final fantasy x là gì - Nghĩa của từ final fantasy x

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

A great game. Mainly about the story.

My reviews are Graphics 8/10, Cinematic 10/10, Game Play 7/10, Music 10/10, Story 10/10. I will never forget about this game because of the story. I would rate this game 100/10 for the story; it's absolutely touching. I'm not a gay type but this game really made my cry a couple of times. This game is more like a movie than a game but if this game was a movie, this game would be like 150% better than Titanic.


This is your chance to change the spiral of death; this is the time where you control your destiny.-Auron.

Yuna, let's go to Zanarkand together; not the one if spira, the one where I'm from. I can show you what blitzball is like over there!-Tidus

I must defeat Sin.-Yuna

Kimahri must protect Yuna.-Kimahri

Don't do it Yuna, don't sacrifice yourself to do the final summonning!-Rikku

I am the captain of the blitzaball team. Do you wanna join our team, bro?-Wakka

It's ok, Yuna. I'll be at your side as always.-Lulu

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

A terribly underated game that derserves more credit than it will ever get. Usually put down by FFVII fanboys who are generally too stupid to play any other game, mainly because Sephiroth was in FFVII


FF7 fanboy: OMG like ff7>>>>>all other FF
Person with IQ above 10: Why
Person with IQ above 10: You're a fucking retard.

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

Final Fantasy plus dress up barbie. Played mostly by otakus.


Worst installment of the Final Fantasy series.

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

The absolute best movie in the world. This beats any other movie you've ever seen in your life. If you liked Ninja Scroll, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, or any sort of anime, you'll love Final Fantasy 10. mean it was a game?


Laz: Have you guys seen that great movie Final Fantasy X?
George: Huh?

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

the best FF game in the whole series, kicks FF7's ass, better battle system and better everything else.


whoever thinks ff7 is better than they are a complete retard, ff7 sucks

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

The first true sequel of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy X-2 takes place two years after the events of Final Fantasy X. Spira has been in peace since the permanant death of Sin, but Yuna feels something is missing in her life. One day, Rikku visits Yuna in her home of Besaid with a sphere found by Kimahri. The man inside the sphere recording strangely resembles Tidus. Yuna, realizing her dreams of adventure and finding her love, sets out with Rikku to find him.


Yuna, Rikku, and Paine search for spheres in hopes of uncovering mysteries of the past and clues of Tidus' whereabouts.

final fantasy x có nghĩa là


This is possibly the greatest game ever created for a bunch of worthless kids who cant never understand the underlying symbolism of the story....

ex 1
Little Kid 1: that was a stupid game
Little Kid 2: Yea it was WAY to confusing....i mean, why is the blitzball stadium all watery?
Little Kid 1: Yeah, like totally weird!

ex 2
Another Kid 1: Man, that game was hard!!!!
Another Kid 2: Yea, like i can never use Tidus' overdrive corretly! I mean you have to like, press X when the thingy's in the middle!
Another Kid 1: Yeah, thats way too hard!

But then again, teenagers cant really understand the game either:

ex 1
Teenager 1: Wow. the music of this game SUCKS like HELL!
Teenager 2: Yeah, and it was like rated T for blood? there was like no blood at all, unlike DEVIL MAY CRY 3.
Teenager 1: Like totally weird! They should have put Rage Against the Machines' music in the Background.
Teenager 2: Yeah, that soooo would have been good for the story.

Then again, adults cant understand the game either:

ex 1
Mom: Are you doing your homework?
Kid: No, Im only playing the "greatest game evah"
Mom: You mean the game thats called "Final" Fantasy but their still coming out with new ones?
Kid: yeah, mom
Mom: WOW, thats so weird.

So basically this could also be known as the most misunderstood game in the world also.


Final Fantasy X in a sentence.

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

1. A videogame made by Squaresoft that is highly popular in Japan, Europe, and the USA.
2. Something for people to groundlessly insult.


-Squaresoft sold over 1 million copies of Final Fantasy X in Europe alone.
-Worst game ever. Bad mistake by squaresoft.... should've named it sphere powa. Sucks hard. Look up blitz ball

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

A sequel Final Fantasy game for Final Fantasy X. This game focuses mainly on following up Yuna's story. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much following up unless you are prepared to spend more time leveling up and doing frustrating side quests such as the gunner's gauntlet than playing actual story missions. If you did only play direct story missions, the game would only take a complete moron about an hour to finish.

As well as this, the idea of playing barbie with 3 barely clothed teenage girl video game characters is not necessarily most people's cup of tea.

However, the story line is pretty good and satisfying [if you can be bothered to finish all the places perfectly]... touching possibly. The FMV scenes are actually pretty good and the normal cutscenes have graphics that don't make you want to cry and question if technology has made any advancements at all.


FFX laughing scene comes on, arguably the worst scene ever created.

Gamer: I hope Final Fantasy X-2's cutscenes are better than this... I hope no one I know sees this...

final fantasy x có nghĩa là

Quite possibly the most polarizing Final Fantasy game in the series, this is a game absolutely loved by some and absolutely detested by others. X introduced some interesting gameplay elements such as the sphere grid. Spira itself was a fascinating world to explore, the storyline was generally decent and X probably had the best soundtrack of the entire series. On the other hand, X also suffered from some nauseating voice acting and dialogue, a generally easy main quest and some unbalanced battle mechanics. The linearity also killed all sense of exploration. Overall, X was a game with its pros and cons. It wasn't the best in the series, but it sure as hell wasn't the worst.


Final Fantasy X Lover: OMFG X had the best story ever, the ending and storyline generally was so emotionally charged and unforgettable... And the gameplay was so much fun, and the sphere grid was so unique for its time! Easily the best game in the series. Final Fantasy X Hater: OMFG X's story was plagued by cliched characters, a stupid love story and it got rid of the active time battle system! And sorry but I don't like going in a straight line from A to B. Easily the worst game in the series.

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