Motivation to listen to while running

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1. Listen to something different

It’s easy to beat the voice telling you not to run if you can’t hear it. Music has been shown to have a big impact on performance, so changing up what you listen to can, change how you perform. The trick is to really mix up your style. If you listen to the same songs every run, change them up for today’s top tunes. If you already listen to rocking beats, listen to a podcast or audio book instead – get hooked on one and you’ll be looking for excuses to head out for your run, not to stay on the couch.

2. Track your runs

In the past few years, technology has brought new ways to measure how you run. From heart rate monitors to GPS wrist watches, quantifying our lives has become mainstream – as has quantifying our running. Apps like Strava give you a great place to store where you run, how far, how fast and how high, and can show you local routes and roads you may not know. If you’re looking for a GPS running watch that syncs with Strava, check out our friends over at Polar. If you don’t track your runs already, this can prove to be one of the most effective (and easy) ways to stay motivated when your inner challenger’s shouts to quit get louder. Knowing you’ve only got another 200 meters until the next kilometer mark or wanting to earn kudos from your online followers can spur you on to go that little bit longer. We recommend joining the On Running Club on Strava for even more motivation from the community there.

3. Have a challenge to conquer 

An external challenge can be a powerful motivator to overcome the one that comes from inside, especially when you’re short on time or the weather’s against you. If you already track your running you’ll have a great base to build off to set yourself a personal goal. This could be running a faster time over a certain distance, which you try for once a week, or maybe pushing your longest distance, or elevation, or total runs you do in a month. The point is to have some kind of personal goal to measure each run against, giving you more reason to head out there with purpose.

Jason Fitzgerald is an elite marathon runner who launched The Strength Running Podcast off the back of his unique experience as a once injury-prone runner. Fitzgerald was able to physically reform his body to withstand the rigors of long distance running and shares the extensive knowledge about strength training he acquired during that process on the show. Each episode is technically expansive and extraordinarily beneficial for any partly serious runner looking to improve their strength and avoid injury.

The Strength Running Podcast comes in at number 28 as one of our top running podcasts.

At last! A running podcast for regular folks. Martinus Evans is “a big guy who runs”. That’s how he describes himself on his show, The 300 Pounds and Running Podcast. Differing dramatically in its scope from all the other podcasts on this list, Evans aims his show at inspiring and motivating non-elite athletes to fall in love with running. For those new to running, who are perhaps carrying some extra weight and are hesitant to adopt the sport, Evans has put together a truly inspiring body of work guaranteed to put your running doubts at ease.

The 300 Pounds and Running Podcast: Running Tips | Running Advice | Running Interviews | Running Inspiration | 5k |10k | Half comes in at number 27 as one of our top running podcasts.

The Personal Best podcast is a merger with the old The Runner’s World Show. The second of two shows on this list released by Runner’s World, the show goes beyond just running and features interviews with a myriad of sportspeople and athletes, from yogis to cyclists to the CEO of NIke, and covers all topics high on an athlete’s mind. Having been in the business of producing content about running and sport for more than 50 years, Runner’s World is a trusted source and the Personal Best show backs up its commitment to catering its content for new, intermediate and experienced runners.

Personal Best HIGHER THAN HUMAN RACE comes in at number 26 as one of our top running podcasts.

Steve Magness and Jon Marcus are endurance running athletes and coaches who launched the Magness & Marcus on Coaching podcast to give others an insight into the running coach’s mindset. The show is a blend of interviews with other coaches, reflections about the pair’s own coaching, and episodes offering advice for coaches and athletes alike, from coaching style and methods to the myths on conditioning for team sports.

Magness & Marcus on Coaching comes in at number 25 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

The Run Faster Podcast is a sensational repository of interviews with endurance runners, doctors, high school coaches and more. Hosted by Jay Johnson and now into its fourth year in production, the show covers a wide range of running topics, from exercise science, training tips for all running distances and strength training for runners.

Run Faster Podcast comes in at number 24 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

New or intermediate amateur runners will love The BibRave Podcast. Tim Murphy and his co-hosts are hobbyist runners themselves, which means they don’t overload the show with too much technical running speak or event coverage. Instead, they cover topics that matter to your average runner, from tips for winter running to the power of positive thinking.

The BibRave Podcast comes in at number 23 as one of our top running podcasts.

Real Talk Radio is “the podcast that’s filled with refreshingly honest conversations about the wonderful mess of being human.” Host Nicole Antoinette launched the show back in 2015 and has since released more than 100 episodes with special guests on topics ranging from sex, relationships, creativity, exercise, fitness and weight loss. With a special blend of information and inspiration, this is less a specific running podcast and more a holistic life-development podcast.

Real Talk Radio comes in at number 22 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

There are few people better to learn about running from than Carrie Tollefson. A now-retired Olympian middle distance runner, Tollefson launched the C Tolle Run podcast to break open the world of professional running for regular folk who love the sport and want to learn more about it from the perspectives of the pros. With a bright and friendly hosting style, Tollefson interviews pro runners across all distances and draws insights into what it takes to run with the best.

C Tolle Run comes in at number 21 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Katy Bowman is a biomechanist and author who started her podcast, Katy Says, to help others get the most from their bodies, alleviate their afflictions and improve their health. Covering episodes on the power of sleep, the threats of working long hours without getting enough body movement, and the modern need to take a break from social media, Bowman has recorded hours of insights to help you live a healthier life.

Katy Says comes in at number 20 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

From why you get muscle soreness after running a marathon (and how to relieve it) to expert tips for beginner runners, the Run To The Top Extra Kick podcast is a show that answers listeners’ questions about running. Hosted by the coaches from RunnersConnect, the show is incredibly educational and if you’re new to running (or have been running for a while, but have never received formal coaching or training), it will likely open your mind to a new and powerful world of running insights.

Run To The Top Extra Kick comes in at number 19 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

The House of Run podcast is for the serious running enthusiast. If you love running for exercise but aren’t interested in following the sport, this won’t be for you. But if you are a passionate follower of endurance running, hosts Jason Halpin and Kevin Sully will take care of you. Covering the international news and races from a US perspective, this highly rated show is the perfect blend of entertainment and sport.

House of Run comes in at number 18 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

“Welcome to being Bulletproof, the State of High Performance where you take control and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind.” That’s a bold statement, but one Dave Asprey, host of BulletProof Radio, is committed to living up to. The tech entrepreneur has spent years investigating and experimenting with hacks to improve his body and mind, and their output, and has condensed his learnings into more than 300 podcast episodes. From the power of not focussing to the science behind a healthy gut, this is not really a running podcast but we’re willing to bet if you found this list you’re the type of person who would find BulletProof Radio as mind blowing as we did.

BulletProof Radio comes in at number 17 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Shawn Stevenson is an author and nutritionist whose podcasting plight is to help others get fit, get healthy, and stay there. His podcast, The Model Health Show is an inspiring source of the knowledge and experience he’s acquired over his years studying and practicing real-world nutrition. Breaking down everything from weight loss, diet, sex, exercise, and sleep problems, this show won’t teach you how to run, but it will prepare your body to run a whole lot better.

The Model Health Show comes in at number 16 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

If you’re looking for a motivational running podcast to keep you inspired on the track, go no further than Diz Runs Radio: Running, Life, & Everything In Between. Host Denny Krahe is a dynamic, engaging host and has released hundreds of episodes of educational and motivating content, from interviews with runners and coaches to advice instalments to help you get the most out of the miles you run.

Diz Runs Radio: Running, Life, & Everything In Between comes in at number 15 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

What you’ll quickly notice after listening to a few episodes of the Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss and Performance podcast is how open, honest and transparent Greenfield is with the information and advice he provides. Formally qualified with a master’s degree in exercise science and biomechanics, Greenfield dedicates his podcast to disseminating his mind’s vast treasury of knowledge and experience on the topics of health, fitness and weight loss. While not strictly a running-only podcast, if you’re serious about improving your cardiovascular output and performance, you’ll do very well to start here.

Ben Greenfield Fitness comes in at number 14 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Technically not a running podcast, The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes is a self-help show hosted by former athlete turned bestselling author and entrepreneur, Lewis Howes. Howes has released more than 250 episodes about success, confidence, self-development, money, sex and relationships, encompassing episodes with Tim Ferriss, Novak Djokovic, and Ryan Holiday.

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes comes in at number 13 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

No prizes for guessing what The Fat-Burning Man Podcast is focussed on. More a health and fitness podcast than a running one, the show combines “cutting-edge science and common-sense wisdom” to help you lose weight and stay healthy. Host Abel James has won several awards for this podcasting body of work, which covers topics ranging from food as medicine to weight-lifting for women.

The Fat-Burning Man Podcast comes in at number 12 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

When you learn that Rich Roll was named by Men’s Fitness Magazine as one of the “25 Fittest Men in the World”, you know you’re in good listening hands with the Rich Roll Podcast. The author, ultramarathoner and podcaster launched the show way back in 2013 and has since released more than 300 episodes dedicated to a fitter, healthier life. Interviewing expert guests from all corners of the health and fitness world, what you get from listening to Roll’s podcast is reliable and inspiring accounts of better diet, better exercise and better living.

Rich Roll Podcast comes in at number 11 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

The Trail Runner Nation podcast is a running podcast for runners, by runners. With more than 300 episodes, no topic is left uncovered, from the inspiring (like the episode on how raw effort is more important than talent when trying to achieve a goal) to the motivational (like the episode on how understanding why you run will help you change your behaviors and mindset) to the knowledgeable (like the episode on how you can avoid stomach distress during a long run).

Trail Runner Nation comes in at number 10 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and has committed her career to studying and applying her knowledge on the topics of aging, cancer and nutrition. Her show, FoundMyFitness, is the manifestation of her research and sees her interview other doctors and medical experts on topics ranging from cellular senescence to the controversial, ketogenic diet. While not strictly a running podcast, this highly informative show will arm you with the knowledge required to get the most from your health.

FoundMyFitness comes in at number 9 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

The Running for Real Podcast is the rawest running podcast we came across. Host marathoner Tina Muir does an incredible job of penetrating the human layers of the sport to deliver content rich in emotion. With this show, you won’t just learn about things like the mechanics of running, strength training, and nutrition. You’ll also learn about things like mental health concerns for runners from the likes of three-time Olympian Suzy Hamilton, mental toughness and motivation. If you are a serious runner, this show should be high on your listening list in 2018.

Running for Real Podcast comes in at number 8 as one of our top running podcasts.

The podcast will have ultra and trail runners in a spin. Host Eric Schranz is a wonderfully engaging host and interviewer who is incredibly easy to listen to. With over 400 interviews with runners, coaches, dietitians and other thought leaders in the field of endurance running, you’re guaranteed to enjoy this podcast if you share Schranz’s undying passion for the endless road. comes in at number 7 as one of our top running podcasts.

Hosts of the Marathon Training Academy podcast, Angie and Trevor, have put together an impressive back catalogue of interviews with dozens of world class marathon runners, from 2x Olympian racer, Ryan Hall, to the 85-year old Ed Whitlock, who set a world record with his sub-4-hour race. With so much knowledge trapped in each episode, this show is perfect for both the newcomer with a newfound interest in marathon running and the seasoned racer with an already deep and extensive love and knowledge for the sport.

Marathon Training Academy comes in at number 6 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Ali Feller is a fitness writer and editor who writes for a swag of publications, including Well+Good and Women’s Health. Her podcast, the Ali On The Run Show, sees Feller bring together a long list of phenomenally gifted and inspiring athletes and health professionals to share their stories and advice on becoming a better athlete. From yoga to marathon running, Ali’s show is for anyone looking for a rounded dose of health and fitness inspiration and education.

Ali On The Run Show comes in at number 5 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Billed as your running companion, Ten Junk Miles, is one of the funniest podcast takes on running life you’ll find. Hosted by a collection of regular running enthusiasts who spend all their time away from their full-time jobs running and talking about it, the show launched back in 2016 and drops weekly episodes. Each episode is long (two hours plus), and packed full of lols and interviews to get you through your own endurance training and competition runs.

Ten Junk Miles comes in at number 4 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

Lindsey Hein is one of the most cheerful voices in podcasting. A running tragic and coach who launched her own blog several years ago, Hein launched a podcast in 2016, I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein, to interview other amateur and professional runners about their craft. Guests of Hein’s on the show include two-time marathon-running olympian, Des Linden, and professional ultramarathon runner, Jax Mariash. This show is for anyone who wants a weekly boost of running motivation.

I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein comes in at number 3 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

As you might’ve guessed from its title, the No Meat Athlete podcast is about veganism, vegetarianism, nutrition, and the plights of amateur and professional athletes who live on a no-meat diet. Host Matt Frazier interviews expert guests to traverse topics such as the benefits of cold showering, building muscle on a plant-based diet, and how to stay motivated to cook healthy meals.

No Meat Athlete comes in at number 2 as one of our top running podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.