How to delete fanpage on Facebook

Note: I originally published this tutorial in 2011, and it is Blogging Bistro’s most-visited post. That’s why you’ll see a lot of comments from years gone by. I update this tutorial regularly to reflect Facebook’s changes. This is the 2020 update.

Fed up with Facebook’s ever-increasing stranglehold on the organic reach of brand pages, many page admins are washing their hands of Facebook altogether.

If you’re in that camp or you don’t use your business page any longer, you may want to delete it.

I advise using a desktop/laptop computer to delete your Facebook page. It’s much easier than attempting to do it via a tablet or smartphone.

How to unpublish your page without deleting it

If you aren’t certain whether you want to permanently delete your page, you can “unpublish” it [make it private so only page admins can view it].

Note: Only Page admins can unpublish a Page.

Here’s how:

Log in to the Facebook page you administer.

Click “Settings” in the upper righthand corner of your screen.

From the “General” settings [the first one on the list], find the “Page Visibility” setting [it’s the first one]. Click the pencil icon to edit.

Click the “Unpublish Page” radio button and then click “Save Changes.”

Log in to the Facebook page you administer. Note: You MUST be a Page administrator in order to delete a Page.

Click “Settings” in the upper righthand corner of your screen.

From the “General” settings [the first one on the list], scroll to the bottom of the list of options and locate “Remove Page.” Click the pencil icon to edit.

A pop-up notice will inform you that if you delete your page, you have a grace period of 14 days in which you can restore it. [Unsure whether that means 14 calendar days or 14 business days.]

After the 14-day grace period, you’ll be asked to confirm that you want to permanently delete your page.

If you are certain you want to remove your page and begin the 14 day grace period, click the link that says “Delete [name of your page]” and then click “Save Changes.”

Can I re-use my custom Facebook page address?

People often ask me:

“If I delete my page, will Facebook release my username [page URL/address] so I can re-use the same name on another page I create?”

I have not received a reliable answer to this question. People who’ve deleted pages have told me they’ve tried to use the same username [web address] and have been unable to. If anyone knows how long Facebook holds on to the usernames of deleted pages, please share that info.

How can I delete a fan page on Facebook?

To delete a Page that you're an admin of:.
Tap in the top right of Facebook..
Tap Pages, then go to your Page..
Tap in the top right..
Tap General settings..
Below Remove Page, tap Delete [Page name]?..
Tap Delete Page..

Why can't I delete my page on Facebook?

The most common reason for not being able to delete a Page is because the user is not an admin of the Page. If you are an admin and you still can't delete your Page, it's possible that there may be another admin who may have canceled the Page deletion before the 14 days passed.

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