How to make a playlist for your girlfriend

How to make a playlist for your girlfriend
How to make a playlist for your girlfriend

Tis the season for roadtrips! How many of you guys travel to see family during the holidays? Well, my husband and I travel to Cleveland, which is about 5 hours from Indianapolis, probably 6 times per year. During the holidays, we usually make a trip in November AND December, so that ends up being almost 20 hours total in the car within the course of a month!

Forever ago, Brett and I created a playlist called The Agreement on Spotify. It was basically a playlist of around 40 songs that we could agree on. We have some similar tastes in music, but also some SERIOUS differences. We have played that playlist out. I mean, its boring to us at this point. We now have a new couples playlist that has kind of a different layout, but is still one we have decided to agree upon, in just a different way.

I wanted so badly to say I came up with this idea, but it was more-so Bretts brainchild. Im going to explain how to make the perfect couples playlist for you below!

How to make a playlist for your girlfriend
How to make a playlist for your girlfriend



This one was easy-peasy, because I just said NO SKIPZ BISH and it was all said and done. You could title it something fun like this, or you could go with a cutesy title. Im talking Brett <3s Brittney or something cheesy like that. Whatever works for you guys!


Our boundaries were these:

  1. When the list is playing, we cannot skip a song unless we added it. Say Neon by John Mayer comes on, and I am just not in the mood, then I could skip it. (Yeah right!) But just because Brett doesnt want to hear John, he cant skip it! (Mwahaha!)
  2. We only add ONE SONG per artist. So say I add, How to Love by Lil Wayne, Brett cant add Lollipop by Lil Wayne. More like I cant add all the Lil Wayne songs, but still.
  3. We only go to 100 songs! We probably should have cut it down, but half the fun was adding all the songs!

How to make a playlist for your girlfriend
How to make a playlist for your girlfriend


We decided to make it a fun road trip task on our way back home from Cleveland the last time. We each took turns choosing a song and it filled up a lot of our time, so I would say this is something you DO NOT have to have prepared before you go on your trip. It can be fun and entertaining task to fill up time while youre in the car!

I think it was really interesting to go back and forth and see what songs were chosen. I know I laughed out loud when Brett chose Pony by Ginuwine. And I know he was bummed when I chose any country songs, but thats what makes the list fun. Its unique to both of us, but something a little different. I find myself listening to this list now even when Bretts NOT around. (I cant say I never skip during those times, but shhhh! Thats our secret!)


You could always listen to your couples playlist straight through so its your song then their song back and forth, but we really like listening on shuffle. It mixes things up, keeps it fresh, and you could get lucky and get your own songs multiple times in a row. SCORE!


We are clearly music lovers, so we have even planned our next list. This one is a REVERSE list, where we go down the list of songs and for each song/artist Ive chosen, Brett has to choose a DIFFERENT song by that same artist. It can get pretty funny with artists he may not love, like.98 Degrees? But it will be fun none the less!

I hope you guys enjoy this idea! If you do it, send me a link to your playlist so I can take a listen. You can always listen to our playlist here as well! Happy Road-Tripping, friends!!

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