google sheet drop-down list color

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Google sheet drop down list color

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google sheet drop-down list color
google sheet drop-down list color

Google Sheets is a free online version of Excel that is very useful for sharing, editing on the fly, and light spreadsheet work. Sheets work much the same as in Excel and look remarkably similar. This is good news for anyone more familiar with Excel and getting to grips with Google Sheets wont take long at all. For example, if you want to make a dropdown list in Google Sheets and already know how to do it in Excel, the process is almost identical.

google sheet drop-down list color

One of the more powerful spreadsheet tools is the dropdown box. You can turn a simple spreadsheet into an interactive questionnaire, customer feedback form, or whatever you like with dropdown boxes as they allow dynamic input from whoever you allow access to.

Make a dropdown list in Google Sheets

Create a Sheet containing whatever data you need it to include. Then:

  1. Highlight the cells you want to include in the dropdown list by dragging the mouse or using Shift or Ctrl keys. If youd like to make the dropdown list in a single column or role; click on the heading (Column A or Row 1 for example) and the entire section will become highlighted.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  2. Click the Data tab and then Data validation, or right-click the selected cells and click Data validation.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  3. If youve highlighted the appropriate cell range; this should automatically populate in the cell range section. You can change the range here if you need to.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  4. Next to Criteria, you can filter List from a range and other options like
    google sheet drop-down list color
  5. Click on Select data range or the little box icon to choose a range of cells.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  6. Manually select the data you want to appear inside the dropdown list here and click OK.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  7. Make sure that Show dropdown list in cell is checked. Add Help text and error information if you like and click Save.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  8. The dropdown list should appear in the cell you entered in step 3. This appears as a small arrow icon.
    google sheet drop-down list color

As you can see, creating a dropdown list in Google Sheets is much easier than in Excel!

If youre creating a customer-facing Sheet, it might be useful to create a second sheet that contains the data you want to include in the dropdown list. This keeps the main sheet clean and tidy and separates the user from the data as much as possible.

  1. Create your customer-facing Sheet 1 and another Sheet 2 for data.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  2. Highlight the cells you want to include in the dropdown list by dragging the mouse or using shift or Ctrl keys on Sheet 1.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  3. Click the Data tab and then Data validation, or right-click the selected cells and click Data validation.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  4. If youve highlighted the appropriate cell range; this should automatically populate in the cell range section. You can change the range here if you need to.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  5. Select List from range and then the little cell box next to it.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  6. Click on Sheet2 and manually select the data you want to appear inside the dropdown list here. Once done click OK.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  7. Make sure that Show dropdown list in cell is checked. Add Help text and error information if you like and click Save.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  8. The dropdown list should appear in the cell on Sheet 1 you entered in step 3.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  9. Protect Sheet 2 by selecting Data and then Protected sheets and ranges.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  10. Fill in the form on the right by giving it a name, select Sheet 2 by selecting Sheet instead of Range and Sheet 2 from the dropdown box. Then Set permissions and click Done.
    google sheet drop-down list color

Adding Color to the Dropdown List

One of the great things about Google Sheets is the ability to customize your spreadsheet. For example; if something is urgent you can color code the cells in red. To do this with a dropdown follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the cells with a dropdown list and select Format tab.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  2. From the menu that appears; scroll down and select Conditional formatting.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  3. A popup will appear on the right-hand side of Google Sheets. Choose formatting condition in Format cells if.. In the lower right-hand corner you will see a paint bucket icon; click on that.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  4. Choose from the available color options.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  5. Click Done
    google sheet drop-down list color

This menu also gives you a few other features such as; Bold, Italics, and Underlined text. You can also add another rule or choose a color scale if youd like.

Deleting or Editing an Existing Dropdown

If youd like to update the dropdown or delete it, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Highlight the correlating cells or columns.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  2. Click Data
    google sheet drop-down list color
  3. Click Data validation
    google sheet drop-down list color
  4. Make edits or click Remove validation to remove the dropdown.
    google sheet drop-down list color

Your Google Sheets may be an ever-evolving document so having this option makes it easy to update your dropdown lists.

Google Sheets Troubleshooting

Some users have experienced issues with the Google Sheets dropdown menus. There are various reasons for this. When youre sharing a Google document with someone else there are a few rules and guidelines to ensure the recipient can interact with your dropdowns.

Read Only

Google Sheets will not allow another person to interact with the document if it is in a Read Only status. This means they arent able to make any edits. To ensure others can use your dropdowns follow these instructions:

  1. Click Share in the upper right-hand corner.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  2. Name your sheet if prompted and click Save located in the lower right-hand corner of the popup.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  3. Input the contact information for those who youre sharing the document with.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  4. Click the dropdown located to the right.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  5. Choose Editor from the menu.
    google sheet drop-down list color
  6. Click Send.
    google sheet drop-down list color

This is the most common issue with sharing Google Sheets. Performing this short series of steps should ensure that your recipients have full access to the document and its features.

More help for Google Sheets can be found on the Docs editors help website here.

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