oak harbor là gì - Nghĩa của từ oak harbor

oak harbor có nghĩa là

1. The crappiest place in northwest washington for people under the age of 50 to chill.
2. The largest dutch pothead community.
3. an island of suck.


guy:DUDE!! wanna go to oak harbor??? its an ISLAND!!
other guy: no.

oak harbor có nghĩa là

The gay; a place where old dutch people suck the fun out of things. little racial diversity i.e. 7 blacks, 30,000 asains, 9,000 whites, 1 mexican, 1 native american; a place that is gay; not a fun place to be.


guy: i live in Oak harbor

other guy: gay?

oak harbor có nghĩa là

Oak Harbor is not the most boring place on earth. The little town of Coupeville, wich is Oak Towns neighbor. Im sure that anyone who has spent more than 15 minutes in Coupeville would be able to relate with me.
Oak Harbor is the secound most boring place on earth. So boring infact, that people have to find things to do, like drive around in fast rice burners, and spray paint on the public highschool. To fully enjoy Oak Harbor, try these things.
1. Stand outside the nearest Mexican restruant, and scream, "viva Mexico!"
2. Buy a cheap Honda, put on a flowmaster, super charge it, and race down Boon Road, against the farmers in their tractors.
3. Go out to city beach at midnight, and bang on light poles untill you get arrested.
4. Sign up for a certain english teacher in the highschool, and prepare for a year of trouble.
5. Jump in the lagoon.
6. have coffee at Angelo's.
7. Go to walmart, buy goldfish, then put them on the DQ grill.


Tyler: Dude, lets go hang out in Oak Harbor.
Seth: My mom said no, because ill probably either get run over by one of the vandersnoots, or arrested, because the cops have nothing better to do than arrest little boys.
Tyler: Lets go to coupeville then.
Seth: No.

oak harbor có nghĩa là

A small city on Whidbey Island. It rains 360 days a year. The rest of the time it is windy and dark. Local entertainment is mainly the local movie theater, which doesn't get mainstream movies until they come out on Betamax or VHS. We're still waiting for Titanic to be released here. Also inhabited by thousands-upon thosands of Asians. The official language of Oak Harbor is either Tagalog or Tagalog.


John: Another beautiful day in Oak Harbor!
Matt: Rain?
John: Yep.

John: Let's find out what's at the movies...
Matt: Wow, finally Purple Rain has came here!

oak harbor có nghĩa là

1. Where retirement homes and a naval base meet, resulting in a place of suck for anybody unlucky enough to be within a 15 mile radius. 2. A place known for its dutch roots but is now being taken over by 50% of the Filipinos in the world. 3. A place where the only thing to pass time is get high or have sex, which explains all the 15 year-old mothers and mental cases walking around.


Dude 1: Hey man, I'm so bored! What do you wanna do? Dude 2: Are you shitting me? We're in Oak Harbor! There's nothing to do! Dude 1: We could go bang my sister. Dude 2: Meh, I'm getting bored of that. Want to go to the bus station? Dude 1: Wha? What's at the bus station? Dude 2: Chronic, what else would be at a bus station? Dude 1: Oh, dude... totally.

oak harbor có nghĩa là

A small city on Whidbey Island in Washington. Mostly inhabitted by asians, despite its dutch roots. there is also a navy base there. It isn't very diverse and has a horrible reputation, mostly for how boring it is, but in reality if you've spent enough time there you find legitamately enjoyable features about it, and it gains a certain charm.


new resident: Oak Harbor is small, too asian, and boring as fuck.
old resident: Oak Harbor isn't that bad and i enjoy living here.

oak harbor có nghĩa là

A highly fascist town in which everyone thinks they are the dankest ass people because theyve tried marijuana once in their lives, also consisting of gay ass people preferably the class of 2011 because all of the girls that hung out with the so called "skater pot head badasses" get group rate discounts on abortions and beg unpopular lowerclassmen to buy them pregnancy tests and they think that theyre so cool becuase most of their parents are bigger fuck ups then them.
Also consisting of about one billion and two asians or filipino folks. And the rest, well theyre white people who act like thugs and travel 82 miles to the nearest mall to buy crap that will be out of style in less than six months. In oak harbor the idea of independance was killed when the dutch settled there.


Bobby: Hey lets go smoke weed with my mom who lives in the Oak Harbor appartments

Naomi: Okay as long as i get first hit.

Dalton: Hey lets go to JC Pennys

Aaron: Are you fucking kidding me? SHUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEDDDDDDDD

oak harbor có nghĩa là

1] A city of about 20,000 where the only thing for the youth to do is to wait and hope that they graduate from high school sane and in one piece, [providing no bomb threats were actually serious, or not actually jumping over the railings of the deception pass bridge] where they would probably just get 5-8 more hours/week from their min. wage job flipping burgers, or bagging groceries which they got while in high school--why most get the hell out as soon they're handed their diploma. 2] A town that looks and acts like it's stuck 20 years behind any city off the island it's stuck on, Whidbey Island, with the exception of the Navy's presence and their CSI style investigative unit.


1] guy: so what's there to do in Oak Harbor? o.h. native: It's Oak Harbor... guy: oh. 2] guy: so how's Oak Harbor? o.h. native: same ole, same ol guy: i'm sorry

oak harbor có nghĩa là

the shittiest place to live ever, except for some kids, who like to dance on street corners to ska!


dude 1: hey man, wanna go do something in oak harbor? dude 2:hell's yeah, lets go...... dude 1: lets go what? dude 2: actually i have no clue, this town sucks ass!

oak harbor có nghĩa là

oak harbor a real shitty town on whidbey island, washington. never ever move 2 oak harbor. it rains 365 days a year never gets abouve 75 in the summer, snow @ thanksgiving not chrismas and febuary. terrible wind storms etc. ghetto ass town. consisting of 14,000 asians 7,000 whites and around 2,000 black ppl. and they're a whole bunch of potheads.


person 1:hey! wut r u doing this summer? person 2:visiting my grandparents in oak harbor. person 1:damn. that sux. person 2:yea.... person 1:well i here u can get pot up there 4 cheap. person 2:yea the only good thing about oakharbor. don't go 2 oak harbor

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