melodys là gì - Nghĩa của từ melodys

melodys có nghĩa là

Melody is the girl who you secretly love. She can be loud and energetic, but she can also be quiet and still. She's really friendly and wants to be everyone's friend, even if she probably shouldn't be. She's very shy at first. She loves animals, dogs more so. She's beautiful inside and out. She's the girl every guy knows they'd be lucky to date, and the girl that girls would be lucky to have as a friend.


"She's absolutely amazing, who is she?" "You must be talking about Melody"

melodys có nghĩa là

Melody is a young, beautiful girl. She's fun to be around with and is very athletic. She loves to draw. And normaly has brown or blue eyes with brown or black hair. She's strong and has a gorgeous smile. She can easily fall in love with someone, but she also can easily be broken. Melody has gone through a tough life. She cries every night and day. Tries to act strong, but it doesn't seem to work. She's good at hiding her emotions. If you ask her if she's okay, she won't be able to tell you the truth. People act like there her friends, but then they leave her. But be very careful. If you ever find a girl like Melody, don't lose her! She'll only fall for you once. But she's capable of pushing all her struggles deep down inside. Melody's the most amazing, most precious, hilarious girl I know!


"Hey! That girl's really pretty!" "Yeah, she must be a Melody."

melodys có nghĩa là

No one can truly describe how amazing Melody is, She is Strong on the outside, but breakable within. Melody is a beautiful, hardworking, Lovable girl, Typically has brown hair, Brown eyes, But that's not exclusive to every Melody. Her heart is diamond, as such, Easily broken, yet priceless. She can't seem to find the right guy, but she might settle for you, No one is good enough for her, but she will fight for you if you are in need. Melody has been through a lot in her life, and only shares it with her true, best friends. She is very forgiving, but she will never trust you the way that she did. Be careful my friend, if you meet a Melody Do Not lose her, Once you do, It is easier to get into a Stronghold city, than to gain her back. She is the most beautiful, Priceless, Faithful, Wonderful girl, Yet, She is easy to break. Be careful, Be loving, Don't. Mess. Up.


I'm sorry, Melody.
I don't want to lose you, Melody.

melodys có nghĩa là

Melody. Seems graceful, like a violin, but no, she's the whole-ass orchestra. After knowing her for more than 10 minutes, or even 10 years, you can tell she's anything but the things listed before. Melody is spontaneous. She is dramatic. She is crazy as hell. After meeting a Melody, be prepared to gain a couple gray hairs worrying about what she'll do next. She has phases. Phases that are weird and beyond your comprehension. Phases that once you start understanding them, it's too late because she's already moved on to the next. Melody keeps you on your toes, but she also grounds you. Melody is the type of person to show you what you've been missing, but also reminds you of what you have. After knowing Melody, you can't imagine a life without her, because life without her wouldn't be as great. To all the Melody's out there, thank you for bringing music into our lives.


-"Wow, do you know that girl Melody? She's so quiet!"
- "What? No way. We probably aren't talking about the same Melody I know."

melodys có nghĩa là

Melody is the girl you cant imagine a world without.She is the girl you love.She is the bestest friend you can have.


You see her that's melody.I cant imagine a world without her

melodys có nghĩa là

She's an extroverted introvert with magical possibilities! She's fun, vibrant, funny and very cool to hang out with and she's 420 friendly! She has a huge heart for helping people! She does not play games, she's straight up, honest, silly, flirty, respectful and loyal! People often take her kindness for weakness! MelodIE is by no means stupid and you should NEVER underestimate her in a fight! She has a small circle of ride or die friends because she knows that people are shady and she's tired of trusting the wrong people. So, she just does not DO people any longer! Melodie with an IE is pretty, delicious, sweet, naughty, freaky, seXy, sensual, romantic and kind! She's hard to love but she loves hard! She has a strength that no one knows about and she can handle a whole lot but even she has her limitations. Melodie is very intelligent, has an outstanding character, has every day common sense, very creative as far as her passion in life goes and she has a very sassy and sexy disposition. She can do anything she sets her mind too! Her personality is down to earth and charismatic. People love to be around her because of her magnetic personality! She may be a BBW girl but she's gorgeous and people flock around her and they love all her deliciousness because she's unique and genuine! She's for real! Not many of those left in the world so if you find a MelodIE, with an IE, don't ever let her go!


Melodie noticed that the other girls were intimidated by her presence and it made her sad!

melodys có nghĩa là

A beautiful woman inside and out. Usually has an extreme love for animals, the city and is typically a dark haired ivory skinned beauty. A gorgeous smile and the cutest laugh ever. She is intelligent and hot beyond measure. Someone you cherish forever. If you know a melody, don’t ever pass up the opportunity to date her. If you do, you’re a fucking dumbass who needs psychiatric intervention.


Person 1: bro melody asked me out, I just said no because I don’t like her lol
Person 2: haha you are fucking stupid she is a goddamn rarity.

melodys có nghĩa là

This is a type of girl[or boy, but I going to refer to "Melody" as a girl] who is loud. She is always there for you, but never cares about her own problems. She is the only person who truly understands what you have been through because she has most likely been through it herself. She has a really hard time at home and at school, but not grade-wise [she is crazy smart]. She tries not to curse but doesn't care if you do. She is truly a wonderful person. Be kind, because if you hurt her it will come back at you. DON'T LOOSE HER!!!! Love her!!


Friend: "My dumbass boyfriend dumped me for some other hoe!!!"
Melody: "That's okay, you'll find a better guy!!"

melodys có nghĩa là

She's shy at first, yet will open up as you become friendlier. She may have a dark past and doesn't express her feelings well, so be careful with certain topics. She can be a real softie at times, and a badass at others. She loves making new friends, yet isn't really sociable so she never makes any. She's quite smart, and cool too. She's unique, in more ways than one. Her name is MelodIE not MelodY. That's pretty cool.


"Man, Melodie is quiet, yeah?"
"Yeah, but she's pretty cool as a friend."

melodys có nghĩa là

a shy and quiet girl but the best friend anyone could want. she’s the best advice giver and she can always cheer you up. she’s so pretty and smart but doesn’t believe she’s beautiful on the inside and out. she’s a pure girl which makes her a better friend. she’ll help with drama even if she has some of her own and she’s always down to prank.


girl 1: my best friend is the best person ever
girl 2: yea she’s legit perfect
girl 3: you must be talking about melody

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