Facebook videos still autoplaying

Have you seen videos playing automatically on your Facebook & Instagram feeds?

Many people find this annoying -- and that's understandable.

Facebook did this so you would watch more videos on their sites.

And yes, as a business owner, you should definitely be posting more videos on Facebook & Instagram!

On Facebook, the sound on auto-play videos is muted until you click the video.

Autoplay on Instagram includes audio & video, which can be embarrassing when you're sitting in a meeting or on the toilet.


Yeah... it's time to stop the madness!

Sorry... couldn't resist. :]

Anyway, would you like to shut off these pesky auto-play videos?! Here's how:

Yes, Facebook Videos Autoplay... But It's SO Easy to Turn Off

It's really easy to stop videos from playing automatically on Facebook. Here's how I did it from my desktop:

>> > >

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