Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 11 unit 7 reading

I. Aims :

- To help students read and understand the world population.

- To help students know how to use the vocabulary of the world popula

- To develop students’ reading skills.

II. Objective : by the end of the lesson, ss will be able to :

- Read and guess the meaning of vocabulary basing on the sentences

- Fill in the blanks with given words.

- Answer the questions.

III. Materials : posters , pictures, disc


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GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang UNIT 7 : WORLD POPULATION LESSON 1 : READING PERIOD: I. Aims : - To help students read and understand the world population. - To help students know how to use the vocabulary of the world population. - To develop students’ reading skills. II. Objective : by the end of the lesson, ss will be able to : - Read and guess the meaning of vocabulary basing on the sentences. - Fill in the blanks with given words. - Answer the questions. III. Materials : posters , pictures, disc IV. PROCEDURE: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 7’ 5’ 10’ 8’ 15’ I. Warm-up : Match the country with the number : A B 1.VietNam a.293.600.000 2.Australia b.59.700.000 3.England c.20.100.000 4.America d.31.900.00 5.Canada e.82.000.000 Answer : 1-e ,2-c, 3-b ,4-a,5-d II. PRE-READING : Ask and answer the following questions: 1.Where can you find these scenes ? 2.Do you think that the larger in population a country is, the stronger it is ? Why/Why not ? * New words : - Increase [v] ≠ decrease - figure [n] - support [v] - limit[v] - birth-control method - government [n] C.WHILE-READING : 1. Task 1 : Fill each blank with the suitable word 1.although 5.figures 2.method 6.limit 3.increases 4.resources 8.control 2.Task 2 :Answer the questions : 1. The population of the world in 10,000 B.C. was 10 million, in 1750 it was 625 million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6 billion. 2. By the year 2015 ,the population of the world is expected to be 7 billion. 3. Some scientists say it can ,but others say it can’t. Gives instructions. [ The numbers in 2004] - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in pairs . - Corrects. - Gives remarks. - Reads the reading [play the disc 1-2 times] - Provides students with new words . - Rub out and remember. - Gives instructions. - Asks students to read the reading and to do the exercise individually. - Corrects answers. - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in groups of 4 to do the task. - Corrects answers. Play the game. Pairwork : do the task. Give answers. - Listen the reading - Give meaning, related words, and antonyms. - Do the exercise individually. - Compare the answers with a partner. - Give answers and explain. Groupwork : do the task. Give answers on the blackboard. GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang 10’ 4. No, they don’t. 5. Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children. D. POST-READING : -The five largest countries in population : China, India, Russia, The USA and Indonesia. - China, India, and Indonesia are Asia, Russia is Europe, and The USA is in Latin America. -The richest country is the USA and the poorest country maybe India. E. HOMEWORK : write all tasks in the your notebook Gives instructions. Asks students to work in pairs. Gives remarks. Pairwork : do the task. Give answers. GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang UNIT 7 : WORLD POPULATION LESSON 2 : SPEAKING PERIOD: I. Aims: - To help students discuss and speak about the causes of world population explosion and the difficulties of the large countries in population. - To develop students’ speaking skill. II. Objective : by the end of the lesson, ss will be able to : - Discuss and solve the problems of world population. - Express their opinions. III. Materials: posters , pictures IV. PROCEDURE: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 5’ 5’ 10’ 15’ I. WARM-UP : Missing letter + P- - - - - - - -N [population] + EX- - -SI - - [explosion ] II. PRE-SPEAKING: * Vocabulary : - overpopulation [n] → overpopulate[v] - religion[n] - insurance * Task 1 :Put them in order of importance and explain why: [textbook on page 83 ] -Opened answer III. WHILE-SPEAKING: * Task 2 : List the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries: - Poor living condition - low living standards - not enough/expensive food - Lack/shortage of schools/ hospital /teachers * Task 3:Work out the solution to the problems of overpopulation : -Everybody should have an awareness of the problems of overpopulation -..have reward and punishment policies -.carry out population education programs/family planning program. -..use birth control method. IV. POST-SPEAKING: *Task 4 :Using the results of task 2 and 3, talk about the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions: Writes P- - - - - - - -N EX- - -SI - - on the blackboard. - Tells sts “Guess the missing letters and fill in the blank to have a meaningful word - Gives remarks. Provides students with new words . - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in pairs to do the task. - Gives remarks. - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in pairs to do the task. - Goes around and gives help. - Calls students to give out their answers. - Gives marks. - Asks students to work in groups of four to do the task. - Goes around and gives help. - Calls students to give out their answers. - Gives marks. - Asks students to work in groups of four to do the task. - Goes around and gives - Close their books - Work individually - Give meaning of given words. - Pairwork: Look at the task and do it. - Give answers.[2 or 3 pairs] - pairwork : do the task . - 2 or 3 pairs speak their results loudly - Groupwork . - Give answers. -Groupwork . GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang 15’ *.Homework : In your opinion what is the best solution to solve the problem of overpopulation? Write a short paragraph [50-60 words] to express your ideas. help. - Corrects the task - Give answers GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION LESSON 3 : LISTENING PERIOD: I. AIMS: - To help students listen to the information of the world population. II. OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the information of the world population III. MATERIALS : cassette player, disc, posters , pictures IV. PROCEDURE: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 10’ 8’ 10’ 10’ I. WARM-UP: Pelmanism 1.death a.gia tăng 2.increase b.không ñắt 3.shortage c.một tỉ 4.inexpensive d.chết 5.population e.dân số 6.billion f.mức sống standard g.sự thiếu hụt II. PRE-LISTENING : Discuss the following questions : 1. Yes, of course. 2. Latin American, Africa, Asia + Listen and repeat [words on page 84 ] III. WHILE-LISTENING 1. Task 1: Choose the best answer: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6.C 2. Task 2 : Answer the questions: 1. will be over 7 billion. 2. not the same, the population grow more quickly in some part of the world than others. 3. The reason for a fall in the death rate is the improvement of public health services and medical care. 4. shortage of food, lack of hospitals and schools, illiteracy, poor living conditions. 5. to educate people and make them aware of the danger of having more children, to provide safe in expensive birth control methods, to strictly implement a family planning policy, to exercise strict and fair -Gives instructions . - Gives marks. -Asks students to work in pairs. - Gives marks and lead to the new lesson - Hangs the poster on the board -Asks sts to read the task. - Plays the tape. - Gives remarks. -Plays the tape. - Has sts read the questions. - Plays the tape again. - Correct the answers. Play the game. - Give answers. - Read some statements and give predictions. - Listen, check predictions and explain them. - Read the task - Listen and do the task - Compare the answers with a partner. - Give answers. - Pair work : - Give answers. GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang 7’ reward and punishment. IV. POST-LISTENING Summarize the main ideas of the passage * HOMEWORK: - Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of overpopulation. - Prepare for new lesson: Writing - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in groups - Gives remarks. - Groupwork - Give the ideas GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION LESSON 3 : LISTENING PERIOD: I. AIMS: - To teach students to describe the chart . - To use the given information about the distribution of the world population by region. - To help students develop their writing skill. II. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson students will be able to : Write about the distribution of the world population by region. III. MATERIALS: posters , pictures IV. PROCEDURE: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’ activity GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang 5’ 15’ 20’ 10’ I. WARM-UP: Listing : List five world largest countries in population : China, India, Russia, The USA and Indonesia II. PRE-WRITING: * Look at the chart , then answer the questions : 1.How many parts are there in the chart ? → 7 parts 2.Which part has the largest population ? → South Asia [32 % ] 3.Which part has the least population ? → Oceania [2 %] * New words : - distribute [v] -> distribution [n] - account for - rank [v] - Oceana [n] * Useful language :on page 86 * Suggestions : -The world population is not distribute evenly/unevenly. -The south Asia ranks first with 32 % [has the largest population ] - The Oceana has the least population. - Less than that in South Asia Is East Asia with only 26% -Africa and Europe have fewer people with 11% for the former and 15% for the later. - Compared with Oceana which ranks last in the table, Latin has 8% of the world popullation. Northern America has a lower rate with only 6%. Nowadays 15 % of the world population is living in Europe. II. WHILE-WRITING: Write the paragraph [80-100 words ] about the distribution of world population by region basing on above suggestions - Gives instructions. - Gives marks. - Ask them where the country is - Asks sts to look at the chart and answer the questions [pairs] - Provides students with new words. - Explains - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in pairs to do the suggestion. Goes around and gives help. Corrects answers. - Gives instructions. - Asks students to write the paragraph. - Ask them to exchange the paper to correct each others’ - Correct some papers. - Play the game. - Write answers on the blackboard [2 or 3 sts] - Pairwork - Give the answers - Give meaning of given words. - Repeat new words - Listen and give the meanings - Pairwork :write the suggestion basing on the chart. - Give answers. Write the paragraph. GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang UNIT 7 : WORLD POPULATION LESSON 5 : LF PERIOD: I.AIMS : - To help students distinguish and pronounce the compound consonants / kl/ , /gl/ ,/kr /, /gr/, and /kw/ correctly. - To teach students to use all types of conditional sentences II.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to : - pronounce the compound consonants : / kl/ , /gl/ ,/kr /, /gr/, and /kw/ correctly. - know how to use all types of conditional sentences. III.MATERIALS: cassette player , tape , posters , pictures Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 7’ 5’ 8’ 15’ A. Warm –up : Slap the board : B. New lesson :  PRONUNCIATION : * Listen and repeat : on page 87 * Practise the sentences : on page 87  GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY : I. PRESENTATION : 1. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: Ex : 1.If he studies hard, he will pass the next exam. 2.If I were you, I would buy that car. 3. They wouldn’t have lost the way if they had had the map. 2. CONDITIONAL IN REPORTED SPEECH: 1. They said to him, “ You can take a break if you feel tired”.  They told him he could take a break if he felt tired”. 2. ”If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that coat,” he said. He said if he were me he wouldn’t buy that - Gives instructions. - Gives remarks. - Models words in the columns. - Asks students to repeat. - Asks students to practise the words in pairs. - Asks students to practise the sentences and underline the words have above pronunciation - Gives remarks. - Gives examples to lead to new lesson. - Remind the form - Elicits students to draw out the rules. - Play the game. - Listen and repeat. - Pairwork : practise the words. - Practise the sentences. - Give answers. - Draw out the rules from the examples. clean crowd queen green glass icecream group GV: Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy – THPT BC Tứ Kiệt - Cai Lậy – Tiền Giang 10’ 10’ 15’ coat . * Note: We change the verb tense in conditional type 1, but not in type 2 and 3 II. PRACTICE: Exercise 1 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form : 1. would 2.could 4.will 5.closed 6.will Exercise 2 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form : 1.had been told 2.had realised 3.wouldn’t have been 4.would have bought 5.had studied Exercise 3 : Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech: 1. The man told her that he would come to see her if he had time. 2. He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet. 3. They told me that if it didn’t rain, they would go out with me. 4..The man asked the woman what she would do if she were a billionaire. 5. The man told me that if I had asked him, he would have lent me his motorbike. 6. The man told his daughter that they would be very disappointed if she didn’t come. 7. The boy told the girl that he were sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them. C. Homework : Exercises in workbook [ p.48, 49] - Gives instructions. - Asks students to do the ex. - Gives remarks. - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in pairs to do the ex. - Corrects answers. - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work individually to do the ex. - Corrects answers. . - Do the ex. individually. - Compare the answers with a partner. - Give the explain. - Give answers. - Pairwork : do the ex. - Give answers. - Do the ex. individually. - Compare the answers with a partner. - Give answers.

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