is Esther so mad? The waiter didn't being her any bread, just going crazy Korean girl"

crazy girl có nghĩa là

The phenomenon where girls act irrationally because of indecisiveness or insecurities. Can be observed in most interpersonal relationships when a girl may act one way one day and the opposite way the next; each girl expresses her CGS differently. Though it may seem unfounded, CGS is often established because of previous relational problems [daddy issues, controlling ex-boyfriends, etc].


"Dude, why aren't you and Leslie dating yet?" "I don't know man...she can't make up her mind about me. It's like one day she's invites me over and cuddles with me but then she ignores me for a week. I don't get it!" "Sounds like she's got that Crazy Girl Syndrome. I wonder what caused it. You gonna keep trying?" "Yeah. It was probably her ex. He cheated on her for months before she found out. I just gotta show her that she can trust me." "Better you than me! Let me know how it goes!"

crazy girl có nghĩa là

crazy white girls is slang for cocaine


Lets party with those crazy white girls.

crazy girl có nghĩa là

Something so Intense and crazy that it surpasses the craziness of a kooky white girl


Erica:Damn my son,Your life is pretty gucci.But mine is white girl crazy Me:Oh wow,Flocka's life isn't even white girl crazy

crazy girl có nghĩa là

A girl-crazy person [typically used of a guy] is someone who adores, obsesses over and fantasizes about girls/women. Although sometimes similar, a girl-crazy person isn't the same thing as a “player” or “womanizer”, since they don't necessarily seduce women or have a lot of casual sex with women.
Girl-crazy people think about girls all the time, like 24/7. No matter where they go, be it a restaurant, grocery store, library or concert, they're always trying to scout out the hottest girls they can find. They often crack suggestive jokes and invent clever pick-up lines. They're amazed by the female gender, from their complex personalities to their gorgeous curvaceous figures. Some of them own Playboy & Victoria's Secret magazines full of sexy models, and some of them have bedroom walls that are suffocated in posters & calendars of hot women/celebrities. Some of them are a little more subtle, in that they merely just focus their minds on females. It's really a pretty wide spectrum. Neil Patrick Harris's character, Barney, from the award-winning comedy TV show, How I Met Your Mother, is a good example of a girl-crazy person. However, of course, there are millions of girl-crazy guys and lesbians alike. There's nothing wrong with being girl-crazy, as it's usually a pretty natural part of life and human [sexual] development.


David: I heard James has a new celebrity crush on Zendaya. Keshawn: Ah, yeah, man, he's all about her. David: But I asked him just four days ago who his celebrity crush was and he said Ariana Grande. He even had posters of her hanging in his room. Keshawn: Yeah, he likes her too, but he done traded her for Zendaya now. David: How come? Keshawn: Well for one, she is super hot, and two, James is deadass girl-crazy.

crazy girl có nghĩa là

Black girl crazy means getting really loud bobbing your head Point your fingers waving your hand and squaring up ready to fight for no reason at all.


The woman at the counter was being impatient while I was digging for a quarter for my Bud Light she made me feel like I didn't have money so she made me get black girl crazy.

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