Python facebook API get friends list

API Reference¶

This page contains specific information on the SDKs classes, methods and functions.

class facebook.GraphAPI¶

A client for the Facebook Graph API. The Graph API is made up of the objects or nodes in Facebook (e.g., people, pages, events, photos) and the connections or edges between them (e.g., friends, photo tags, and event RSVPs). This client provides access to those primitive types in a generic way.

You can read more about Facebooks Graph API here.


  • access_token A string that identifies a user, app, or page and can be used by the app to make graph API calls. Read more about access tokens here.
  • timeout - A float describing (in seconds) how long the client will be waiting for a response from Facebooks servers. See more here.
  • version - A string describing the version of Facebooks Graph API to use. The default version is the oldest current version. It is used if the version keyword argument is not provided.
  • proxies - A dict with proxy-settings that Requests should use. See Requests documentation.
  • session - A Requests Session object.
  • app_secret - A string containing the secret key of your app. If both access_token and app_secret are present this will be used to compute an application secret proof that will be sent on every API request.


import facebook graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token="your_token", version="2.12")



Returns the given object from the graph as a dict. A list of supported objects can be found here.


  • id A string that is a unique ID for that particular resource.
  • **args (optional) - keyword args to be passed as query params


# Get the message from a post. post = graph.get_object(id='post_id', fields='message') print(post['message'])
# Retrieve the number of people who say that they are attending or # declining to attend a specific event. event = graph.get_object(id='event_id', fields='attending_count,declined_count') print(event['attending_count']) print(event['declined_count'])
# Retrieve information about a website or page: # # Note that URLs need to be properly encoded with the "quote" function # of urllib (Python 2) or urllib.parse (Python 3). site_info = graph.get_object(id="https%3A//", fields="og_object") print(site_info["og_object"]["description"])


Returns all of the given objects from the graph as a dict. Each given ID maps to an object.


  • ids A list containing IDs for multiple resources.
  • **args (optional) - keyword args to be passed as query params


# Get the time two different posts were created. post_ids = ['post_id_1', 'post_id_2'] posts = graph.get_objects(ids=post_ids, fields="created_time") for post in posts: print(post['created_time'])
# Get the number of people attending or who have declined to attend # two different events. event_ids = ['event_id_1', 'event_id_2'] events = graph.get_objects(ids=event_ids, fields='attending_count,declined_count') for event in events: print(event['declined_count'])


Valid types are: place, placetopic


  • type A string containing a valid type.
  • **args (optional) - keyword args to be passed as query params


# Search for places near 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park, California. places ='place', center='37.4845306,-122.1498183', fields='name,location') # Each given id maps to an object the contains the requested fields. for place in places['data']: print('%s %s' % (place['name'].encode(),place['location'].get('zip')))


Returns all connections for a given object as a dict.


  • id A string that is a unique ID for that particular resource.
  • connection_name - A string that specifies the connection or edge between objects, e.g., feed, friends, groups, likes, posts. If left empty, get_connections will simply return the authenticated users basic information.


# Get the active user's friends. friends = graph.get_connections(id='me', connection_name='friends') # Get the comments from a post. comments = graph.get_connections(id='post_id', connection_name='comments')


Iterates over all pages returned by a get_connections call and yields the individual items.


  • id A string that is a unique ID for that particular resource.
  • connection_name - A string that specifies the connection or edge between objects, e.g., feed, friends, groups, likes, posts.


Writes the given object to the graph, connected to the given parent.


  • parent_object A string that is a unique ID for that particular resource. The parent_object is the parent of a connection or edge. E.g., profile is the parent of a feed, and a post is the parent of a comment.
  • connection_name - A string that specifies the connection or edge between objects, e.g., feed, friends, groups, likes, posts.


# Write 'Hello, world' to the active user's wall. graph.put_object(parent_object='me', connection_name='feed', message='Hello, world') # Add a link and write a message about it. graph.put_object( parent_object="me", connection_name="feed", message="This is a great website. Everyone should visit it.", link="") # Write a comment on a post. graph.put_object(parent_object='post_id', connection_name='comments', message='First!')


Writes the given message as a comment on an object.


  • object_id - A string that is a unique id for a particular resource.
  • message - A string that will be posted as the comment.


graph.put_comment(object_id='post_id', message='Great post...')


Writes a like to the given object.


  • object_id - A string that is a unique id for a particular resource.




Upload an image using multipart/form-data. Returns JSON with the IDs of the photo and its post.


  • image - A file object representing the image to be uploaded.
  • album_path - A path representing where the image should be uploaded. Defaults to /me/photos which creates/uses a custom album for each Facebook application.


# Upload an image with a caption. graph.put_photo(image=open('img.jpg', 'rb'), message='Look at this cool photo!') # Upload a photo to an album. graph.put_photo(image=open("img.jpg", 'rb'), album_path=album_id + "/photos") # Upload a profile photo for a Page. graph.put_photo(image=open("img.jpg", 'rb'), album_path=page_id + "/picture")


Deletes the object with the given ID from the graph.


  • id - A string that is a unique ID for a particular resource.




Returns the permissions granted to the app by the user with the given ID as a set.


  • user_id - A string containing a users unique ID.


# Figure out whether the specified user has granted us the # "public_profile" permission. permissions = graph.get_permissions(user_id=12345) print('public_profile' in permissions)


Returns a Facebook login URL used to request an access token and permissions.


  • app_id - A string containing a Facebook application ID.
  • canvas_url - A string containing the URL where Facebook should redirect after successful authentication.
  • perms - An optional list of requested Facebook permissions.


app_id = "1231241241" canvas_url = "" perms = ["manage_pages","publish_pages"] fb_login_url = graph.get_auth_url(app_id, canvas_url, perms) print(fb_login_url)