List-style-type triangle

CSS list-style Property

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Specify all the list properties in one declaration:

ul {
list-style: square inside url["sqpurple.gif"];
Try it Yourself »

Definition and Usage

The list-style property is a shorthand for the following properties:

  • list-style-type
  • list-style-position
  • list-style-image

If one of the values are missing, the default value for that property will be used.

Default value: Inherited: Animatable: Version: JavaScript syntax:
disc outside none
no. Read about animatable
CSS1"decimal inside" Try it

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.

list-style 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 7.0

CSS Syntax

list-style: list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image|initial|inherit;

Property Values

Value Description
list-style-type Specifies the type of list-item marker. Default value is "disc"
list-style-position Specifies where to place the list-item marker. Default value is "outside"
list-style-image Specifies the type of list-item marker. Default value is "none"
initial Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit

Related Pages

CSS tutorial: CSS List

HTML DOM reference: listStyle property

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