hiller là gì - Nghĩa của từ hiller

hiller có nghĩa là

to drive about the isolated upper escalante neighborhood of Indian Hill [a suburb of Cincinnati, OH] while smoking marijuana. The affects are calming and mellow while taking in the supeficiality of the surroundings. Be careful though, the Indian Hill Rangers dont take kindly to outsiders.


"You wanna smoke this blunt on a Hiller?"

hiller có nghĩa là

closely related to a CCDSer but not quite as fucked up. most attend some sort of psychologist and are pumped full of massive amounts of prozac, zoloft or otherwise yet insist on engulfing massive amounts of alcohol on the weekends. they enjoy driving expensive cars, wrecking them, and buying newer, more expensive ones with daddy's money. drug use is prevalant but no one really gives a fuck seeing as how the indian hill rangers don't do shit about anything. they would rather party with the high school students than break anything up... but no one's complaining. the houses are the size of god and worth an average of about $1 million dollars. a family of four could live comfortably in most basements of indian hill homes. since most of the students at indian hill spend their weekends passing out at parties, large houses are good. the many rooms provide ample space for weekend hook ups and the plethora of bathrooms provides lots of places to throw up. the clothing of choice consists of north face, bebe, abercrombie and anything else made by underpaid migrant workers or asians. all girls own north face fleece jackets seeing as how none can think for themselves and all girls are so small because they smoke crack. they manage an appropriate weight because of the added pounds from the birth control they all take. how else can they stay baby free with all the weekend sex?


person 1: Shit, I was at this party in Indian Hill... Everyone was doing lines of crack in the bathroom. 4 sophomore girls were puking in a toilet. I saw like 20 drug deals go down. The dude was selling vicatin and his extra prozac. And some girl was crying because she threw up all over her louis vitton dress and then couldn't find her burberry purse. then everybody passed out. i heard a lot of beds creaking throughout the night though and everybody woke up and staggered downstairs naked. some idiot drove home hungover and crashed his Z3 into the back of a ranger's car, but nothing happened cause the ranger was on his way back from the party anyway.

person 2: Damn... those indian hillers are fucked up.

hiller có nghĩa là

[All that's been said is true, but maybe I can add some more]

~Indian Hillers reek of shallowness and levity. Unlike most people, they worry not about having enough money to survive, but about how they will spend their superfluous amounts of money they get from Mommy and Daddy. A typical Indian Hill girl thinks she's a model, tries to dress like one, and takes pleasure in buying belts that are worn over the belt loops [all this done with the most pleasurable bitchy attitude]. A typical Indian Hill guy debates between a plethora of pastel polo shirts, whether to drive a Beamer or a Land Rover, and an assortment of cheap beer [because they're cool].

Indian Hillers refer to themselves as the high and mighty in society, but really exemplify the most dispicable remnants of old money. Never having to work for a living and thinking that money grows on trees [which amazingly it does in Indian Hill, they urge their parents to suck up the the rich grandparents for free trips and a fully paid-college education. Sometimes a lucky grandchild might get a brand new car!

Sadly, Indian Hillers subject their children to the same experiences of their own youth and the blood line of Indian Hillers once again remains. Eventually this will lead to a massive case of mental disorders as Indian Hillers will all be blood related, a severe case of incest having taken over.


Basically everyone who lives in Indian Hill minus the immigrants [as we're probably called].

hiller có nghĩa là

Generally a nickname given to a town with a football team incapable of winning important games. Not many people are aware of what a a Hiller truly is, but what everyone does know is that they suck balls.


Chris- "Did you catch the Hillers game last night?"
Joe- "Yeah but I turned it off after the first quarter because it was already 36-0."

hiller có nghĩa là

One who lives in Belmont Hills, a suburb of Philadelphia. Usually a hiller can be defined as a racist, football playing, beer drinking, back-road hick. They're usually quick to insult other ability to play football, ability to drink beer, or manhood. You can usually find a hiller at Belmont Hills park playing football, smoking cigars, or drinking beer.


"John's such a hiller, he had his first beer at the age of 9.....9 months"

Hiller: "Cut your hair you woman-looking idiot. No wonder why you suck at football..."

hiller có nghĩa là

The hardest street in Belmont, California. Where all the shit goes down. People only drive down Hiller to deal drugs and pick up ho's. The tv show Gangland drove down Hiller and tried to film and episode there, No one came out alive. Hiller Street is riddled with dead bodies, bullet shells and 40's. It is a known fact that everyone on Hiller is strapped.


"Hey dude did you hear what happened on Hiller the other day?" "Naw bro what happened?" "Like 43 people got shot." "That doesn't even compare to last months shooting, it was 113." "Wow they don't fuck around in Belmont" "Naw this isn't San Carlos" "Yea I heard San Carlos is gay as fuck." "Yea dude real talk. All the guys from San Carlos sit down when they pee, and all the girls stand up when they pee." "Wtf?"

hiller có nghĩa là

A phrase said repeatedly during a typical day at Hopkinton High School. Shouted at opposing teams at football games to claim superiority against the non-Hiller opponents. Just remember, We Are Hillers [x420]


“we are hillers” stated the crich gang

hiller có nghĩa là

The act of impressing one's English teacher, either through use of a large vocabulary word, awesome art skills, intelligent humor, or some other magnificently amazing method.


My hillering skills suck, I wish they were better so she'd like me.

hiller có nghĩa là

Zach hillers is one of the nicest people you will meet. He’s alwaya there for you when u need him. He knows how to make Maddea smile 24/7. He is very handsome. He is has a big heart and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him 💛


Zach hillers is handsome-Maddea

hiller có nghĩa là

another term for a hill billy or redneck


That guy bartender Brandon from Austin is such a hiller

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