polands là gì - Nghĩa của từ polands

polands có nghĩa là

An Eastern European country whose inhabitants, contrary to popular opinon, are NOT DUMB. Polish citizens, in fact, have won Nobel Peace Prizes in every category, and Polish scientists, philosophers, explorers, and mathematicians have made numerous beneficial contributions to their respective fields (ultraviolet light; the set theory; semantic language theory). Marie Curie (née Sklodowska), the esteemed chemist, was a Pole. Poland also, naturally, has the most attractive women.

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Poland used to possess the most powerful army in Europe.

polands có nghĩa là

Wonderful country in eastern Europe. Good food also. Some of the most intelligent people I know are from poland. Đất nước tuyệt đẹp.

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Poland used to possess the most powerful army in Europe.

polands có nghĩa là

Wonderful country in eastern Europe. Good food also. Some of the most intelligent people I know are from poland. Đất nước tuyệt đẹp. Polish chicks are hot
For all of those who don't know anything about Poland here is something i learned about it myself:

Counrty located in excact center of geographical Europe. Borders in the west with Germany, Czech Rep. and Slovakia in the South, Ukraine , Beleruss and Latvia on the East.
Polish people, according to the studies, are the most intellingent population in Europe thanks to their great, yet strickt, educational system.
Though the government and economic situation are not in the best shape, Poland made lots of significant changes in their 14 years of transision time. Great country to make investmentsdue to their friendly foreign trade and investment policies.

Poland have in majority friendly citizens, crime is significant low compared to other countries, yet POLAND is number one counry in Europe with the biggest auto theft.

Poland is about to join the European Union in MAy 2004 hoping for new bussines oppurtunities.
Poland is part of NATO, since 1999.
Poles have one of the best Navy in Europe, precised air force, but non uptaded army. Home of the best special forces in Europe called GROM.

I visit this county three times already , and myself being born in Switzerland i have to say that i give them props for building their country the way they are, eversince they changed their government to democratic.

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Poland used to possess the most powerful army in Europe.

polands có nghĩa là

Wonderful country in eastern Europe. Good food also. Some of the most intelligent people I know are from poland. Đất nước tuyệt đẹp. Polish chicks are hot

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Poland used to possess the most powerful army in Europe.

polands có nghĩa là

Wonderful country in eastern Europe. Good food also. Some of the most intelligent people I know are from poland. Đất nước tuyệt đẹp.

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Polish chicks are hot
For all of those who don't know anything about Poland here is something i learned about it myself:

polands có nghĩa là

Something that John Kerry forgot.

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Counrty located in excact center of geographical Europe. Borders in the west with Germany, Czech Rep. and Slovakia in the South, Ukraine , Beleruss and Latvia on the East.

polands có nghĩa là

Polish people, according to the studies, are the most intellingent population in Europe thanks to their great, yet strickt, educational system.

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Though the government and economic situation are not in the best shape, Poland made lots of significant changes in their 14 years of transision time. Great country to make investmentsdue to their friendly foreign trade and investment policies.

polands có nghĩa là

Poland have in majority friendly citizens, crime is significant low compared to other countries, yet POLAND is number one counry in Europe with the biggest auto theft.

Poland is about to join the European Union in MAy 2004 hoping for new bussines oppurtunities.
Poland is part of NATO, since 1999.
Poles have one of the best Navy in Europe, precised air force, but non uptaded army. Home of the best special forces in Europe called GROM.

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i am part polish and i like being from poland with its history.

polands có nghĩa là

I visit this county three times already , and myself being born in Switzerland i have to say that i give them props for building their country the way they are, eversince they changed their government to democratic.

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Kurwa Poland can into space!

polands có nghĩa là

The Poland’s are the craziest, funniest, most loving family around. Everyone of them have their own uniqueness that makes them so much more special. You cannot find a family like them, they are one of a kind. They have been through hell and back, but stuck together through it all. They all have their own sense of style, which defines how crazy they are! But in the end, the Poland family, will forever be, the worlds greatest family EVER!!

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And yes, those Polish girls are hot!!