Outlook always on top 2022

If your like me, you have fell victim to hidden Outlook reminders, and the resulting missed or tardy appearances to meetings, then this is a tip for you.

Previously there was no way to ensure Outlook reminders where always on top of other windows. As a result, if you had an open reminder dialogue [due to un-dismissed/snoozed reminder] hidden behind other windows, new reminders would not result in the window being pushed to the front of all other windows. Not so long ago, an option was added to change this behaviour. Now you can ensure that reminders will always be shown on top of other windows making it much harder to miss. Heres how you can enable the feature

Select the File menu:

Select Options:

Select the Advanced tab and scroll down to the Reminders section. There you will find the option you want to select Show reminders on top of other windows:


  1. Damian August 8, 2020 At 3:58 AM

    For me, this is still not good enough. I get tunnel vision and dont notice the reminders. The second I move to a new window, the reminder is hidden again.

    I need a way for these reminders to stay on top of all other windows, and never leave until I dismiss them.

    Do you have any other ideas?

    • Andrew Morpeth August 12, 2020 At 8:48 AM

      Unfortunately this is the best I could come up with. Would love to know if you find something better.

  2. Kyle Miller February 2, 2021 At 6:57 AM

    i have this checked, but it still is hiding behind other windows. I never see it popup as it seems to always be hidden.

    • Andrew Morpeth February 2, 2021 At 2:30 PM

      Im not sure why this wouldnt work for you. I just ticked the box and it worked. Maybe an Office update might help?


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