Preview app for iPhone

How do I install my app preview?

Take a look at this quick guide to help you install your mobile app preview on iPhones and Androids.

You can retrieve your app preview links via the App Updates page on your console. If the page does not display buttons sayingdownload, please pressbuild to kick off the process. Your preview links will usually be with you within 30 minutes.

iPhones [iOS]

First, open up the URL with your app preview on your laptop and scan the QR code using your phone camera. Alternatively, you can open the link directly from your phone. Then, follow the link and press the blue button with your community's name to begin the download. You'll then need to trust Disciple Media as a developer.

To do this, simply:

  • Go to Settings / General / Device Management [sometimes called Profiles & Device Management] / Disciple Media / Click Trust

Android [Samsung, etc]

We also advise that you download an APK Installer from the Google Play Store. You can download any APK installer, but we recommend you using "APK Installer" by Mobile Manager.

Once you have downloaded the APK Installer, follow these steps:

  • Scan the QR code to be taken to the download page
  • On the download page press "install"
  • The APK will then begin to download what you can follow in your notification draw

  • Once downloaded you can open your APK installer and select install APKs
  • When you are there you can then select the thumbnail of the app you want to install and then press "install" in the bottom right hand corner
  • You'll then be able to click "open" to view your mobile app preview

Other Android [Google Pixel, HUAWEI]

1. Download the mobile app preview following the above instructions
2. Once the file is downloaded, navigate to your files app native to your phone
3. Once on files, click on documents and type in the app name until you see the zip file
4. Select the file and hit the three dots in the top right-handcorner to rename it
5. Please remove the .zip part of the file so it should end in .apk
6. Navigate to your APK installer and the file should be there to select, download and open on your device


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