Gap filling listening exercise

"Open Questions & Summary Writing"

Open questions on a recording test your general understanding of spoken English as well as your writing skills. Normally, you are asked to write a short paragraph to answer certain questions on a recording. In some cases, you also have to answer all questions in one text, in order to give a summary of the main ideas. There may also be questions beyond the text.

Elections in Australia *** [1'45min]

Listen to an extract of a TV report about upcoming elections in Australia and summarize the recording by answering a number of questions. Includes some difficult vocabulary and accent.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Hard times for Australian winemakers *** [2'10min]

Recording about the effects a continuing drought has on the wine industry in Australia. Listen and answer questions on the text in 2-3 sentences each. Some difficult vocabulary.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

A sinking city *** [2'00min]

Find out which desastrous effects climate change has had on the Brazilian town of Atafona, and answer questions on the recording. Difficult vocabulary and distracting background noise.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Blizzard **[0'25min]

Listen to a short clip of a weather report about a snow storm in the USA. Answer questions on the recording.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Cheating at school *** [6'00min]

Extract of a TV program about a scandal after some students at an American high school tried to cheat in an exam. Answer questions on the text.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Illegal fireworks*** [2'10min]

News report about the dangers of illegal fireworks. Open questions and writing tasks.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

The global village*** [1'50min]

News report about how the Internet has changed the small Hungarian village of Boly. Open questions on the recording. The task sheet also includes a full transcript and various grammar exercises.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Job interviews *** [5'30min]

Listen to tips on how to prepare for a job interview and answer questions on the recording in 3-5 sentences

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Sightseeing in L.A. ** [1'25min]

Listen to a promotion clip for a sightseeing bus tour through Los Angeles and complete multiple-choice, gap-fill and short answer tasks.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

An intoxicated river *** [1'45min]

A short report about pollution in the New River on the border between Mexico and the US and the danger the toxic water poses to the region. Fast spoken, with distracting background music.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Oil spill in San Francisco *** [3'00min]

Listen to a news report about an oil spill after a ship collided with a bridge in San Francisco's Bay Area. Includes direct interviews with witnesses.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Online dating *** [4'30min]

Listen to a recording about the dos and don'ts of online dating. This recording is an extract of a Morning TV program and therefore includes some hard-to-understand passages.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

School cuts paper out of classroom ** [2'30min]

An extract of a program on MTV about Hatbord Horsham High School, which has come up with an interesting project in order to save the
environment. Various exercise formats [multiple-choice, true-or-false, short answers] and extra tasks on vocabulary from the recording. The task sheet also includes a full transcript.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

The solar backpack *** [1'30min]

News report about a backpack equipped with solar cells in order to produce energy for various mobile devices. True-or-false task, open questions, vocabulary exercise and free writing task.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Spoiled kids *** [2'30min]

Listen to a mother talking about bringing up children the right way.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Teenage pregnancy *** [3'50min]

In this extract of an American talk show, you are going to hear an interview with Jane Daniels and her daughter Amy, who became
pregnant when she was 19 years old. Task sheet includes true/false/not given task, open questions, a full transcript of the recording plus a translation into German.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

Toxic Airport *** [6'00min]

Listen to a news report about the worries of the residents near an airport in California. Recording includes interviews featuring some hard-to-understand accent. Open questions and free-writing tasks.

task sheet[PDF] | recording [mp3] | original source

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