Listening At the doctor worksheet


Put the words in order: what be to Now, the problem? seems


Fill the gap: I'm not feeling very ________________________ I've got a terrible ________________________ ache and I keep throwing up.

3] Does the doctor ask the patient if

  • he's had any diarrhea?
  • he has been sick?
  • if he's had a headache?

4] He has been feeling ill since

  • late last night
  • early last night
  • yesterday


Put the words in order: to anything? know allergic you you're Do if


Put the words in order: you what have eaten recently?


Fill the gap: Well, my two children ________________________ dinner for my ________________________ and me last night.


Fill the gap: It was our ________________________ anniversary you see, and they ________________________ to surprise us.

9] For dinner they had

  • chicken pie and peas
  • pizza and chips
  • seafood and pasta


Fill the gap: They spent a long ________________________ cooking it so you know I felt I had to ________________________ it


Fill the gap: It wasn't very ________________________ to be honest. My wife hardly ________________________ any so I ate hers too


Put the words in order: got poisoning think food OK, I you've

13] What does the doctor tell him to do?

Answer the question using your own words

14] Ahfter 24 hours what can he eat and not eat?

Answer the question using your own words


Fill the gap: drink lots of ________________________ or black tea with a little ________________________ in.


Put the words in order: another Do I make need to appointment?

17] He must come back if he is not feeling better in

  • two days
  • Three days
  • a few days


Fill the gap: maybe tell your children that you want to ________________________ to a restaurant ________________________ year.


Fill the gap: Hello Mr Green, ________________________ sit ________________________


Put the words in order: problem? seems What be to the


Fill the gap: I ________________________ been ________________________ very well recently,

22] What does he say is wrong with him?

Answer the question using your own words


Fill the gap: Yes, paracetamol but it ________________________ really ________________________ much


Put the words in order: stop can't Yes, I sneezing


Fill the gap: ________________________ long have you been feeling ________________________ this?


Correct the wrong word: Let me see, it's four days now


Put the words in order: That's thanks fine,


Fill the gap: you've got a ________________________ of a temperature, but ________________________ serious.

29] What is the matter with him and what has he got to do?

Answer the question using your own words


Put the words in order: penicillin. I'm Do I antibiotics? need some to allergic


Fill the gap: I'm ________________________ to give you something ________________________ for the headaches.


Put the words in order: for prescription Here's painkillers. a some


Fill the gap: ________________________ often should I take them? Every ________________________ hours


Fill the gap: if you're not better in ________________________ days, then come back and we'll do some ________________________ tests.

The ESL doctors listening exercises on this page will help you get better at understanding spoken English and vocabulary related to going to visit a doctor and being ill.

There are four exercise on this page as follows:

  • Identification of spoken words in the correct order.
  • Identification of the word that matches a spoken definition.
  • Listening comprehension passage.
  • Short dictation passage.

On the ESL doctors vocabulary page there is a spoken vocabulary list that you can listen to first to learn how to pronounce the words related to visiting a doctor.

ESL Doctors Listening Exercises

Exercise 1 – Identification of Spoken Word Order

In this ESL doctors listening exercise, listen to the recoding below that has 5 groups of 5 words each and then identify the option [A-D] from the questions that has the words in the same order. If you need to, stop the recording after each group of words.

Listen to the recording of the five groups of five words each given above and decide which option [A-D] in the five questions in this test has the correct order.

In the following recording there are 5 definitions of words. Identify the word in each of the questions that matches the spoken definition.

Listen to the recording of the meanings of the five vocabulary words given above and decide which word out of the options [A-D] in each question matches the meaning.

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