Does ArrayList allow duplicates

Duplicates : ArrayList allows duplicate values while HashSet doesn't allow duplicates values. Ordering : ArrayList maintains the order of the object in which they are inserted while HashSet is an unordered collection and doesn't maintain any order.

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Besides, which collection does not allow duplicates?


Subsequently, question is, what interface represents a collection that does not allow duplicate elements? The Collection Framework For example, the List interface, which represents an ordered collection, is the parent interface of all the sub classes and sub interfaces, such as ArrayList, LinkedList, and so forth. Similarly, the Set interface defines the set that does not allow duplicate elements.

Furthermore, which collection does not allow duplicate members in Python?

A set does not hold duplicate items. The elements of the set are immutable, that is, they cannot be changed, but the set itself is mutable, that is, it can be changed. Since set items are not indexed, sets don't support any slicing or indexing operations.

Why duplicates are not allowed in set?

The meaning of "sets do not allow duplicate values" is that when you add a duplicate to a set, the duplicate is ignored, and the set remains unchanged. This does not lead to compile or runtime errors: duplicates are silently ignored. Set is implemented like that to avoid duplication.

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