Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10

Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10
Source: Windows Central

  • Under the "System" section, click the Allow remote access option.

    Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10
    Source: Windows Central

  • Click the Remote tab.
  • Under the "Remote Assistance" section, clear the Allow Remote Assistance connection to this computer option.

    Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10
    Source: Windows Central

  • Click the Apply button.
  • Click the OK button.
  • Once you complete these steps, the remote connection feature will no longer run on your computer.

    If you ever need help resolving an issue on your device, you can enable Remote Assistance again using the same instructions, but on step No. 5, make sure to check the Allow Remote Assistance connection to this computer option.

    Closing firewall ports

    In addition to disabling the feature, you should also close the service's firewall ports with these steps:

    1. Open Control Panel.
    2. Click on System and Security.

      Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10
      Source: Windows Central

    3. Under the "Windows Defender Firewall" section, click the Allow an app through Windows Firewall option.

      Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10
      Source: Windows Central

    4. Click the Change settings button.
    5. Clear the Remote Assistance option.

      Disable Remote Desktop Windows 10
      Source: Windows Central

    6. Click the OK button.

    After you complete these steps, the ports in the firewall that allow the service to run will close to prevent potential security breaches.

    You can also always use the same instructions to revert the changes, but on step No. 5, make sure to check the Remote Assistance option and select in which type of networks ("Private" and/or "Public") you want to allow the service to run.

    This guide is focused on Windows 10, but these steps should also work on Windows 8 and Windows 7.

    More Windows 10 resources

    For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10, visit the following resources:

    • Windows 10 on Windows Central All you need to know
    • Windows 10 help, tips, and tricks
    • Windows 10 forums on Windows Central